A New Explanatory, Astronomical, Commercial, and Generally Useful Almanack for the Year 1840. By J. Rowbotham, F.R.A.S.
Gilbert's Modern Atlas of the Earth. With Descriptive Letter Press. By Henry Ince, M.A.
The Discovery of America by the Northmen in the Tenth Century. By Joshua Toulmin Smith.
The Congregational Calendar and Family Almanac for 1840. Notes on South-American Affairs. By W. B. Boyce.
Socialism, in its Moral Tendencies, compared with Christianity, the Second of Three Lectures on Socialism, delivered at the Baptist Chapel, Leeds. By J. E. Giles.
A Lexicon of the Greek Language, for the Use of Colleges and Schools; containing, 1. A Greek Lexicon ; 2. An English-Greek Lexicon. To which is prefixed A Concise Grammar of the Greek Language. By the Rev. J. A. Giles, LL.D.
Synchronology: being A Treatise on the History, Chronology, and Mythology of the Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Phoenicians, and the Harmony between the Chronology of those Nations and that of the Holy Scriptures. With an Appendix containing Tables of Synchronology, Genealogies, &c. By the Rev. Charles Crosthwaite.
Collins's Cheap Edition. The Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul, by P. Doddridge, D.D. With an Introductory Essay by John Foster. Private Thoughts on Religion. By the Rev. Thomas Adam. With an Introductory Essay by Daniel Wilson, D.D.
British India in its Relation to the Decline of Hindooism and the Progress of Christianity; containing Remarks on the Manners, Customs, and Litera ture of the People; on the effects which Idolatry has produced; on the Support which the British Government has afforded to their Superstitions; on Education and the medium through which it should be given. By the Rev. W. Campbell.
President Edwards on Revivals of Religion, containing also a faithful Narrative of the Surprising Work of God in the Conversion of many hundred Souls in Northampton and the neighbouring Towns and Villages of New Hampshire, in New England. With Notes and Introduction by the Rev. Dr. Patton and Rev. J. A. James.
Narratives of Revivals of Religion in Scotland, Ireland, and Wales.
Memoir of Mrs. Sarah Louisa Taylor; or an Illustration of the Work of the Holy Spirit in Awakening, Renewing, and Sanctifying the Heart. By Lot Jones, A.M., New York. With an Introductory Essay by Nathaniel Paterson, D.D.
Transplanted Flowers: or Memoirs of Mrs. Rumpff and the Duchess De Broglie. With an Appendix. By Robert Baird.
Dodd's Church History of England from the Commencement of the sixteenth Century to the Revolution in 1688. With Notes, Additions, and a Continuation by the Rev. M. A. Tierney, F.S.A. Vol. I. and II.
A Collection for Junior Classes, consisting of Moral and Religious Pieces in Prose and Verse. By Andrew Veitch
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The Council of Trent: comprising an Account of the Proceedings of that Assembly; and illustrating the Spirit and Tendency of Popery.
Christian Lyrics: Select Poems on New Testament Subjects.
Adams, Rev. T., Exposition of second epistle of Peter, revised by Rev. J. Sherman, 651; origin of the publica- tion, ib.; character and spirit of the author, 652; unsuitability of the work for devotional use, 653; other faults attending it, ib.
Ancient Christianity, 731. Annuals, the, 692; general character
well understood, ib.; Finden's Ta- bleaux, 693; commended, ib.; Heath's Gems of Beauty, ib.; The Railer, 694; Lady at her toilette, ib.; Book of Beau- ty, 695; Love song, ib.; Love and Na- ture, 696; The Keepsake, 697; Let- ters of Lady Rachel Russell, ib.; Lament of the Irish Emigrant, 699; Heath's Picturesque Annual, 700; imprison- ment of James I. of Scotland, 701; the Forget-Me-Not, 702; A vision of Tombs, 703; the Oriental Annual, 704; Friendship's Offering, 704; Little Forget-Me-Not, ib.
