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b. How does it reach the cells in the human body? 7. What physical effects of the drinking of alcoholic beverages are attributable to the affinity of alcohol for water?

8. Why do distilled liquors contain a larger proportion of alcohol than fermented liquors?

9. Name three effects upon the system produced by the habitual use of chloral.

1. Bones, like all other tissues of the body, are undergoing a change constantly, old material being withdrawn and new particles taking their place. The process of waste and repair is constantly going on.

2. Its exterior is hard and resisting, but its extremities are broad and porous, while through the central portion there is a cavity filled with


3. It is said that the law of the tissues is the law of atoms, so small are the filaments composing them as to be invisible to the naked eye.

4. By means of perspiration and its evapora


5. (a) They induce curvature of the limbs; (b) curvature of the spine.

6. (a) It is the circulatory fluid by which nutriment is carried to all parts of the body, by two kinds of circulation, arterial and venous.

7. The affinity of alcohol for water takes the water from the tissues, producing an unnatural thirst, hence the great power of this habit over


8. In distilled liquors the process withdraws a large per cent. of the alcohol out of the other liquid, while in fermented liquors it is not so drawn off.

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1. Explain how the sequence method may be used in language work.

2. What is the value of having a story told orally before it is written by the children?

3. How may the nature of the paragraph in composition be taught to children?

4. Of what use is the sequence method in teaching reading?

5. Do you think it advisable to tell the children in outline the subject matter which a reading lesson contains before having them read the lesson? Give reasons for your answer.

6. "Mental action is conditioned by brain action and runs parallel therewith."-James. Explain

what this means.

7. How can that which is read or heard be made permanent possession?

8. What do you consider the great value of manual training?

9. Discuss briefly fear and love as incentives to be used in the school.

10. In what ways does the law of imitation manifest itself in the school?

1. Language is the expression of thought. Thought proceeds orderly and logically. The child may be led to see this order by so-called sequences which become the skeleton or framework for his language. If he sees clearly the progress of his story in thought and action he can clothe it in appropriate words, keeping sequence of time and embellishing it according to his own ideas. He will learn not only the structure of the sentence but the structure of discourse. 2. Telling the story orally before writing it fixes the sequences, differentiates details and essentials, and makes the story so much a part of the child that writing becomes easy and logical.

3. The paragraph belongs to the so-called formal side of discourse. But it is an indication of thought in connected discourse, and in the sequence method its use develops naturally.

4. The author says "sequence is used for teaching reading by the logical method of differentiating a homogeneous whole into its constituent elements." It is an extension of "letter," "word" and "sentence" methods into what might be called the "discourse" method

5. Not after the children can use the text. Reading is interpreting thought and the children should have full opportunity to test their ability in interpretation before any aid is given.

6. Consciousness is always found in connection with neural change.

7. By mastering it in an orderly way and rethinking it frequently enough to fix it.

8. That it gives the best opportunity to make the "give" or expression equal the "take" or impression. In such a capacity it contributes to artistic development, to character, and to knowledge.

9. Fear, as an incentive, leads the pupil to do simply enough to keep within the law and results in repression, arrested development and sullenness. Love stimulates to highest endeavor for others and brings the largest self-activity, the freest development and the most cheerful disposition.

10. In bodily attitudes, in voice, in language, in neatness, in disposition, in every way unconsciously.


(Based on General Field of Reading)

1. What is the difference between a grammatical pause and a rhetorical pause?

2. What hints do you get from the nature of literature as to its proper expression in reading?

3. How can you teach a pupil what to read as well as how to read?

4. What are the main ends in teaching a pupil to read?

5. What tones befit climax, and should they always be the same?

6. Can reading be best taught to classes or to individuals?

7. What advantages and disadvantages in having pupils read a part of every lesson aloud, and thus dispense with an especial reading lesson?

(Based on "How to Teach Reading.")

1. In the following should the voice be kept up, or fall, at each period? Why?

"As a race they have withered from the land. Their arrows are broken, their springs are dried up, their cabins are in the dust. Their council fire has long since gone out on the shore, and their war cry is fast fading to the untrodden West."

2. Should younger pupils attempt the expression of very intense emotion? Why?

3. Point out the "succession of ideas" in the following

"In the country, on every side,

Where far and wide,

Like a leopard's tawny and spotted hide,
Stretches the plain;

To the dry grass and the drier grain

How welcome is the rain!"

