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There are two kinds of bond in brick-work, which differ materially from each other, and as the subject is of the highest importance to the bricklayer, we shall lay before our readers some remarks contained in a pamphlet, written on this subject, by Mr. G. Saunders, who has treated it with a degree of attention which its importance requires. Bricks laid lengthways in the direction of the wall are called stretchers, and those laid in an opposite way crossing the direction of the wall, are called headers. Old English bond is a continuation of one kind throughout, in the same course or horizontal layer, and consists of alternate layers of headers and stretchers, the headers serving to bind the wall together, in a longitudinal direction, or lengthways; the stretchers to prevent the wall splitting crossways, or in a transverse direction. Of these two evils, the former is by much the worst kind, and is therefore much dreaded by the bricklayer.'

Mr. Saunders is of opinion, that old English brick-work is the best security against these accidents, as work of this kind, wheresoever it is so much undermined as to cause a fracture, is not subject to either of the above evils, but separates by breaking through the solid brick, just as if the wall were composed of one entire piece. The brick-work of the Romans was of this kind of bond, but the specimens of their work, which remain, are of great thickness, and have three or sometimes more courses of brick laid at certain intervals of the height, stretchers on stretchers, and headers on headers, opposite the return wall, and sometimes at certain distances in the length, forming piers, that bind the wall together in a transverse direction. The intervals between these piers were filled up, and formed pannels of rubble or reticulated work; consequently great substance with strength was economically obtained.

Flemish bond, which is the second kind, consists in placing in the same course alternate headers and stretchers, which disposition, according to our author, is decidedly inferior in every thing but in appearance, and even in this, the difference is so trifling, that few common observers would be struck with any great superiority, that the former possesses over the latter. To obtain this, strength is sacrificed, and bricks of two qualities are fabricated for the purpose; a firm brick often rubbed, and laid in what the workmen term a putty joint, for the exterior, and an inferior brick for the interior substance of the wall. As these did not correspond in thickness, the exterior and interior surface of the wall, would not be otherwise connected together, than by an outside heading brick that was here and there continued of its whole length. But as the work does not admit of this at all times, from the want of agreement in the exterior and interior courses these headers can only be introduced where such a correspondence takes place, which sometimes may not occur for a considerable space. Walls of this kind consist of two faces of four inch work, with very little to connect them together, and, what is still worse, the interior face often consists of brick, little better than rubbish. Notwithstanding this, the practice of Flemish bond has continued from the time of William and Mary, when it was introduced with many other

Dutch fashions; and our workmen are so infatuated with this practice, that there is scarcely an instance to be seen of the old English bond.

To the Flemish bond alone must be attributed the frequent splitting of walls into two thicknesses, and various schemes have been from time to time adopted for the prevention of this formidable defect. Some have laid laths or slips of hoop iron, occasionally, in the horizontal joints between the two courses; others lay diagonal courses of bricks at certain heights from each other; but the good effect of this last practice is much doubted, as in the diagonal course, by their not being continued to the outside, the bricks are much mangled where the strength is wanted. Many other practices are enumerated, to unite complete bond with Flemish facings, but with no better success.

For the walls of cottages and small buildings, the system of working walls hollow is attended with many advantages. Cottages in exposed situations in the country, which are built with a nine inch wall, solid, from the porous nature of the bricks, are damp and uncomfortable; the rain passing from the external to the internal part of the wall. The plan of building walls hollow, as shown in fig. 1, consists in placing a course of alternate headers and stretchers on cage A, and the backing course is like it, leaving an interval between of the width of a half brick; these are then covered with a heading course, B, laid flat, and the system is pursued until the whole height required be attained.

Fig. 2 is a

Fig. 2.

[blocks in formation]

section of the wall, showing the intervals in the same, and describing the construction of it. It will be seen by inspection that these walls possess the desirable qualities of cheapness and durability, as, from the continued dryness of them, the timbers of roofs, &c. which are laid in them, are not so liable to decay; and the saving of bricks will be 1500 in a rod of reduced work; and the quantity of mortar less by a third than in the usual way.

This system may be well applied to garden walls (with piers about ten feet apart), as the walls retain the heat in summer; and, from their being hollow, admit the air, so that they are always dry.

In the old English bond, the outside of the

last course, points out how the next is to be laid, so that the workman cannot easily err. The outside appearance is all that can be urged in favor of Flemish bond, but even in this, Mr. Saunders is of opinion that were the English manner executed with the same attention and neatness that is bestowed on the Flemish, it would be considered as equally handsome. However this may be, it is surely the duty of all who are concerned in this business, to recommend the adoption of the old English bond in preference. For the construction of chimneys, foundations, roofs, windows, &c. see ARCHITECTURE: and for the building of ovens, see OVEN.

