Abbildungen der Seite

out of it. These vessels are partly employed in
foreign trade with Russia and the ports on the
Baltic, but chiefly in the coasting trade. The
exports are the manufactures already mentioned,
with coal, lime, and grain of all sorts; and the
imports from foreign parts, timber, bark, hides,
and tallow, flax and flax-seed, hemp, tar, iron,
and coastwise, groceries, and other articles
for home consumption. Fifeshire contains thir-
teen royal boroughs, which still possess par-
liamentary representations: viz. Cupar, St. An-
drews, Inverkeithing, Dunfermline, Burntisland,
Kinghorn, Kirkaldy, Dysart, Pittenweem, An-
struther Wester and Easter, Kilrenny, and
Crail; besides several which have lost that pri-
vilege, from their being unable to bear the ex-
pense of sending a commissioner to the Scottish
parliament; but which yet retain all their other
privileges; such are Auchtermuchty, Strath-
miglo, Newburgh, Falkland, Kilconquhar, Elie,
Earls-ferry, &c. These are joined with burghs
belonging to other counties; Cupar and St.
Andrews, with Dundee, Perth, and Forfar; and
Dunfermline and Inverkeithing, with Stirling,
Culross, and Queensferry. Fifeshire thus sends
three members to parliament, one for the county
and two for its burghs; besides that the latter
have a share in the election of two members


I have dreamed and slept above some fifteen years and more. Shakspeare. Taming of the Shrew.

A fifteenth part of silver incorporate with gold, will not be recovered by any water of separation, except you put a greater quantity of silver to draw up the less. Bacon's Nat. History.

London sends but four burgesses to parliament, although it bear the fifteenth part of the charge of the whole nation in all public taxes and levies. Graunt's Bills of Mortality.

Towards the end of the fifteenth century, and be! ginning of the sixteenth, all the princes of Europe attacked, as if by concert, the power of their nobles.

FIFTH, adj.

Robertson's History of Scotland.

Sax. Fipta. The ordinal
FIFTH LY, adv. of five; the next to the
fourth. Note: all our ordinals are taken ellip-
tically for the part of which they express: as a fifth,
a fifth part; a third, a third part, &c.
Fifthly, living creatures have a more exact figure
than plants.
Bacon's Nat. History.

With smiling aspect you serenely move,
In your fifth orb, and rule the realm of love.


Just as I wished the lots were cast on four,
Myself the fifth.
Pope's Odyssey.
The publick shall have lost four fifths of its annual
income for ever.

FIFTH MONARCHY MEN, a set of fanatical Levellers, who arose in the time of Cromwell, and who supposed the period of the Millenium to be just at hand, when Jesus Christ should descend from heaven, and erect the fifth universal mo

claiming Jesus Christ king at London: but siasts actually proceeded to the length of proOliver soon dispersed them, and put an end to their visionary monarchy. See GREAT Britain. FIFTY, adj.

Sax. Fiftig, fifteozoða. Five FIFTIETH. Stens: the ordinal of fifty. Thanne the Jewis seiden to him thou hast not yet fifti yeer, and hast thou seyen Abraham.

None of these towns are now considerable, Dunfermline excepted, which is a thriving place. See DUNFERMLINE. Packets and ferryboats ply regularly across the Forth from several places in this county; but the great thoroughfares are between Leith and Kinghorn, or Petty-narchy! Acting under this illusion, these enthucur, and between Queensferry and Inverkeithing, or the North Ferry. Vestiges of royal splendor are still visible at St. Andrews, Dunfermline, Falkland, and Kinghorn, and various monastic remains are scattered throughout the county. Among the most remarkable are the ruins of St. Regulus's chapel and tower, at St. Andrews, said to have been built in the fourth century; the cathedral at the same place, founded in 1161; the abbey of Dunfermline, remarkable for its being a royal cemetery, where the remains of Robert Bruce were lately discovered and reinterred with becoming solemnity. To the county also belong the small islands of May and Inchgarvie. There is a great number of elegant seats in the county, of which ten belong to eight peers, and seven to baronets, besides more than seventy to other proprietors. It is divided into sixty-one parochial districts, having one full synod, and four presbytery seats within itself. Fife affords an Irish title of earl to the Duffs of Braco, the descendants of the ancient Thanes of Fife. Cupar is the county town.