4. Indica te the contrasts in the following

"For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory."

5. What quality of voice is appropriate to the following

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2. Only a very general answer is possible. Reading has for its purpose the expression of all the thought, emotion, imagination, that the author has put into his work. Literature, being the finest expression of his finest thoughts in language, would for its proper oral expression require a more carefully trained and responsive voice than any other form of writing.

3. By using only selections of high grade in the reading work and by continually putting examples of fine literature before the pupil in the way of supplementary reading.

4. (1) To give the pupil the ability to rapidly and accurately gather the meaning from discourse; (2) to strengthen and regulate his imagination, refine his emotional nature, develop his thought power and strengthen his will; (3) to give him a taste for good books and some power in discrimination.

5. Climax calls for greater intensity in the expression. This "may result in greater loudness or higher pitch, or, on the other hand, in deeper, more controlled, or more dignified expression."

6. To individuals, since the difficulties in the way of good oral expression will be largely peculiar to the individual.

7. It is not clear that there would be any advantages. Such a plan would take attention away from the real thought of the lesson in geography or physiology, and would largely shut the pupil out from the only avenue he has in the common school of being brought into contact with literature.

(Based on " How to Teach Reading.")

1. The downward inflection would be used at each period, the statements being complete.

2. No. Because it is beyond their comprehension, unless a much simpler emotion than usually finds expression in literature.

3. The succession of ideas determines the inflections to be used in a passage and these in turn indicate to the listener the relation of the e ideas. The main point to be noted in the passage quoted is that the plain does not stretch to the dry grass, the true succession of ideas being indicated by a falling inflection on "plain," and a rising on "grain."

4. The contrasts are indicated by the following scheme: affiction light....

.exceeding weight of for a moment. ... eternal glory. 5. The dark, sombre, covered tone as the expression of sorrow. (P. 94.)

6. "Literary interpretation" means such an analysis of a literary product as will reveal its content and organization.

7. Such an arrangement would secure more expert work, but the tendency on the part of a specialist is to make his work an end in itself. This would be a fault of great weight in considering this problem.


1. What is your favorite book? Why?

2. Main facts in the life of some poet?

3. Literary characteristics of the same poet?

4. Which do you prefer to read, a novel or a drama? Why?

5. Give the main thought of some essay that you have read.

6. Comment on the choice of words in this essay.

7. Tell the main story in some play of Shakespeare's. 8. Comment on one of Lowell's poems.

9. Describe a situation that occurs in one of Hawthorne's romances.

10. Write a paper of not less than 150 words on A Pleasant Outing.

The questions on this subject are, as heretofore, designed to allow the applicant an opportunity to express his own tastes and give evidence of the extent of his reading. No answers are needed.

5. Trace the influence of slavery in the admission of new States to the Union.

6. Name five men prominently connected with the anti-slavery agitation, and state where each lived.

7. What attitude did President Cleveland take regarding the dispute between Great Britain and Venezuela as to boundary lines, and what doctrine was re-enunciated by the President?


Da Gama, because he lived to be GovernorGeneral of the colonies that grew out of his discoveries.

2. England was now coming to the front as a great nation. Her King and Parliament acted together. With a growth of her manufactures came an interest in colonization and commerce. 3. They differed wholly in their form of government. The town of New England was a democracy.

4. The chief point of difference, which includes them all, lies in the fact that in the Federation there was no executive, hence, no power to enforce regulations.

5. The first States admitted, by common consent, were half slave and half free States. When the new States carved out of the acquired territory asked for admission, this order was contended for by the slave States, and out of this contention grew the several compromises on slavery. The Senate of the U. S. was asked to be kept equally divided on the slavery question.

6. William Lloyd Garrison, John Quincy Adams, Arnold Buffums, Nathaniel Appleton, James Swan.

7. That foreign powers had no right to interfere with American nations as set forth in the Monroe Doctrine.


1. Write one page giving an accurate description of the surface of Indiana.

2. Locate cities which have been capitals of Indiana. 3. Represent on paper a township 6 mi. by 6 mi. and divide it into land sections, and number the


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Describe the Nile River.


How do you demonstrate to your pupils that warm air ascends?