Are we Protestants? 168; object in- tended in the review, ib.; conformity with nonconforming principles, 170; Dr. Halley's views on the same sub- ject, ertract, 171; Dr. Wardlaw on the vassalage of a parliamentary church, extract, 172; difficulties aris- ing from trust deeds, 174; property in buildings constitutes an endow- ment, 175; peculiarities of Baptist and Pedobaptist trust deeds, 177; in. consistency of such deeds with the principles of Dissent, 178; depend- ence of Dissent on argument, 179; Reformation viewed by Dissenters as incomplete, 180; an objection to the argument replied to, 181; evil ten- dencies of trust deeds in promoting disunion, 182; difficulty arising from the defection of the Presbyterian churches met, 185; tendency of the proposed improvements on the spread of Christian unity, 186. [Correspond- ence respecting, 482.] Auchterarder Case, the, 214; war of parties at present clearly defined, ib.; singular position of the churches of England and Scotland toward each other, ib.; war of opinions equally singular, 215; present state of the church of Scotland deeply interesting, 216; results of her past claims to independence, ib.; patrons deprived in 1690 of their former rights, 217; representative of the sovereign in the General Assembly, 218; recent evi- VOL. VI.
dences of grasping power, 212; im- pulse given to the church by voluntary associations, ib. ; question of the abo- lition of patronage, 220; veto act, ib.; presentation and collation, 221; con- duct of patrons, ib.; surrender of in- dependence by the church, 222; true character of lay patronage, ib.;_pre- sent state of the question, 224; Cases of Auchterarder and Lethendy, 225; state in which the church is now placed, 226; importance of the question, 227; churches of Scotland and England, created and coerced by statute laws, 229 qualified views of the liberty of the people, 230; occurrence of the Auchterarder Case remarkable, 231; happy state of voluntary churches,
Baptist Union, account of the proceed- ings of the twenty-seventh annual session of, 481.
Bathurst, Rev. R. B., Rules and Exer- cises on the right use of the Latin Subjunctive Mood, 237.
Beche, H. T. De La, Report of the Geology of Cornwall, Devon, and West Somerset, 705; judicious man- agement of the Government Trigono- metrical survey, ib.; distinguished geological character of the author, ib.; analysis of the work, ib., et seq.; its great value, 707.
Bell, R., Lives of the English Poets, see Eminent Literary and Scientific Men.
Brewer, J. S., Court of King James I., by Dr. Godfrey Goodman, 91; sketch of the author, ib., et seq. ; conduct of Laud, ib.; conduct of Cromwell, 92; apostasy of Goodman to popery, 93; character of the memoirs, ib.; account of Queen Elizabeth, 94; doctrine of her popularity, 95; affection of the author for king James, ib.; gunpowder plot, 96; description of Percy and others of the conspirators, ib.; account of Lord Bacon, extract, 99; his letter to the king, 100; epistle from prince Charles, 101; letter from Sir Walter Raleigh to his wife, ib.; character of Mr. Brewer's notes appended to the memoir, 103. British Museum, synopsis of contents of, see London Exhibitions. Brougham, Lord, Historical Sketches of Statesmen who flourished in the time of George III., 104; contents of the volumes miscellaneous and attractive ib.; interest connected with the time 3 F
of George III., ib.; its influence on political morality, extract, ib.; charac- ter of Lord Chatham, extract, 106; Frederic of Prussia, extract, 108; Sir Philip Francis, extract, 109; Horne Tooke, 111; present position of the author, 112; his elevation to the peerage injurious, 113; his im- periousness and impatience of contra- diction, ib.; his exclusion from the cabinet, 114; his present conduct censured, ib.; disappointment as to the ministry, 115; means by which Lord B. may recover his position,
116. Brown, John E., Modern Protestant Church Courts Unmasked, 121, Bri- tish ignorance of American churches, ib.; general character of the Ameri- cans, 122; origin of ecclesiastical judicature, ib.; review of their affairs, 123, et seq.; Methodists, 124; first general conference, 125; reform of its constitution, ib.; their conduct in reference to slavery, 126; official or- gan of the Methodist body, ib.; con- duct of the conference of 1836, 127; present state of the body, ib.; Pres- byterians, 128; origin of the General Assembly, ib.; difficulty in reference to slavery, ib. ; agitation of the sub- ject, 129; results of public societies, 130; division in the body, 131; cha- racter of their journals, ib.; assembly of 1837, 132; present state of the Presbyterian church, 133; Episcopa- lians, 135; property in New York, ib.; divisions among them, ib.; silence on slavery, 136; their increase ac- counted for, 137; disseuting ministers converted to Episcopacy, ib.; influence of prelacy, ib.; American love of liberty, 138; character of religious newspapers, ib.; religious revivals, 139; churches of New York and Philadelphia, ib.; prevalence of world- ly-mindedness, 140; participation of the churches in slavery, ib.; law-suit between litigant parties in the Pres- byterian church, 141; character of the advocate of the old school party,
Brown, Dr. J., Supplementary Notes to the third edition of the Law of Christ respecting civil obedience, 606. Bryce, Dr. J., The Present Position of the Church of Scotland, see Auchte- rarder Case.
