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From J. C. Perry, proprietor Enterprise Laundry, Indianapolis:

Prof. Heeb-I came from Iola, Kansas, to the Indianapolis Business University for the express purpose of taking a thorough business course and return home. The very day I finished the prescribed course you secured for me a position with a good firm, which promoted me from time to time. Within a year I obtained a practical business education, paid the entire expense of the same, lived a larger life than ever before, and sent surplus money home. Wish I could do as much for you as you did for me, and are doing for the young people of America.




INDIANAPOLIS, IND., March 31, 1900.

Mr. Heeb-I cheerfully recommend the Indianapolis Business University to all who contemplate taking a business education. The University is a first-class institution, and has won its high reputation through the untiring efforts and honesty of its able management. I hold the excellent position which you secured for me, that of bookkeeper and stenographer with the Indianapolis Trade Journal, and desire to express my appreciation of the great benefits I derived from the thorough training received under efficient instructors while attending this institution. Wishing you and the University unbounded success, I remain, sincerely, ELLA M. SMALL.


If you desire to prepare for good paying positions, go to the institution which . . . .


THIS TELLS THE STORY OF SUPERIOR INSTRUCTION. The thoroughness and efficiency of its training, the success of its more than 25,000 students sent out during the half century of its honorable history, and the

Confidence and Patronage of

Business Men and Educators


Indianapolis Business University

prestige and a wide influence which enable it to do more for students than other schools can.
Don't make a mistake in choosing a school. It is a life-long loss. Select the best and
Illustrated Catalogue Free.



President Heeb,

28 to 40 N. Pennsylvania St., Opp. P. O.

[blocks in formation]

By September 4, 1900, the opening of the 28th year of the School.

THE NEW SCIENCE HALL, 60 x 120 feet and three stories high, will be completed and equipped with the latest and most approved apparatus.

THE LIBRARY ROOM now 50 x 60 feet and containing 10,000 volumes, will be made one-third larger and 3,000 of the latest and best reference books will be added.

DORMITORY. More than 100 new rooms for students will be in readiness and a new dining hall will be erected.

THE COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT, now the largest and best equipped in the land, will be greatly improved.

INSTRUCTORS. Four additional instructors will be added to the Faculty.

THE SCHOOL WILL ENTER UPON THE WORK OF THE NEW YEAR WITH LARGELY INCREASED FACILITIES, yet the expense to the student will be no greater than heretofore. The institution is equipped in every way for doing thorough work in the following DEPARTMENTS: Preparatory, Teachers, Psychology and Pedagogy, Kindergarten, Penmanship, Scientifie, Classic, Higher English, Biology, Geology and Mineralogy, Engineering, Elocution and Oratory, Pharmacy, Medical, Fine Art, Law, Commercial, Phonography and Typewriting, Review. Each Department is a School Within Itself, and while there are other departments, yet this is none the less a special training school for teachers, or a special school of Pharmacy, or a special school of Oratory, etc., etc.

TEACHERS AND THOSE PREPARING TO TEACH have here an opportunity of entering a greater variety of classes in professional work than at most special schools, and with reference to the high grade of work done we refer to any educator who is familiar with the school, whether he be a patron of it or not.

VALUE OF CREDITS. The credits received here are accepted at the best universities everywhere. As a result of the many advantages offered, the Institution has grown to be the largest Normal School in the United States and offers, for one tuition, a greater list of subjects from which students may select their work than any other school. While the attendance is large, yet the classes are so sectioned that each student has every advantage of reciting that he could have if the enrollment did not exceed 300.

EXPENSES ARE MUCH LESS HERE THAN AT ANY OTHER SCHOOL offering anything like equal advantages. One tuition, $10 partments, excepting private lessons in music. $1.90 per week. All letters promptly answered.

per term, covers all the work of the different deGood board and well-furnished room, $1.50 to Catalogue mailed free. Address

H. B. BROWN, President, or O. P. KINSEY, Vice-President.


THOMPSON'S LOBO, RAG and VIXEN. 12mo, $0.60 net.


History of the United States.

By WILBUR F. GORDY, Principal of North School, Hartford, Conn. Crown 8vo, 226 illustrations, 37 maps, 478 pages. $1.00, net. THIRD EDITION, revised to date, including chapter on Spanish War, will be furnished to all schools in the fall.

Psychology for Teachers. By C. LLOYD MORGAN, Principal of University College, Bristol, England. With an introduction by HENRY W. JAMESON, Associate Superintendent of Schools, New York. 12mo, $1.00, net.

Herbart and the Herbartians. [The Great Educators.] By CHARLES De. GARMO, Ph. D., President of Swarthmore College. 12mo, $1.00, net.

Horace Mann and the Common School Revival of the United States. [The Great Educators.] By B. A. HINSDALE, Professor in the University of Michigan. 12mo, $1.00, net.