BRICKING, among builders, the counterfeiting of a brick wall on plaster. It is done by smearing it over with red ochre, and making the joints with an edged tool; these last are afterwards filled with a fine plaster.

BRICKLAYERS in London are a regular company, which was incorporated in 1568; and consists of a master, two wardens, twenty assistants, and seventy-eight on the livery.

BRICKLAYERS, MATERIALS and TOOLS USED BY. These are bricks, tiles, mortar, nails, and tile-pins. Their tools are a brick-trowel, wherewith to take up mortar; a brick-axe, to cut bricks to the determined shape; a saw, for sawing bricks; a rub-stone, on which to rub them; a square, wherewith to lay the bed or bottom, and face or surface of the brick, to see whether they are at right angles; a level, by which to cut the under sides of bricks to the angles required; a small trannel of iron, wherewith to mark the bricks; a float-stone, with which to rub a moulding of brick to the pattern described; a banker, to cut the bricks on; linepins to lay their rows or courses by; plumbrule, whereby to carry their work upright; level, to conduct it horizontal; square, to set off right angles; ten foot rod, wherewith to take dimensions; jointer, wherewith to run the long joints; rammer, wherewith to beat the foundation; crow and pick-axe, wherewith to dig through walls.

BRICK-LAYING, the art of framing edifices of bricks. This business in London, includes tiling, walling, chimney-work, and paving with bricks and tiles. In the country it also includes the mason's and plasterer's business. Moxon has a treatise on the art of brick-laying; in which he describes the materials, tools, and method of working, used by bricklayers. Great care is to be taken, that bricks be laid joint on joint in the middle of the walls as seldom as may be; and that there be good bond made there, as well as on the outsides. Some bricklayers, in working a brick and half wall, lay the header on one side of the wall perpendicular to the header on the other side, and so all along the whole course; whereas, if the header on one side of the wall were toothed as much as the stretcher on the other side, it would be a stronger toothing, and the joints of the headers of one side would be in the middle of the headers of the course they lie upon of the other side. If bricks be laid in winter, let them be kept as dry as possible, if in summer, it will quit cost to employ boys to wet them, for that they will then unite with the mortar better than if dry, and

will make the work stronger. In large buildings, or where it is thought too much trouble to dip all the bricks separately, water may be thrown on each course after they are laid, as was done at the building of the Physician's College, by order of Dr. Hooke. If bricks are laid in summer, they are to be covered; for if the mortar dries too hastily, it will not bind so firmly to the bricks as when left to dry more gradually. If the bricks be laid in winter, they should also be covered well, to protect them from rain, snow and frost; which last is a mortal enemy to mortar, especially to all such as have been wetted just

before the frost assaults it.

BRICK-MAKING is mostly performed at some small distance from cities and towns; and though some, through ignorance, look upon it as a very mean employment, because laborious, yet the masters about London, and other capital cities, are generally men of substance. See BRICKS.

BRIDE, v. & n.
BRIDAL, n. & adj.


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Goth. brud; Swed. and Dan. brud; Belgic, bruid ; Teut. braut; Ang.-Sax. bryd; Armoric, bried; Welsh, priod; from Goth. reda, bereda; Sax. beredian; Teut. beraten, to betrothe; to solemnise legally. Goth. rad; Teut. heyrath, signified marriage ceremony; and Sax. bryd was applied to any married woman. Tooke, however, is confident that bride is the past participle of the Ang.Sax. bredan, to nourish, to cherish; and that groom is the past participle of the Ang.-Sax. verb gyman, to take care of; to girdle; to guard; to attend. So that, according to him, the bride is any woman nourished, cherished; and the bridegroom is the person by whom the nourished, cherished one is attended, served, protected. Bruder, in Runick, signifies a beautiful woman; and all women at the time of their marriage are deemed by their lovers the fairest of their sex. The eye of love fixes on its bruder, its beauty. To be sure this sometimes goes off: but bride and loveliness are synonymous, perhaps for a


At every bridale, would he sing and hoppe; He loved bet the taverne than the shoppe. For whan there any riding was in Chepe, Out of the shoppe, theder wold he lepe, And til that he had all the sight ysein, And danced wel, he wold not come again. Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Help me mine own love's praises to resound, Ne let the fame of any be envied ; So Orpheus did for his own bride. And let them make great store of bridale posies, And let them eke bring store of other flowers, To deck the bridale bowers. Id. Epithalamium.