FIFE-RAILS, in a ship, are those placed on banisters, on each side of the top of the poop, and so along with hauncers or falls. They reach down to the quarter-deck, and to the stair of the gang-way.

FIFTEEN, adj. Sax. Fyrtyne, fifreoða. FIFTEENTH. Five and ten: fifteenth is the ordinal of fifteen; the fifth after the tenth; containing one part in fifteen.

And Bethanye was besides Jerusalem, as it were fiftene furlongis. Wiclif. Jon xi.

Wiclif. Jon viii. Judas ordained captains over thousands, hundreds, fifties, and tens. 1 Mac. iii. 55. A withered hermit, five-score Winters worn, Might shake off fifty looking in her eye.

Be then desired


Of fifty to disquantity your train;
And the remainders, that shall still depend,
To such men as may besort your age.


If this medium be rarer within the sun's body than at its surface, and rarer there than at the hundredth

part of an inch from its body, and rarer there than at the fiftieth part of an inch from its body, and rarer there than at the orb of Saturn, I see no reason why the increase of density should stop any where.

Newton's Opticks.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

FIG, N. S.



Sax. Fic; Fr. figue; Ital. and Span. figo; Teut. Jeig; Lat. ficus; Heb. D. See

FICUS. The tree which bears figs; the fruit of the ficus. The fig-apple Mor

timer defines in the extract. The fig-gnat is a species of culex. Fig-leaf, the leaf of the ficus, and metaphorically any flimsy, imperfect covering. Fig-marigold, a plant-see the extract. Figwort, a plant also called SCROPHULARIA, which

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Will not wounding the branch of a pear-tree, which is too vigorous, prevent the blossoms from falling off; as from some fig-trees the fruit is said to fall off unless they are wounded by caprification? Darwin.

FIG, or FIG-TREE. See FICUS. Figs are a considerable article in the materia medica, chiefly employed in emollient cataplasms and pectoral decoctions. The best are those which come from Turkey. Many are also brought from the south of France, where they prepare them in the following manner:-The fruit is first dipped in scalding hot lie made of the ashes of the figtree, and then dried in the sun. Hence these figs stick to the hands, and scour them like lixivial salts: and for the the same reason they excite to stool, without griping. They are moderately nutrimental, grateful to the stomach, and easier to digest than any other of the sweet-fruits They have been said to produce lice, when eaten as a common food; but this is entirely without foundation.

FIGHIG, a town and district of Africa, in the country of Sigilmessa, to the south of the greater Atlas and included within the dominions of the emperor of Morocco. A fine woollen cloth is manufactured here; and the place is a considerable rendezvous for the Mecca and Tombuctoo caravans. 240 miles E. S. E. of Mequinez. FIGHT, v. n., v. a. & n. s. Sax. FeohFIGHT'ER, tan; Gothic, FIGHTING, part. adj., & n. s. vigan, figta; Swed. fecta, fegd (war); Teut. fechten; all, as Mr. Thomson thinks, from the Goth. eiga, to contend. To combat in battle; to war; make war; contend in arms; contend generally; taking both with and against before the party opposed: as an active verb, to war against: as

substantives, fight and fighting are battle or combat of any kind; contention: fight is particularly used for a screen of the combatants in ships. The stars in their courses fought against Sisera.

Judges. An host of fighting men went out to war by bands. 2 Chron.

Ye fight with the Chaldeans.


At mortal battails had he ben fiftene,
And foughtin for our feith at Tramesene,
In listis thrys, and alwey slein his fo. Chaucer.
For nothing is more blameful to a knight,
That court'sie doth as well as armes professe,
However strong and fortunate in fight,
Then the reproach of pride or cruelnesse.
Spenser's Faerie Queene.
The poor wren,

The most diminutive of birds, will fight,
The young ones in her nest, against the owl.
Shakspeare. Macbeth.
Fierce fiery warriors fight upon the clouds
In ranks and squadrons, and right form of war.

I will return again into the house, and desire some conduct of the lady: I am no fighter. Id.