Buxton, T. F., The African Slave-trade, 306; past enthusiasm of Englishmen on the subject, ib.; revival of the evil, 307; exemplary candor of the author, ib.; analysis of the volume, ib., et seq.; number of Africans an-
nually sold as slaves, 308; influence of the trade on the depopulation of Africa, extract, 309; sufferings of the slaves on their march, extract, ib.; on board ship, extract, 310; conduct of Britain, 311; British and Foreign Anti-slavery Society, 313; prospect of the entire destruction of slavery, ib.
Carpenter, Dr. L., Apostolical Harmony of the Gospels, 505; neutral ground occupied by the work, ib.; its correct spirit, ib.; importance of such works, ib.; their tendency, 506; analysis of the volume, 508, et seq.; length of our Lord's ministry, ib.; chronology of Matthew and Luke, 509; Greek words modified by the author, 510; advantages derived from reading the gospels together, 511; time of the commencement of our Lord's minis- try, ib.; criticism on the work, 512; omissions, ib.; Matthew's Gospel in Hebrew and Greek, ib.; visit to the sepulchre, 514; character of the book, 515.
Catholic Controversy, present state of, 241; interest of the controversy, ib.; importance of the knowledge of its history, ib.; changes in its character, 242; its character in the sixteenth century, ib.; the Reformation, 243; reign of the Stuarts, ib.; controversy studied by politicians, ib.; exclusion of Catholics from the legislature, 244; recent revival of the controversy, 245; increase of Catholics in England, ib. ; spirit in which the fact should be viewed, ib.; their statistics in Great Britain and Ireland, 246; Catholicism in Europe, 247; number of Catholics in the legislature, 249; spirit of the Catholics, ib.; catholic opinion of the Oxford Tracts, 250; their tendency to popery, ib.; duties of Protestants, 251; introduction of the subject into collegiate education, 252; increased attention to it by the educated classes, ib.; the Catholic Institute, 253; re- marks on 'Spiritual Despotism,' ib. ; essentials to a right study of the controversy, 254; character of Mr. Cramp's book, 255; account of Essays on Romanism, 256; Variations of Popery, ib.; validity of councils, er- tract, 257; reference to Dr. Fletcher's and Mr. Young's works, 260; coun- sel to the friends of the Established Church, ib.
Chillingworth, W., The Religion of Pro-
testants a safe way of Salvation, 607. Christians, the Political Duty of, 314; Political Dissenters, 315; conduct of the Tories in reference to Slavery,
316; importance of discharging all civil duties, 317; necessity of Dis- senters being political, 318; civil duties not to be left to the irreligious, 319; presence of Christians in popular assemblies has prevented much evil, 320; duty of Christians to act well the citizen, 321; necessity for the cultivation of piety, 322; happy re- sults from the performance of Chris- tian duty, 323; necessity for its full discharge, 324.
Clarke, C., John Noakes and Mary Styles, see English Dialects. Cobbin, J., Choral Psalmody for the Church and the Family, 733. Cobbin, Rev. I., Condensed Commen. tary, and Family Exposition of the Holy Bible, 480.
