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" John, you know what my sentiments have been. You cannot suspect me of favouring readily any thing of this kind. But take care what you do with respect to that young man, for he is as surely called of God to preach, as you are. Examine what have been the... "
The Eclectic review. vol. 1-New [8th] - Seite 615
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Religious Enthusiasm Considered: In Eight Sermons, Preached Before the ...

George Frederick Nott - 1803 - 534 Seiten " what you do with refpect to that young man ; he is as of* " Juredly called of God to preacb, as you are. Examine what " have been the fruits of his preaching." As this was the great argument by which Mr. W. fupported his own pretenfions, he could make no reply...
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The Life of the Rev. John Wesley, A. M., with Memoirs of the Wesley Family ...

George Bourne - 1807 - 368 Seiten
...him, and replied, " John, you know what my sentiments have been. You cannot suspect me of favouring readily any thing of this kind. But take care what...been the fruits of his preaching : and hear him also yourself." He did so.' His prejudice bowed before the force of truth : and he could only say, " It...
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The life of Thomas Coke

Jonathan Crowther - 1815 - 552 Seiten him, and said, " John, you know what my sentiments have been. You cannot suspect me of favouring readily any thing of this kind. But take care what...what have been the fruits of his preaching : and hear hint! also yourself." This timely and excellent advice he complied with ; and after hearing him, his...
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The Life of Wesley: And the Rise and Progress of Methodism, Band 1

Robert Southey - 1820 - 560 Seiten
...seriously, and said, " John, you know what my sentiments have been; you cannot suspect me of favouring readily any thing of this kind ; but take care what...been the fruits of his preaching, and hear him also yourself." Wesley, like Loyola, was always ready to correct any part of his conduct, or system, as...
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The Life of Wesley: And the Rise and Progress of Methodism, Band 1

Robert Southey - 1820 - 562 Seiten
...seriously, and said, «' John, you know what my sentiments have been; you cannot suspect me of favouring readily any thing of this kind ; but take care what...been the fruits of his preaching, and hear him also yourself." Wesley, like Loyola, was always ready to correct any part of his conduct, or system, as...
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The Methodist Magazine: For the Year ... ; Being a Continuation of ..., Band 31

John Wesley, George Story - 1808 - 662 Seiten
...any thing of this kind. But take care what you do with refpect to that young man, for he is as furely called of God to preach as you are. Examine what have been the fruits of his preaching, and hear him alfo for yourfelf." Thefe were fentiments worthy the daughter of thfi learned, public-fpirited, and...
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The Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine

1839 - 1092 Seiten
...of this kind. But take care what you do with respect to that young man : for he is as surely railed of God to preach as you are. Examine what have been the fruits of his preaching; and hear him also yourself.' He took the advice, and submitted to what he believed to be the order of God." (1'age 91....
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The Life of the Rev. John Wesley, A.M., Fellow of Lincoln College ..., Band 1

Henry Moore - 1826 - 338 Seiten
...him, and replied, " John, you know what my sentiments have been. You cannot suspect me of favouring readily any thing of this kind. But take care what...been the fruits of his preaching, and hear him also yourself." He did so. His prejudice bowed before the force of truth, and he could only say, " It is...
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The Christian Library: The life of the Rev. John Wesley

1826 - 440 Seiten
...sentiments have been. You cannot suspect me of favoring readily any thing of this kind. * Journal. But take care what you do with respect to that young...been the fruits of his preaching, and hear him also yourself." He took this advice, and could not venture to forbid him. TTis defence of himself on this...
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A History of the Most Interesting Events in the Rise and Progress of ...

James Youngs - 1830 - 670 Seiten
...Maxfield," said he, abruptly, "has turned Preacher, I find." She looked attentively at him, and replied, " John, you know what my sentiments have been. You cannot...been the fruits of his preaching, and hear him also yourself." He did so. His prejudices bowed before the force of truth, and he could only say, " It is...
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