Richard, that robbed the lion of his heart, And fought the holy wars in Palestine, By this brave duke came early to his grave. Id. Here might be seen a great difference between men practised to fight, and men accustomed only to spoil. Hayward.

The hot and cold, the dry and humid fight.

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fended with a rage and obstinacy, which nothing but flinger are both names of the contemptible race horror at such a fate could have inspired. of astrologers. Robertson's Sermon.

And when they smiled because he deemed it near, His heart more truly knew that peal too well Which stretched his father on a bloody bier, And roused the vengeance blood alone could quell: He rushed into the field, and, foremost fighting, fell. Byron. FIG'MENT, Lat. figmentum. A fiction; invention; feigned notion.

Upon the like grounds was raised the figment of Briareus, who, dwelling in a city called Hecatonchicia, the fancies of those times assigned him an hundred hands. Browne.

Those assertions are in truth the figments of those idle brains that brought romances into church history. Bishop Lloyd.

It carried rather an appearance of figment and invention, in those that handed down the memory of it, than of truth and reality. Woodward.

FIGUERAS, a town of Catalonia, situated in the middle of a plain near the French frontier. It has a spacious square, with a piazza and wide ill-built streets. In the vicinity is a strong castle erected on an eminence, at an immense cost, in the middle of the eighteenth century. The approaches are all undermined, and every building is bomb proof. This important fortress was delivered over to the French in 1808, but surprised by the insurgent Spaniards in the night of 10th April 1811. The French garrison were made prisoners without firing a shot; but the place being besieged anew was compelled to surrender on 19th August, for want of provisions. Population 4600. Twenty miles north of Gerona, and twenty-five south of Perpignan. FIGURE, n. s., v. a. & v. n.



FIG'URAL, adj.



Fr. figure; It. Span. Port. and Lat. figura à fingo, to make. Form; shape; outline; FIGURATIVE, adj. appearance: FIGURATIVELY, adv. applied intenFIG'URE-CASTER, n. s. sively to reFIG'URE-FLINGER. markable appearance; eminence; numerical characters; representations of the human form; statues; also to the combination of figures in an astrological horoscope; to theological types and representations; and in rhetoric to various modes of speaking which depart from the literal and primitive sense of words. See FIGURE, in rhetoric, below. To figure is to mould; form into shape; represent in any way; to cover, adorn, or diversify with figures; to form figuratively; to express

in numerical or other characters: as a verb neuter to make a figure. Figurable is capable of receiving and retaining forms: figurability, the corresponding substantive: figural, represented by figure or delineation: figurate, of a determinate form, or resembling a determinate form : figuration, determination to, or the act of giving, a particular form: figurative, not literal; meaning something else under the literal terms or representations used; changed by rhetorical figures from the primitive meaning: figuratively is the corresponding adverb. Figure-caster and figure

Who was the figure of him that is to come.

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Men find green clay that is soft as long as it is in the water, so that one may print on it all kinds of figures, and give it what shape one pleases. Boyle.

Here is a strange figure invented against the plain and natural sense of the words; for by praying to bestow, must be understood only praying to pray. Stillingfleet.

How often have we been railed at for understanding words in a figurative sense, which cannot be literally understood without overthrowing the plainest evidence of sense and reason.

The blue German shall the Tigris drink, Ere I, forsaking gratitude and truth,


orget the figure of that godlike youth. Dryden. While fortune favoured while his arms support The cause, and ruled the counsels of the court, I made some figure there; nor was my name Obscure, nor I without my share of fame.

Id. In the principal figures of a picture the painter is to employ the sinews of his art; for in them consists the principal beauty of his work. Id.

Each thought was visible that rolled within, As thro' a crystal glass the figured hours are seen.


Sublime subjects ought to be adorned with the sublimest and with the most figurative expressions.

Id. Juvenal, Preface.

Satyr is a kind of poetry in which human vices are reprehended, partly dramatically, partly simply; but, for the most part, figuratively and occultly. Id. Dedication. Figure-flingers and star-gazers pretend to foretell the fortunes of kingdoms, and have no foresight in what concerns themselves. L'Estrange.

Figures are properly modifications of bodies; for pure space is not any where terminated, nor can be: whether there be or be not body in it, it is uniformly continued. Locke.

