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Normal College,

(Established in 1876.)

Danville, Indiana.


Spring and Summer Students may select from the following Special Work for Teachers: Two Terms in Psychology, Two Terms in Teachers' Training, One Term in Science of Pedagogy, One Term in Applied Psychology, One Term in Methods for Primary Teachers, including Model_School, Two Terms in Teachers' Reading Circle Work, One Term in Methods in Arithmetic, One Term in Methods in Grammar, One Term in Methods in Reading, Two Terms in Latin, One Term in Physics, Two Terms in Algebra, Two Terms in Rhetoric, One Term in American Literature, One Term in English Literature, Two Terms in Vocal Music for the Public Schools, Two Terms in Drawing, One Term in Elocution, One Term in Physical Culture for the Public Schools. All the above classes in charge of Expert Teachers.

THE COLLEGE IN GENERAL: The above work is especially for teachers, but there are as many more classes for the General Student. There will be classes in all the Common and High-School Branches, and in addition many in Language, Science, Mathematics, Bookkeeping, Shorthand, etc. Write us what you want and we will tell you if we can accommodate you.

Expenses: Tuition $10.00 for the Spring Term of ten weeks: $8.00 for the Summer Term of eight weeks; Board $1.50 per week; Room Rent $0.50 per week. $29.00 will secure Tuition, Board and Room Rent for ten weeks.

COMMERCIAL EDUCATION: The commercial department is progressive. We use the famous Ellis system, not an imitation of it. Everything is learned by actually doing it. This college was the first one in Indiana to introduce Actual Business in its commercial course. This was done in 1878. Our students are mostly from the farm and village. The expense of our course is about one-half that charged in city colleges, and they give no more than we do. You have many advantages here not found in the city. Why waste your money?

ENGLISH GRAMMAR: No other college does so much in this subject. teacher should study grammar with Professor Rigdon next spring and summer. teachers of grammar and literature.

Every Indiana
We have five

MUSIC: The School of Music of the C. N. C. is not surpassed in the West. At the head of the Piano Department is Prof. Edward Ebert-Buchheim, formerly instructor in the celebrated Kullak Academy of Berlin. Miss Louise Hughes, Teacher of Voice, has studied three years in Milan, Italy, under the elder Lamperti, and has sung in concerts in London and New York. Prof. Fred Kollmeyer, Bandmaster, is a teacher and director of many years' experience. He plays first violin in the Symphony Orchestra of Indianapolis. Write for terms and further particulars. LOCATION: Danville is the ideal college town. It is located twenty miles west of Indianapolis on the St. Louis Division of the Big Four R. R. There is not a saloon in the town. CALENDAR: The Spring Term opens April 2, 1901. The Summer Term opens June 11, FREE: Our illustrated catalogue and a copy of "Good Books" FREE.



JONATHAN RIGDON, President, or C. A. HARGRAVE, Sec. and Treas.

28th YEAR.

Where will You Attend School the Coming Term?

Before deciding, send for Catalogue of the
Northern Indiana Normal School




Spring Term will open April 2nd ; Summer Term will open June 10th.

THE IMPROVEMENTS COMMENCED EARLY LAST YEAR, consisting of a new SCIENCE HALL, NEW DORMITORY, enlargement of the LIBRARY, enlargement of COMMERCIAL HALL, etc., are nearly all completed. The school is now well equipped with buildings, laboratories, library, and apparatus, for doing good work in the following

DEPARTMENTS: Preparatory, Teachers, Psychology and Pedagogy, Kindergarten, Penmanship, Scientific, Classic, Higher English, Biology, Geology and Mineralogy, Engineering, Elocution and Oratory, Pharmacy, Medical, Musical, Fine Art, Law, Commercial Phonography and Typewriting, Review.

With the exception of private lessons in Music, one tuition pays for instruction in any or all of these departments.

DURING THE SPRING AND SUMMER TERMS, in addition to the regular classes, in the various departments, the school will offer review work in all of the common and higher branches.

For Indiana students there will be classes using the text books authorized by the State.

It is the purpose of the school to do honest work, such as will merit the continued approval of educators everywhere.

While the attendance is large, yet the classes are so sectioned that the average number in each class does not exceed 40 students.

