Abbildungen der Seite
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Motion made, and Question proposed, That Sir JOHN MARRIOTT do take the Chair (Sir Henry Craik). Carried, on a show of hands.

Resolved. That the Committee do meet on Tuesdays from 11 to 1, and on Wednesdays from 2 to 4.

The question of the sub-division of the Committee was considered, but it was decided to postpone a decision for the present. Adjourned till Wednesday, 26th March, at 2 p.m.

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The Board of Trade Estimates were considered, and the Vote for the Shipping Liquidation Department was examined.

The following witnesses were examined :


Mr. H. A. PAYNE, C.B., Second Secretary Board of Trade; Mr. H. MEADTAYLOR, Assistant Secretary (Finance), and Mr. S. H. HUGHES, C.B.E., of the Shipping Liquidation Department.

[Adjourned to Tuesday next, at 11 a.m.

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The Board of Trade Estimates were further considered, and the Vote of the Enemy Debt Department was examined.

Mr. E. S. GREY, C.B., Controller of the Department, was heard in evidence.

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Mr. H. H. PAYNE and Mr. E. S. GREY were further examined.

Mr. C.

HIPWOOD, C.B., Principal Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, was examined.

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The Board of Trade Vote was further considered, and Mr. C. S. HIPWOOD, Mr. H. A. PAYNE and Mr. H. MEAD-TAYLOR were further examined.

Mr. S. W. CLARK was examiner.

The Committee deliberated.

Motion made, and Question, That the Committee do sit on Tuesdays from 11.30 to 1 (Mr. Samuel) put and agreed to on a show of hands.

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The Board of Trade Estimates were further considered, and Mr. H. A. PAYNE, Mr. MEAD-TAYLOR and Mr. C. HIPWOOD were further examined.

[Adjourned till Tuesday next, at 11.30 a.m.

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The Board of Trade Estimates were further considered.

Mr. W. H. ROBINSON, C.B.E., of the Foreign Office, was examined on the Mixed Arbitral Tribunal. Sir WILLIAM CLARK, K.C.S.I., C.M.G., Comptroller-General of the Department of Overseas Trade, was also examined.

[Adjourned till Thursday, May 1st, at 11.30 a.m.

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The Estimates for the Department of Overseas Trade were further considered, and Sir WILLIAM CLARK was further examined.

Mr. H. W. MALKIN, C.B., C.M.G., Assistant to the Legal Adviser to the Foreign Office, was examined on the working of the Miners' Arbitral Tribunals, and Mr. W. H. ROBINSON was further examined.

[Adjourned till Tuesday next, at 11.30 a.m.

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The Board of Trade Estimates were further considered. Sir C. HURST, K.C.B., K.C., Legal Adviser to the Foreign Office, was examined. Mr. MEAD-TAYLOR was further examined.

[Adjourned till Tuesday next, at 11.30 a.m.

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DRAFT REPORT, proposed by the CHAIRMAN, brought up, and read the first time as follows:


THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON ESTIMATES have made progress in the matters to them referred, and have agreed to the following FIRST REPORT.

1. Your Committee have made a detailed investigation into the Estimates of the Board of Trade, and have examined Mr. H. A. Payne, C.B., Second Secretary, Mr. H. Mead Taylor, C.B., Assistant Secretary (Finance), Mr. S. H. Hughes, C.B.E., Shipping Liquidation Department, Mr. E. S. Gray, C.B., Controller, Enemy Debts Office, Mr. C. Hipwood, c.B.. Principal Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, and Sir William Clark, K.C.S.I., C.M.G., Controller, Department of Overseas Trade. In addition, Sir Cecil Hurst, K.C.B., K.C., Legal Adviser to the Foreign Office, Mr. H. W. Malkin, C.B., C.M.G., Assistant to the Legal Adviser, and Mr. W. H. Robinson, C.B.E., were examined on the working of the Mixed Arbitral Tribunals.

Board of Trade.

2. The ordinary service for the current year for the General Board of Trade Estimates amounts to £552,000, as compared with £409,000 for the ordinary service in 1913-14. Since 1913-14, however, a number of services have been transferred from the Board of Trade to other Departments. The services which have now been transferred cost in the earlier years an aggregate of £54,034; they include payment of Railway Department Officials, £7,933; Employment Department Officials, £67,776; Trade Correspondence and Commissioners, £12,450; Trade Boards, £13,720, Light Railways Commission, £3,560, and other items. In relation to the increase of expenses for ordinary services the transfer of these services must not be ignored.

3. The War Services accounted for by the Board of Trade amount to £262,000 for the current year as compared with £333,000 for last year. This decrease is mainly accounted for by the Enemy Debts Clearing House, which shows a decrease of £44,000. The Timber Disposal Department has been wound up, and the vote does not recur.


There is a considerable reduction in the Food Department. Reparations Claims Department shows a further reduction of £14,000, and the Power, Transport and Economic Department has disappeared altogether.

4. Your Committee desire to call the attention of the House of Commons to the fact that the Board of Trade-alone among Government Offices-enjoys the services of an Economic Adviser who receives a salary at the rate of £3,000 a year in addition to expenses incurred in connection with his duties as Chief Economic Adviser to the League of Nations. Your Committee understand, however, that the salary of this officer will be reconsidered on the occurrence of a vacancy.

5. You Committee also desire to draw attention to the fact that in connection with the Australian Zinc Concentrates Contract there is an outstanding liability which is, however, limited by the price of 300,000 tons in any one year.

6. In reference to Reparation Dyes (Sub-head P.7) the Board of Trade anticipate having 1,300 tons of dyes for sale in this country during 1924-5. The prices range very widely from 10d. to 64s. a pound. The selling prices are fixed by the Board of Trade with the help of an informal

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