6. What are the trade winds? Where do the stormy


westerly winds prevail? Describe the Gulf stream.


What experiments should you perform to show your pupils the conditions favorable to plant growth?

9. Write briefly on the subject, "The Moon and the Tides."

10. What are the important religions of the world?

11. What physical regions are crossed in traveling from Chesapeake Bay to the Ohio River?

1. The surface of Indiana slopes gently to the south and west from an elevation of nearly 1,300 feet in Randolph and Steuben counties to 313 feet at the mouth of the Wabash River. Its slope and general surface are determined by the dip and eroded surface of the underlying sedimentary rocks of the region. The greater portion of the State, five-sixths, is composed of a deep covering of glacial drift spread very smoothly over the surface of the bedded rocks. This gently undulating plain is traversed at intervals by gentle morainic ridges which, to a great extent, guide the courses of the streams of the region. Over a considerable portion of the northeastern part of the State these moraines are so marked as to give the surface a very rough character. This particular region is beautifully diversified by numerous small lakes. Much of the region northwest of the Wabash and west of Tippecanoe rivers is composed of level and sometimes marshy tracts of prairie, most of them the beds of former extensive but shallow lakes. Circling around the southern end of Lake Michigan, ten to fifteen miles from it, is a great ridge or moraine, while a chain of high sand dunes border the shore. Along most of the streams of the drift area are broad valleys with extensive flood and terrace plains bounded by picturesque bluffs. The unglaciated region is much of it very rough, due to the deep trenching of the resistent country rock by streams. (See Indiana Supplement in Frye's Complete Geography.)

2. (a) Vincennes was the seat of government of Indiana territory until 1813. This city, the county seat of Knox, is in the southwestern part of the State on the Wabash River. (b) Corydon, the capital from 1813 to 1825, is the county seat of Harrison, in the extreme southern part of the State. (c) Indianapolis, the capital since 1825, is in the central part of the State.

3. Draw a square containing just 36 smaller squares. This will represent a township divided into sections. Begin at the upper right corner and number the first row consecutively from right to left, the second row from left to right, the third from right to left, and so on until all the sections are numbered.

4. The main system of the Nile, the White Nile, rises in the lake region of middle Africa and flows northward through hundreds of miles of desert country to the Mediterranean Sea. Two tributaries, the Blue Nile and the Atbara, rise in

the highlands of Abyssinia and enter the main system from the east. During the northern summer the equatorial rains cause the tributaries to rise and this volume is added to the more constant supply of the White Nile, thus causing the summer flood of the trunk river in middle and lower Egypt. The sediment carried during this period of overflow makes the rich, productive valleys of the lower Nile.

5. Hold a small piece of paper over a lighted lamp or heated stove. The paper, when free, will be carried upward by the heated air.

6. The trade winds blow between the tropical belts of high pressure towards the equatorial belt of low pressure; from the northeast in the northern hemisphere, and from the southeast in the southern hemisphere. The prevailing or stormy westerlies are outside the tropical belts of high pressure, all across the temperate zones and even into the frigid regions. These winds are strongest in the southern hemisphere.

7. The part of the equatorial drift which passes into the Caribbean Sea circles through it, becoming warmer, enters the Gulf of Mexico, and passes out of it between the end of Florida and Cuba, where it emerges as the Gulf Stream. This current, flowing rapidly at first as a narrow stream, loses velocity as it passes along and becomes broader. For a while it flows near the American coast, then near the latitude of Cape Hatteras it slowly turns to the right and crosses the Atlantic to Europe. Here it divides, some turning southward toward the Equator and some going northward into the Arctic.

8. Use boxes or jars of different kinds of soil, as sand, tough clay, loam, some fertilized and some not, with different quantities of water, different degrees of temperature, with different kinds of plants, and note effect of kind of soil, amounts of water, heat, etc., on each. Also, make observations regarding relations of plants to soil, moisture, temperature, etc., in your neighborhood.


10. Brahmanism, Buddhism, Mohammedanism and Christianity are the important religions of the world.

11. The physical regions crossed in traveling from Chesapeake Bay to the Ohio River are the Atlantic Coastal Plain and the Appalachian Highlands. Frye subdivides the latter into the following, beginning on the east: Piedmont Belt, Blue Ridge, Great Valley, Alleghany Ridge and Alleghany Plateau.

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