They have been taught rhetorick, but never taught language; as if the names of the figures that embellished the discourse of those, who understood the art of speaking, were the very art and skill of speaking Figured and metaphorical expressions do well to illustrate more abstruse and unfamiliar ideas, which the mind is not yet thoroughly accustomed to.




As in accounts cyphers and figures pass for real sums, so in human affairs words pass for things them


South's Sermous.

A good figure, or person, in man or woman, gives credit at first sight to the choice of either. Clarissa.

The emperor appears as a rising sun, and holds a globe in his hand to figure out the earth that is enlightened and actuated by his beams. Addison. Not a woman shall be unexplained that makes a figure either as a maid, a wife, or a widow.

Id. Guardian.

Quacks, figure-flingers, pettifoggers, and republican plotters cannot well live without it. Collier.

This is a figurative expression, where the words are used in a different sense from what they signify in their first ordinary intention. Rogers.

The custom of the apostle is figuratively to transfer to himself, in the first person, what belongs to others. Hammond.

Now marks the course of rolling orbs on high, O'er figured world now travels with his eye. Pope. The figure of a syllogism is the proper disposition of the middle term with the parts of the question. Watts's Logick.

If it be his chief end in it to grow rich, that he may live in figure and indulgence, and be able to retire from business to idleness and hurry, his trade, as to him, loses all its innocency. Law.

I grant you the periods are very well turned: so, a fresh egg is a very good thing; but when thrown at a man in a pillory it does not at all improve his figure, not to mention the irreparable loss of the egg.


SIR ANTH. And it is my wish, while yet I live, to have my boy make some figure in the world. I have resolved, therefore, to fix you at once in a noble independence. Sheridan.

There's one, though tall and stiffer than a pike,
Yet has a sentimental kind of air

Which might go far, but she don't dance with vigour ;

The more's the pity, with her face and figure.


Like the figures on arras, that gloomily glare, Stirred by the breath of the wintry air, So seen by the dying lamp's fitful light, Lifeless, but life-like, and awful to sight.

Id. Siege of Corinth.

FIGURE, in logic, denotes a certain order and disposition of the middle term in any syllogism. Figures are fourfold. 1. When the middle term is the subject of the major proposition, and the predicate of the minor, we have what is called the first figure. 2. When the middle term is the predicate of both the premises, the syllogism is said to be in the second figure. If the middle term is the subject of the two premises, the syllogism is in the third figure. And lastly, by making it the predicate of the major, and subject of the minor, we obtain syllogisms in the fourth figure. Each of these figures has a determinate number of moods, including all the possible ways in which propositions differing in quantity or quality can be combined, according to any disposition of the middle term, in order to arrive at a just conclusion. See LOGIC.


I was charmed with the gracefulness of his figure Fr. file, filace; from Lat. filum, a thread. An and delivery, as well as with his discourses.


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officer of the court of common pleas, so called because he files those writs whereon he makes in their several divisions and counties, and they out process. There are fourteen of those filazers make forth all writs and processes upon original writs, issuing out of chancery, as well real, as personal and mixed, returnable in that court; and in actions merely personal, where the defendants are returned summoned, they make out pones or attachments; which being returned and executed, if the defendant appears not, they make forth a distringas, and so ad infinitum, or until he doth appear; if he be returned nihil, then process of capias infinite, &c. They enter all

appearances and special bails, upon any process made by them: and make the first scire facias on special bails, writs of habeas corpus, distringas nuper vice comitem vel ballivum, and all supersedeas's upon special bail: in real actions, writs of view, of grand and petit cape, of withernam, &c.; also writs of adjournment of a term, in case of public disturbance, &c. An order of court, 14 Jac. I., first limited their proceedings to all matters before appearance, and the prothonotaries to all after. The filazers of the common pleas have been officers of that court before the stat. 10 Hen. VI. c. 4., wherein they are mentioned: and in the king's bench, of later times, there have been filazers who make out process upon original writs returnable in that court, on actions in general. FILAMENT, n. s. Į Fr. filament; Lat. filaFILA'CEOUS, adj. Smenta. A slight or slender thread: filaceous is thread-like, or composed of threads.

They make cables of the bark of lime trees; it is the stalk that maketh the filaceous matter commonly,

and sometimes the down that groweth above.