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Now until the break of day,

Through this house each fairy stray;

To the best bridebed will we,

Which by us shall blessed be.

As are those dulcet sounds in break of day, That creep into the dreaming bridegroom's ear, And summon him to marriage.

Nay, we must think men are not gods: Nor of them look for such observance always, As fits the bridal.

Round about the bridestake.

With the phantasies of hey-troll,

Troll about the bridal bowl,

And divide the broad bridecake
Round about the bridestake.



Id. Othello.
Ben Jonson.

Sweet day, so cool, so calm, so bright,
The bridal of the earth and sky,
Sweet dews shall weep thy fall to-night;
For thou must die.

The amorous bird of night


Sung spousal, and bid haste the evening star,
On his hill-top to light the bridal lamp.

hospital, the prison, and workhouse; it was founded in 1553 by Edward VI. who gave the place where king John formerly kept his court, and which had been repaired by Henry VIII. to the city of London, with 700 merks of land, bedding, and other furniture. Several youths are sent to the hospital as apprentices to manufacturers, who reside there. Having faithfully served for seven years, they have their freedom, and a donation of £10 each, for carrying on their respective trades.

BRIDEWELL, is also a workhouse for vagrants, strumpets, and other disorderly persons: who are made to work; being maintained with clothing Id. and diet; and when it seems good to their governors, they are sent by passes into their native countries. While they remain in Bridewell they are not only made to work, but, according to their crimes, receive once a fortnight, such a number of stripes as the governor commands. BRIDGE', v. & n. Goth. bro, brigg; Swed. BRIDG'ING. bryggia; Teut. brucke; Sax. brieg: Dan. bre; Russ. brod, borod; Pers. barah; from the verb to bear. A platform or arch over water; strewed, stretched, or sprung. A ridge; what is raised for ornament, protection, or support; the bridge of the nose; the bridge that secures a safe passage; the bridge of a violin.


Your ill-meaning politician lords,
Under pretence of bridal friends and guests,
Appointed to await me thirty spies.
When to my arms thou brought'st thy virgin love,
Fair angels sung our bridal hymn above.

Why, happy bridegroom!



Why dost thou steal so soon away to bed?
In death's dark bowers our bridals we will keep,

And his cold hand

Shall draw the curtain when we go to sleep.


The day approached, when fortune should decide The' important enterprize, and give the bride.


[blocks in formation]

Daughters of Salem, see the Hebrew king
Crowned with the beauteous wreath his mother placed
About his temples on that happy day,
When bridal rites completed all his bliss.
BRI DEWELL, n. s. The palace built by St.
Bride's, or Bridget's well, was turned into a
workhouse. A house of correction.

He would contribute more to reformation than all the workhouses and bridewells in Europe. Spectator. BRIDEWELL, near Fleet-street, is a foundation of a mixed and singular nature, partaking of the

At Trompington, not fer fro Cantebrigge,
Ther goth a brook, and over that a brigge.
Upon the whiche brook ther stont a mille⚫
And this is veray sothe I you telle.

Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.
It was a bridge ybuilt in goodly wize
With curious corbes and pendants graven faire,
And, arched all with porches, did arise,
On stately pillows framed after the Doricke guize.

What need the bridge much broader than the flood?
doth pre-

The raising gently the bridge of the nose, vent the deformity of a saddle nose.

Came to the sea; and over Hellespont Bridging his way, Europe with Asia joined.


And proud Araxes, whom no bridge could bind.

At length on a single bridge, constructed with art and difficulty, of large hogsheads, he [Maximin] transported his army to the opposite bank, rooted up the beautiful vineyards in the neighbourhood of Aquilea, demolished the suburbs, and employed the timber of the buildings in the engines and towers, with which on every side he attacked the city. Gibbon.

I stood in Venice, on the Bridge of Sighs;
A palace and a prison on each hand :

I saw from out the wave her structures rise,
As from the stroke of the enchanter's wand.
Byron's Childe Harolde.
BRIDGE, in architecture, is awork either of stone,
timber, or iron, consisting of one or more arches
built over a river, canal, or the like. See AR-
CHITECTURE, part vi. where the theory of their
construction, and some account of remarkable
bridges is given. Under the article LONDON
BRIDGE, we notice the design and progress of
that stupendous undertaking: and under IRON
BRIDGES (exclusively a British invention) the
history of those structures.

BRIDGE, in gunnery, the two pieces of timber which go between the two transums of a guncarriage, on which the bed rests.