Europe in the Middle Age. By OLIVER J. THATCHER and FERDINAND SCHWILL, Professors of History in the University of Chicago. With 10 Maps. 12mo, $2.00, net. A Short History of Medieval Europe. By PROF. OLIVER J. THATCHER. With Maps. 12mo, $1.25, net.

A History of Modern Europe. By PROF. FERDINAND SCHWILL. With Maps and Genealogical Tables. Crown, 8vo, $1.50, net.

How to Know the Wild Flowers. A Guide to the Names, Haunts and Habits of our Common Wild Flowers. By MRS. WILLIAM STARR DANA. New Edition, Revised and Enlarged. With 152 illustrations by MARION SATTERLEE. 12mo, $1.75, net. How to Know the Ferns. A Guide to the Names, Haunts and Habits of our Common Ferns. By FRANCES T. PARSONS, author of How to Know the Wild Flowers. With 144 illustrations by MARION SATTERLEE and ALICE J. SMITH. Crown 8vo, $1.50 net.

Scribner Series of School Reading.

In Uniform Binding. Each 12m0, 60 cents net.

Fanciful Tales. By FRANK R. STOCKTON. Edited with Notes for use in Schools by JULIA ELIZABETH LANGWORTHY, with an Introduction by MARY E. BURT. 135 pages. Illustrated.

Children's Stories in American Literature. By HENRIETTA CHRISTIAN WRIGHT. First Book, 1660-1860, 249 pages; Second Book, 1860-1896, 277 pages.

The Hoosier School Boy. By EDWARD EGGLESTON. Edition specially arranged by the Author for use as a Reader in Schools, 126 pages. Illustrated.

The Eugene Field Book. Verses, Stories, and Letters for School Reading.

Edited by

MARY E. BURT and MARY B. CABLE. Introduction by GEORGE W. CABLE. 134
pages. Illustrated.

Odysseus, the Hero of Ithaca. By MARY E. BURT. A Translation of the Story of
Odysseus as used in the Schools of Athens and Berlin. 120 pages. Illustrated.
Poems of American Patriotism. Chosen by BRANDER MATHEWS. 285 pages.
Twelve Naval Captains. By MOLLY ELLIOT SEAWELL.
233 pages. Illustrated.
The Cable Story Book. Selections for School Reading. Edited by MARY E. BURT and
LUCY L. CABLE. Illustrated. 12mo, 60 cents, net.


CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, 153-157 Fifth Avenue, New York.

Western Office, 334 Dearborn Street, Chicago.

The Crowell Cabinet


(At less than one-fifth the usual cost).

No additional pieces are necessary for a full high school course.
It has given absolute and universal satisfaction.

It is endorsed by the school authorities of twenty-three States.
The universal verdict is: "IT IS THE BEST THING on
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It is equipped with appliances for water pressure, electricity, gas and compressed air. Every piece is numbered and has a special place in one of the drawers.

The manual accompanying the outfit gives minute instructions for more than five hundred distinct experiments.


Write for large illustrated catalogue and book of testimonials.

Main Office and Factory:

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Indianapolis, Ind.

Eastern Office: Hamilton, N. Y.



on approval to your address WITHOUT A CENT IN ADVANCE.
SEND US YOUR ORDER, state whether you wish lady's or man's
wheel; give color, height of frame and gear wanted and WE WILL SHIP
THE WHEEL C. O. D. on approval, allowing you to uncrate and ex-
amine it fully before you accept it. If it is not all and more than we
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at our Special Agent's sample price of

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SPECIFICATIONS. Frame, 22, 24 or 26 inch; ladies, 22 inch. Best

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tions, flush joints, improved expander device to fasten seat post and
handle bar; Royal Arch crown; the celebrated Mavis hubs and hanger-
the easiest running known; Record "A" tires, the best and one of the
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FREE send a 8816.50 cash in full with order we will
send free a genuine Burdick 10,000 mile barrel pattern cyclo-
meter; or a high grade floor pump. Your money all back if you are not
perfectly satisfied.

CHEAP WHEELS. We do not manufacture the cheap depart

ment store kind of wheels, such as many new concerns and big supply houses advertise and sell as high grade. We can furnish them, however, at 85 to 87 stripped; or 89.75 to 812.50 complete. We do not guarantee nor recommend them. BEFORE ORDERING a bicycle of any one else, no matter who or how cheap, write us and let us tell you how much we can save you on the same machine. tributing catalogues for us a few days. We need one person In each town for this purpose. We have several hundred SECOND HAND WHEELS taken in trade which we will close out at 88 to $10 each; also some shopworn samples and '99 models very cheap. Send for Bargain List. OUR RELIABILITY is unquestioned. We refer to any bank or business house in Chicago, or any express or railroad company. We will send you letters of reference direct from the largest banks in Chicago if you wish it.

If you UNABLE to BUY a wheel we can assist you to EARN A BICYCLE by dis

SEND YOUR ORDER today This low price and these special terms of shipment without deposit will

be withdrawn very soon. Give name of this paper.


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