Comparative Philology, 209; import- ance of the study, ib.; character and analysis of Mr. Donaldson's work, 210, et seq.; character of Mr. Win- ning's book, 211; view of the article on Language in Penny Cyclopedia, 212; publication on the study of Com- parative Grammar, 214. Congregational Magazine, May, 1839, see Are we Protestants? Congregational Union, minutes of the ninth annual assembly of, 481. Cramp, J. M., Text Book of Popery,
see Catholic Controversy. Dick, A. C. Esq., Dissertation on Church Polity, 545; division of the advocates of state churches, ib.; cha- racter of their labors, 546; character and analysis of the work, ib. et seq.; absurdity of the argument from the Jewish dispensation, 547; unsatisfac- tory statement of the argument by Mr. Gladstone, 548; common sophism used by Churchmen refuted,'549; ex- pediency only urged by Churchmen, ib. ; influence of establishments on morals and creeds, 550; education, 552; activity of Christians, ib. ; po- litical institutions, 553; expectations of Dissenters, ib.
Donaldson, J. W., see Comparative Philology.
Douglas, James, Esq., on the Philosophy
of the Mind, 49; decline of meta- physical studies, ib. ; evil results of such declension, ib.; happy effects of the study of mental philosophy, 50; disciplines the mind, 51; revival of the study, 52; character of the work and its author, ib.; remarks on the Emotions, 53; analysis of the volume, 54, et seq.; Socrates, ib.; Perception, extract, 57; hostility of Reid to the ideal system, 58; errors of the nomi. nalists, 59; the constructive faculty,
60; reasoning and logic, ib.; direct benefits of logic, ib.; origin of its fallacy, 62; freedom and the will, 63; the author's mistaken view of Ed- wards, 65; deficiencies of natural re- ligion, 67; character of the work, 68.
Douglas, James, Esq., The Revival of Religion, 118.
Drawing room Scrap Book, by L. E. L. and Mary Howitt, 572; L' Envoi, 573; Kate is crazed, ib.; Thomas Clark- son, 574; a city street, 575; character of the Drawing-room Scrap Book, and of the Juvenile Scrap Book, 576. Dunn, H., Principles of Teaching, 237. Edgar, S., Variations of Popery, see Catholic Controversy.
Editor, correspondence with the, 482. Educator, The, 683; contents and wri- ters of the work, ib. ; position occu- pied by the conductors of secular education, ib.; eminent men who have filled the office, 684; importance of elevating the profession in public es- teem, ib.; Mr. Lalor on the present position of school-masters, 685; sugges- tion of Mr. Higginson as to the remedy, 686; prospect of their elevation, 687; character of Mr. Higginson's essay. 688; his suggestions as to the elevation of educators, ib.; Mr. Simpson's essay, 689; his assertion of the claims of edu- cators to emolument, ib.
Eisdell, J. S., Treatise on the Industry of Nations, 346; Burke's fallacy in reference to political economists, ib.; valuable character of Mr. Eisdell's work, 347; analysis, ib. et seq.; manu- facture of cloth, 348; printing rollers and other inventions, 349; currency in England, 351; metallic money unne- cessary, ib.; issue of paper money, 352; division of property, 353; popu- lation, extract, ib.; distribution, 354; rent, extract, 355; corn-laws, 356; pro- fits of stock, 357; wages, ib.; consump- tion, 358; results of luxury, 359; accu- mulation, 360; taxation, ib.; costs of protection, 361; improved mode of taxation, 362; education and public worship, ib.; poor-laws, 363; results of a tax on capital, ib.; commendation of the work, 364.
Eliot, Sir John, see Forster, John. Ellis, Mrs., Juvenile Scrap Book, see Drawing-room Scrap Book. Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of Great Britain, 187; progress and cha- racter of Lardner's Cyclopedia, ib.; character of the work under review, 188; literary biography, ib.; improper treatment of Alfred, 189; want of judgment in the writers, 191; sing
lar view of Shakespear, 192; Shake- spear's improvement of an old play, 194; mode in which plays were acted in the early part of the seventeenth century, 204; miracle plays, extract, 206; pi- rate song, 207; Anecdotes of Skelton, 208; character of Bell's Lives of the British Poets, 209.
Encyclopedia Britannica, Part CVIII., 117; see Registration.