BRIDGEND, a town of South Wales, in Glamorganshire, seated on the Ogmore, which divides it into two parts, connected by a stone bridge. It is seven miles west by north of Cowbridge, twenty from Cardiff, and 181 west from London. It has a considerable market on Saturday for cattle and provisions: with two fairs on 17th November and Holy Thursday.

BRIDGENORTH, a borough and market town of Shropshire, seated on the Severn, which divides it into two parts, united by a handsome stone bridge of six arches, and called the Upper and Lower town. It is said to have been built by Ethelfleda, widow of Ethelred king of the Mercians, about A. D. 675. Robert de Belesme, son of Robert de Montgomery, built the castle, and maintained it against king Henry I., in consequence of which it was forfeited to the crown, and remained so till the reign of Richard III., who gave it to John Sutton lord Dudley. This town has undergone several sieges; and in the civil war suffered much, the whole town being almost destroyed by fire, when Sir Lewis Kirke defended the citadel for the king. There are now no other remains of the castle than a small part of the towers, and a place of that name within its walls, within which also stands one of the churches, dedicated to St. Mary Magdalen, exempted from episcopal jurisdiction. The other church is at the north end of the town, on the highest part of the hill. Near this church-yard stood a college, which was burnt during the civil wars, together with the church, which has been since rebuilt. On the west bank of the river are the remains of a magnificent convent, under which are several remarkable vaults and caverns. Part of the Cow-gate-street is a rock, rising perpendicularly, in which are several houses and tenements that make a very grotesque appearance. In many other places there are also caves and dwellings for families in the rocks; and, indeed, the whole town has a singular appearance. It is well supplied with water, not only by pipes from a plentiful spring, half a mile off, but also from the Severn; it being thrown by a water engine to the top of Castle-hill, whence the houses are supplied. There is a curious walk made from the higher part of the town to the bridge, being a hollow way, hewn twenty feet through the depth of the rock. The town is governed by two bailiffs, elected out of twenty-four aldermen (who must have gone through all the offices of the town), a jury of fourteen, together with forty-eight commoncouncil men, a recorder, town-clerk, &c. The corporation has many ancient privileges, as granted by various charters. It has sent two members to parliament ab origine. The right of election is in the burgesses and freemen, the number of voters being about 700. Here are manufactories of stockings, cloths, fire-arms, iron tools, &c. It has a free-school for the sons of the burgesses, and an hospital for ten poor widows. Its market, on Saturday, is well stocked with all kinds of provisions. Its fairs, on Thursday before Shrove-Sunday, June 30th, August 2nd, and October 29th, for cattle, sheep, butter, cheese,

bacon, &c., are resorted to from most parts of the kingdom; the last of these fairs continues three days. Both the churches are curacies. It is twenty miles west by north of Birmingham, and 139 north-west of London.

BRIDGET, or BRIGIT (St.), a Swedish lady of the fourteenth century, famous for her revelations, and for being the founder of the order of the Brigittines. Some represent her as a queen; but Fabricius, on better grounds, says she was only a princess, and the daughter of king Birgenes, of Upland.



BRIDGETOWN, the capital of Barbadoes, situated in the inmost part of Carlisle Bay, which is capable of containing 500 ships, being four miles in length and three in breadth. This was originally a most unwholesome situation, and was chosen entirely for its convenience for trade; but is now deemed as healthy as any place in the island. Bridgetown is esteemed one of the finest cities in the West India islands, as it contains 1200 houses, built mostly of brick. The wharfs and quays are well defended from the sea, and very convenient. The harbour is secured from the north-east wind, which is the constant trade wind there; and is well defended by numerous forts and castles from all attacks at sea. citadel, which bears the name of St. Anne, cost about 180,000 dollars; on the east side is a small fort mounted with eight pieces of cannon, where are preserved, under the care of a strong guard, the public magazines of ammunition and provision. There are some good inns and houses of refreshment in this city. Its shops and magazines are well stored with all kinds of European productions. The city has a garrison of 1200 men, and is the seat of the governor, the council, the assembly, and the court of chancery. Here is also a post-office, where the foreign mails are made up monthly. The church of St. Michael exceeds many English cathedrals in beauty, largeness, and convenience; and has a fine organ, bells, and clock. Here is a free-school for the instruction of poor boys, an hospital, and a college. The latter was erected by the Society for propagating the Christian Religion, in pursuance of the will of Colonel Christopher Codrington, who left about £2000 a-year for its endowment, for maintaining professors and scholars to study and practise divinity, surgery, and physic. Long. 58° 38′ W., lat. 13° 10' N.