Bacon's Natural History.

The lungs of consumptives have been consumed, nothing remaining but the ambient membrane, and a number of withered veins and filaments. Harvey.

Men that look no further than their outsides, think health an appurtenance unto life, and quarrel with their constitutions for being sick; but I that have examined the parts of man, and know upon what tender filaments that fabric hangs, do wonder that we are not always so; and, considering the thousand doors that lead to death, to thank my God that we can die Sir T. Browne.

but once.

The ever-rolling orb's impulsive ray On the next threads and filaments does bear, Which form the springy texture of the air; And those still strike the next, 'till to the sight The quick vibration propagates the light.


The dung of horses is nothing but the filaments of the hay, and as such combustible. Arbuthnot.

FILANDERS, in entomology and falconry, are worms as small as thread, and about an inch long, that lie wrapt up in a thin skin or net, near the reins of a hawk, apart from either gut or gorge. The malady is known by the hawk's poverty; by her ruffling her tail; by straining the fist, or perch, with her pounces; and, lastly, by croaking in the night, when the filanders prick her. The disease proceeds from bad food; and must be remedied early, to prevent its spreading over the whole body, and destroying the bird. These worms must not be killed as others are, for fear of imposthumes from their corruption, being incapable of passing away with the hawk's feces. They must only be stupified, to prevent their being offensive, by giving the hawk a clove of garlic; after which she will feel nothing of them for forty days. The falconer, when he observes the hawk poor and low, should give her a clove of garlic once a month by way of prevention.

FILANDERS, in falconry, are also the name of another disease in hawks, &c., consisting of filaments or strings of blood coagulated; and occasioned by a violent rupture of some vein, by which the blood extravasating, hardens into

these figures, and incommodes the reins, hips, &c.

FILANGIERI (Gætan), one of the few modern Neapolitan writers of eminence, was born in 1752, and destined, as the younger son of a noble family, to the army. He however applied himself in 1774 to the study of the law, and produced a tract, in which he defended a new enactment against the arbitrary decision of a judge. He soon after withdrew from public life, but in 1777 at the advice of his uncle, the archbishop of Naples, entered into the service of the court, and was appointed gentleman of the bed-chamber and an officer in the royal corps of marine volunteers. In 1780 he published the first part of his great work on The Science of Legislation, the whole of which was to be completed in seven books. In the first he proposed to expound the general rules of legislation; in the second, civil and economical laws; in the third, criminal laws; in the fourth, legislation as applied to education and morals; in the fifth, ecclesiastical laws; in the sixth, laws respecting property; and in the seventh, laws relative to paternal authority and domestic economy. Of this work the first four books only appeared during the life of the author. In 1783, having married a lady from Hungary who was governess to one of the princesses, he resigned his employments and resided for some time in the country; but in March, 1787, was appointed to a place in the royal college of finance. He died suddenly while engaged in some extensive plans of improvement in the resources of the state, in July 1788. A part of the fifth book of his Science of Legislation was published in 1791, and attracted great public attention, from the bold and original views, and the liberality of sentiment by which it is characterised. Several editions appeared in Italy, and it was translated into the French, German, English, and Spanish languages.

FILBERT', n. s. A hazel nut. A corruption, as Junius and Skinner think, of 'full beard', from the long beard or husk of this fruit. Dr. Johnson conjectures it may have been originally called after some proper name, like Filbert or Filibert. Mr. Horne Tooke reminds us of the following curious passage in Gower's Amantis on the subject of its etymology:

Upon a grene bough

A seynt of sylke, which she (Phillis) there had,
She knit; and so herself she lad,
That she about her white severe
It did, and henge hirselfe there.
Whereof the goddes were amoved,
And Demophon was reproved,
That of the goddes' providence
Was shape such an evidence
Ever afterwarde ayen the slowe,
That Phillis in the same throwe
Was shape into a nutte tree,
That all men it might see :
And after Phillis Philberd
This tree was cleped in the yerd:
And yet, for Demophon to shame,
Unto this day it beareth the name.

Gower. Confess. Amantis.

In August comes fruit of all sorts; as plums, pears, apricots, barberries, filberts, muskmelons, monkshoods of all colors. Bacon's Essays.

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