English Dialects, 690; advantages of works of dialects, and of glossaries, ib.; specimen from Exmoor, 691; Ap- pleby school-boy's speech, ib; former works on the subject, ib.; character of the books now published, ib. Englishman's Greek Concordance to the New Testament, see Robson. Exmoor Scolding and Courtship, see English Dialects.
Festus, a Poem, 654; story of the poem, 656; character of the poetry, 657; description of Angela, ib.; Clara, 659; Lucifer preaching, 660; Village feasts, ib.; Address of Festus, 661; promising character of the author, 663. First Annual Report of the Registrar-
General of Births, Deaths, and Mar- riages in England, see Registration. Floreston, or the New Lord of the Manor, 455; sketch of the story, illustrative of England as it should be, ib.; the work commended, 457. Forster, John, Lives of Eminent British Statesmen, 365; British worthies of the seventeenth century, ib.; sketch of Sir John Eliot's history, 366, et seq.; his education and entrance into public life, [367; character of the Stuarts, ib.; Elizabeth, ib.; character of James, 368; state of Europe, 370; Eliot's introduction to the House of Commous, 371; his intrepidity, ib.; his religious character, 372; his po- litical conduct, 373; death of James, 374; character of Charles, 375; con- duct of the Commons, ib.; evil of pur- veyance, 376; Eliot's popularity, 377; his parliamentary eloquence, extract, ib.; committed to the tower, 380; treachery of the king, 385; state of the country, ib.; Eliot's last speech, 386; his principles and character, 388; his portrait taken, and his death, 391.
Froissart, Sir John, Chronicles of Eng- land, France, Spain, &c., Johnes's translation, 515; imaginative element in ruder history accounted for, 516; resemblance between Herodotus and Froissart, 517; both distinguished for honesty and diligence, 518; character of Froissart, 519; an incessant tra- veller, ib., reception of his Chronicles,
521; translations by Berners and Johnes, ib.; battle of Crecy, 522; bat- tle of Otterbourne, 526; tournament of Inglevere, 531; present edition of the work warmly commended, 538. Fry, Alfred A., Report of the Case of the Canadian Prisoners, see Habeas Corpus.
Geography of the Bible, 607.
Gilbert, Mrs., The Convalescent, 607. Gisborne, T. Esq., see Session, review
Gregg, T. D., and Macguire, T., Dis- cussion between, see Catholic Con- versy.
Gutzlaff, C., Journal of Three Voyages along the coast of China, 118. Habeas Corpus, 325; case of the Cana- dian prisoners not generally under- stood, ib.; origin of the Habeas Cor. pus writ, 327; its neglect and viola- tion by Charles I., 328; conduct of Jenkes, extract, 329; main object of the act, 330; its unsatisfactory state, 331; use of the act in the case of the Canadian prisoners, extract, ib.; im- portance of the subject, 334.
Hack, Maria, English Stories of the Olden Time, 118.
Hall, Rev. R, Christianity consistent
with the Love of Freedom, see Chris- tians, the Political Duty of. Hanbury, Benjamin, Historical Memo- rials relating to the Congregationalists, 335; character of the volume, ib.; plan, 357; analysis, 340, et seq.; rise of the Independents, 342; power of the people, 343: views of Hall and others, ib.; extracts from Barrow, 344; history of the Independents, ib.; read- ers for whom adapted, 345; the im- pression it should produce, 346. Hanmer, Sir J., Fra Cipella, and other Poems, 238.
Holland, Dr. H., Medical Notes and Reflections, 733.
Howitt, Mary, see Drawing-room Scrap Book.
Huntingdon, Life and Times of the
Countess of, 609; interest and value of the work, ib.; peculiarities of her times, 610; sketch of her biography, ib. et seq.; birth, 611; introduction of evangelical religion into her family, ib.; Lady Margaret Hastings, 612; con- version of Lady Huntingdon, ib.; con- duct of her husband, extract, 613; her attendance on the Methodists, 614; Letters from the Duchess of Marlbo rough, ib.; rise and progress of Me- thodism, 615, et seq.; John Nelson, extract, 618; violence of the Welsh magistrates, 621; Whitefield and his preaching, extract, 623; infidelity of
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