BRIDGETOWN, the capital of Cumberland county, in New-Jersey. It is situated on Cohanzy creek, fifty miles south-east of Philadelphia. The county court is held here quarterly.

BRIDGEWATER, a borough of Somersetshire, ten miles north-east from Taunton, and 139 west from London. It stands on the river Parrat, over which is an iron bridge, connecting the town with the suburb of Eastover. Here the tide rises, at high water, six fathoms; and sometimes the boar, as it is called, flows in with such impetuosity that it rises nearly two fathoms at a time, which often occasions damage to the shipping. This river is navigable to Bridgewater for vessels of 200 tons, and for barges up to Taunton and Langport. The church, which is a handsome and spacious structure, has the loftiest spire in the


county Near it is a free-school of stone; and the town-hall is a large building, over which is a cistern, which, by means of machinery, supplies the inhabitants with water. Bridgewater was first incorporated by king John, who built a castle here, and was one of the first towns seized by the barons under Henry III. It was constituted a distinct county, and had other privileges granted it by Henry VIII., in consequence of which the sheriff of Somerset cannot issue any process here. During the civil war it was first garrisoned by the parliament, but soon taken by the royalists, who kept it till the extinction of their The duke of Monmouth was proclaimed king here, and lodged some time in the castle. The corporation, consists of a mayor, recorder, two aldermen, twenty-four common-council men, a town-clerk, water-bailiff, and two sergeants at mace; and sends two members to parliament, who are chosen by such of the inhabitants as reside in that part called the borough, and pay scot and lot. The revenue of the corporation is estimated at about £5000 per annum. The freemen are free of all the ports of England and Ireland, except those of their respective capitals. The inhabitants carry on an extensive trade to Wales, Ireland, Newfoundland and other parts of America, the West-Indies, and the Mediterranean. Here are held four sessions annually, for trying all crimes not capital; and a court of record every Monday, which takes cognizance of debts; the rules and practice being according to those of the court of common-pleas. The streets are irregular, but wide and well paved. Markets on Thursday and Saturday. Its fairs are 24th July, 2nd October, 27th December, and the first Monday in Lent, when great numbers of horses and horned cattle are sold. The assizes of the county are held here every other year. Bridgewater has a very good coasting trade, and a considerable number of coal vessels.

BRIDLE, v. & n. Goth. bridol, from ride, BRIDLEHAND, and ol, a strap or rein; BRIDLER, bitol, a bit rein; Swed. BRI'DLING. bitul; Teut. brittel; Belg. brydel; Fr. bride; Ital. briglia. A bit with reins for governing a horse. The verb primarily signifies to guide or manage the horse. Metaphorically it is to rein up the head as a horse does when checked by the bridle, and to hold in; to restrain; to moderate; to govern: and the noun is applied generally to signify a restraint, a curb, or check.

And to the hors he goth him, faire and wel, And stripeth of the bridel, right anon. Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. They hied so (they would not abide The bridling her horse to ride), By five, by six, by two, by thre,

There was not one abode with me;

The queene to mete everichone

They went, and bode with me not one.

Chaucer's Dream.

Thus while his stony heart with tender ruth Was toucht, and mighty courage mollifide, Dame Venus' sonne (that teacheth stubborn youth With yron bit, and maketh him abide, Till like a victor on his back he ride) Into his mouth his maystring bridle thew That made him stoupe, till he did him bestride;

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BRIDLE. The origin of the bridle is of the highest antiquity, and has been variously assigned. Pausanias attributes its invention to Minerva; Virgil (Georg. lib. iii. 115.) and Pliny, to the Lapitha Pelethronius. Many of the coins struck in the ancient towns of Thessaly represent a horse, sometimes with a rider, but often running loose with a long rein trailing on the ground, to show that the bridle was the invention of the Thessalians. The first horsemen, not being acquainted with the art of governing horses with bridles, managed them only with a rope or a switch, and the accent of the voice. This was the practice of the Numidians, Getulians, Libyans, and Mas. silians. The Roman youth also learned the art of fighting without bridles, which was an exercise or lesson in the manege; and hence it is, that, on the Trojan column, soldiers are represented riding at full speed without any bridles. The different parts of a modern bridle are, the bit or snaffle; the head-stall, or leathers from the top of the head to the rings of the bit; the fillet, over the fore-head, and under the fore-top; the throatband, which buttons from the head-band under the throat; the reins, or long thongs of leather that come from the rings of the bit, and being cast over the horse's head, the rider holds them in his hand; the nose-band, going through loops of the back of the head-stall, and buckled under the

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