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Wisely's New Series of Grammars. By J. B. Wisely, A. M., Professor of Grammar and Composition in the Indiana State Normal School.


LANGUAGE FOR THE GRADES, 174 pages, Cloth, Illustrated. Price, 40 Cents.
A NEW ENGLISH GRAMMAR, 227 pages, Cloth. Price, 60 Cents.

LANGUAGE FOR THE GRADES deals with the problem of English as it should be presented in the grades from the time the child enters school to the end of the sixth year. It is based upon the idea that children in the grades need such work in language as will fix in them the habit of using good language.

A NEW ENGLISH GRAMMAR presents material for the seventh and eighth year grades of the common schools. The formal and arbitrary grammar work which pupils everywhere so much dislike, is banished from the class-room and the subject of grammar is made as interesting as history.

STUDIES IN THE SCIENCE OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR, is a book for advanced classes, high schools and academies. This book employs the searching of laboratory method. The problems are set, the material given, and the pupil set to build the material in accordance with the problem proposed. Revised and improved.


By Ellwood W. Kemp, Professor of History in the Indiana State Normal School; 300 pages; handsomely printed and bound; Cloth. Price, $1.00.

This book organizes history and shows how to apply the principles which underlie correct historical instruction.

The work during the first eight years of school life is definitely stated and model lessons given. The whole book is based upon the thought that to study history we must think it; to think it we must feel it, and in thinking it and feeling it we ourselves must be transformed by it. It has been received in the most favorable way by the public.


By Carrie B. Adams; 14 pages; bound in boards, with handsome cover design in four colors. Price, 35 cents. Special terms for introduction and in quantities.

The additional importance now being attached to music as a regular subject in our common schools renders such a book as the above a necessity. Mrs. Adams' experience in teaching the subject of music, and in training others for the work, has given her a practical insight into the needs of both teacher and pupil.

Her book is therefore full of tuneful exercises and pretty songs, all splendidly graded.


Arranged by Herman E. Owen, Supervisor of Music. Published in two sizes, heavy paper, strongly bound. No. 1. For the Grades.... Price, 5 cts. No. 2. For the High School and Academy.. Price, 10 cts. These little note books are prepared so the instruction may have permanent form. The pages are alternately blank and music-ruled. They are already immensely popular and many thousand copies are now in use in Indiana alone. Send stamps for samples.

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From Lawrence MeTurnan, County Superintendent Madison County, Anderson, Ind.

I wish to say this aid to the teacher deserves the highest commendation from the teaches and pupils for whom it was written. It is a great help to me, and, I am sure. will be appreciated by the teachers of the State. Please allow me to congratulate you upon this work.

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Publications of the Inland Publishing Company.


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Price, 60 cents.

This book contains a brief but comprehensive outline of the history of Indiana to the present time, together with a full discussion of the present State Constitution, and the working of the various departments of the State government. The book is published with the hope that a better knowledge of the laws and general plan of government will help our youth to become better citizens.

The Indianapolis Journal: Thornton's Government of Indiana should be in every school, and, indeed in every home and library in the State.

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If the numbers you send are in good condition, we can generally send bound volumes at once. It they are defaced it may require two or three weeks to get them ready.



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Send in your name, and let us mail you a catalogue and full information.

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