School is in session the entire Year. New classes are organized, not at the beginning only, but at different periods during the term, so that students may enter at any time and find classes suited to their wants.

Expenses are much less than at any other place offering anything like equal advantages. Tuition $10 per term. Good board and well-furnished room, $1.50 to $1.90 per week.

Catalogue giving full particulars mailed free. Address

H. B. BROWN, President,
or O. P. KINSEY, Vice-President.

CALENDAR: Spring Term will open April 2nd; Summer Term, June 10th; Fall Term, September 3d; First Winter Term, November 12th; Second Winter Term, January 21, 1901.

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There will be a fine gathering of teachers in the Tri-State Normal this spring and sum


Two things especially will attract:

(a) Attractions for those who want to get better license and do better teaching.

(b) Attractions for those who want university work with a view to getting credits in some leading university.


(a) For special preparation for teaching: Everything that can be desired in this line will be given, by the best teachers. I have not space to name all these classes. Let me specially recommend the following: Grammar. Two classes, (a) one for teachers who want a wide range of the subjectsuch as will enable them to make a decided hit either in the schoolroom or in the institute. This means a comprehension not of a grammar, but of grammar. In this class you will have a grammarian for teacher, whose methods are copyrighted, and whose ability both as a scholar and teacher is not excelled. A class by the same teacher, which will be made up of those who have not studied grammar, and those who are not already very fair grammarians. (2) A class in English analysis by the same teacher, using his recently copyrighted methods. (3) Arithmetic, four classes-(a) One beginning with the first of Cook and Cropsey. (b) Another using the same book beginning at percentage and going through. (c) Another class using Ray's higher, beginning at percentage and going through. (d) A teachers' class, using no text book. In this class we enjoy freedom. Here is where you will be surprised. This is my class. For years I have longed to be free from books and answers. It is no longer an experiment. When the answer is before us we can guess it out, but in this class we have to know, not guess. This is delightful. In this class no study outside is required. We come fresh into the class for an hour's tussle and it is the liveliest hour of the twenty-four. The enthusiasm is boundless. In this class I promise you to give a thorough desire to teach the so-called dry subject. I especially invite you to join Professor Bailey's train

ing class for teachers. Every possible perplexity about the teaching of every grade, and every difficulty about government and school organization are discussed by one who has gone through all this work in the public schools from the lower grades up to the superintendent. From letters I have received about this class, from teachers over all the states, I would say that the work done is intensely practical. I ought to speak in detail of geography, history, physiology, reading circle work, drawing, and so on, but I can not. I say again, that everything will be taught that has to do with teaching, and all by experts.

(b) Attractions for those who would take university works: Already high school teachers are arranging to be here as soon as their schools are out. I just got a letter from principal of high school in one of the large towns of ne state, saying, "I'll be with you in June for summer school, and will stay all next year to get classical course finished, with a view to finishing in Chicago university. My superintendent has given me a year's leave of absence."

Physical Attractions.-Our county is covered with fine lakes, about 100 in all. Angola is beautifully shaded and every way clean. (No saloons in the county or town.) Students are admitted into the best homes. I'd say, write early for a home. We shall be crowded, but if you let me know we will find you a good place. Board, furnished room and tuition $2.85 per week. No halls. All are homed in families.

Spring school of 10 weeks opens April 2. Summer school of 10 weeks opens June 11. You can enter any week in the term. Need not wait for beginning of term. We have fine musical, business and law schools. Chas. D. Nason, Ph. D., of University of Pa., has general charge of pedagogical department.

Come and we promise the best summer of your life and a most delightful time. Ask for catalogue.

L. M. SNIFF, A. M., President,

Angola, Indiana.



Indiana University

At the November meeting of the Board of Trustees of Indiana University the following resolution was passed:

"WHEREAS, It is desirable that admission and attendance be absolutely free to the people of the state, therefore be it

RESOLVED, That from and after January 1, 1901, all contingent fees be abolished except in the School of Law, provided, however, that this resolution shall not be construed to do away with a reasonable charge for the use of the gymnasiums, library, and equipments and supplies of the laboratories."

A second edition of the Illustrated Announcement of the University was issued November 1. The announcement of the Spring and Summer terms will be issued about February 1.

For catalogues, illustrated announcement, or other publications of the University, address the Registrar, or

JOSEPH SWAIN, President.

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