Prospero. To have no screen between this part he played And him he played it for, he needs will be Miranda. O the heavens... Prospero. Mark his condition, and th'event, then tell me, If this might be a brother. I should sin Now the condition.... To think but nobly of my grandmother, Prospero. This King of Naples, being an enemy To me inveterate, hearkens my brother's suit, Which was, that he in lieu o'th' premises Miranda [her tears falling again]. Alack, for pity: I not remembring how I cried out then Will cry it o'er again: it is a hint That wrings mine eyes to't. Prospero. Hear a little further And then I'll bring thee to the present business My tale provokes that question... Dear, they durst not, So dear the love my people bore me: nor set A mark so bloody on the business; but With colours fairer painted their foul ends.... [he falters and proceeds swiftly In few, they hurried us aboard a bark, Bore us some leagues to sea, where they prepared Nor tackle, sail, nor mast, the very rats Did us but loving wrong. Miranda. Was I then to you! Prospero. Alack, what trouble O, a cherubin Thou wast that did preserve me; thou didst smile, Infused with a fortitude from heaven †When I have decked the sea with drops full salt, Under my burden groaned which raised in me An undergoing stomach, to bear up Against what should ensue. Miranda. How came we ashore? Prospero. By Providence divine.... Some food we had, and some fresh water, that A noble Neapolitan, Gonzalo, Out of his charity, who being then appointed Rich garments, linens, stuffs, and necessaries, Knowing I loved my books, he furnished me From mine own library with volumes, that I prize above my dukedom. Miranda. But ever see that man. Prospero. Would I might Now I arise, Sit still, and hear the last of our sea-sorrow... [he resumes his mantle Here in this island we arrived, and here Miranda. Heaven thank you for't....[she kisses him] For still 'tis beating in my mind your reason For raising this sea-storm? Prospero. Know thus far forth. If now I court not, but omit, my fortunes He traces a magic circle on the grass. Come away, servant, come; I am ready now, ARIEL appears aloft. Ariel. All hail, great master, grave sir, hail: I come To answer thy best pleasure; be't to fly, To swim, to dive into the ride On the curled clouds... [alighting and bowing] to thy strong bidding, task Ariel, and all his quality. Hast thou, spirit, Performed to point the tempest that I bade thee? I boarded the king's ship: now on the beak, Prospero. My brave spirit, Who was so firm, so constant, that this coil Ariel. Not a soul But felt a fever of the mad, and played Plunged in the foaming brine, and quit the vessel; is empty, And all the devils are here.' Why, that's my spirit: Prospero. But was not this nigh shore? Close by, my master. Prospero [anxious]. But are they, Ariel, safe? On their sustaining garments not a blemish, His arms in this sad knot. Prospero. Of the king's ship, The mariners, say, how thou hast disposed, Ariel. Safely in harbour Is the king's ship, in the deep nook, where once Who, with a charm joined to their suffred labour, Supposing that they saw the king's ship wracked, And his great person perish. Prospero. Ariel, thy charge Exactly is performed; but there's more work: What is the time o'th' day? Ariel. [mimics Past the mid season. Prospero [glancing at the sun]. At least two glasses... The time 'twixt six and now, Must by us both be spent most preciously. |