Abbildungen der Seite

Gardiner, A. S. History of the Great Civil War (4 Vols.).


Gardiner, A. S. The War Lords, Gustavus Adolphus. Dutton. 1915.
Gindley, A. History of the Thirty Years' War. 1885.

Gindley, A. History of the Thirty Years' War (2 Vols.). Putnam. 1898. Putnam, Ruth, William the Silent (2 Vols.). 1896.

Schaff, P. The Progress of Religious Freedom. 1889.

Smith, Preserved, The Age of the Reformation. 1920.

Stubbs, W. Europe During the Thirty Years' War, Lectures on European History. 1904.

Thompson, J. M. The Wars of Religion in France. 1909.

Trench, R. C. Gustavus Adolphus in Germany. 1892.

COLONIALISM AND THE EXPANSION OF CHRISTIANITY Bacon, L. W. A History of American Christianity. Scribners. 1901. Bourne, E. G. Spain in America (1450-1585). Harper. 1904. Channing, Edw. History of the United States (Vol. 1). Macmillan. 1907. Channing, E. P. European Background of American History. Harper. 1906. Lowry, Woodberry, The Spanish Settlements Within the Present Limits of the United States. Putnam. 1901.

Mode, P. G. Frontier Spirit of American Christianity. Macmillan. 1923. Parkman, Francis, Pioneers of France in the New World. Little, Brown. 1867. Shea, J. G. A History of the Catholic Church Within the Present Limits of the United States. 1886.

Trumbull, B. A Complete History of Connecticut (2 Vols.).

New Haven, Maltby Goldsmith & Co. 1898.


Bright, W. Early English Church History. Oxford University Press. 1878.
Carey, O. History of Christianity in Japan (2 Vols.). Revell. 1909.
Clough, J. E. Social Christianity. Macmillan. 1914.

Dennis, J. G. Christian Mission and Social Progress (3 Vols.).

Fleming, D. J. Devolution. Revell. 1916.

Hanck, A. Kirchengeschichte Deutschlands (Vol. VI). Leipsic. 1906.

Hughes, Thomas, History of the Society of Jesus in North America (2 Vols.).

Luke, B. The Empire of Christ (India).

Longmans. 1908.

Moore, E. C. The Spread of Christianity in the Modern World.

University of Chicago Press.

Moore, E. C. West and East. Duckworth. 1913.
Parkman, Francis, The Jesuits in North America. Macmillan. 1909.
Pratt, J. B. India and its Faiths. Macmillan.

Richter, J. History of Missions in India. Oliphant Anderson, London. 1908.
Robinson, C. H. The Conversion of Europe. Longmans. 1917.

Robinson, C. H. History of Christian Missions. T. & T. Clark. 1915.


[blocks in formation]

Addams, Jane, opened Social Settle-
ment of Hull House, 420
Admonition, to Parliament, Cartwright
author of, 99

Adolphus, Gustavus, King of Sweden,

averts doom of Protestantism, 40;
killed at battle of Lützen, 40, 129;
part in Thirty Years' War, 178
Adopting Act, 235

Adult Schools, (see) Schools
Adventists, views on evolution, 490
Africa, colonization of, religious expan-
sion, 207; South, Moravian mission-
ary work, 469; in 1800 Christianity
non-existent in, 470; in, and East,
churches dividing, 477

á Lapide, 146

Alexandria, a patriarchate, 125; center
of Hellenic Orthodoxy, 125
Allen, 143

Alôpen, translated Scriptures, into
Chinese, 466

America, effect on Reformation of dis-
covery of, 4; religious liberty.
promoted by migration from Prot-
estant states to, 4, 5; Non-conformist
minorities seek religious liberty in,
194; released from political handi-
caps, 194; idea of religious liberty
grew with migration to-, 195; sepa-
ration of Christian Church and State
in, 195; Jesuit missions foster
French domination of, 200; attempt

of English colonists to civilize In-
dians in Virginia, 200; religious ex-
perimentation in, 205; Seventh Day
Baptists transmitted from England
to, 366; Unitarianism and Unitarian
leaders in, 386; missionary work
started in-by Dominicans and Hu-
guenots, 451

American Student Volunteer Mission-
ary Union, formed, 414
Amoy, mission in China, 245

Amsdorf, Nicholas, personal follower
of Luther, 22

Anabaptism, first fundamental of, 345
Anabaptists, Charles V published proc-
lamations against, 63; Mennonites
present-day outgrowth of, 189; main
tenets, 189; persecuted by Church
and State, 190; Simons espoused
Anabaptist faith, 190; misunder-
standings of, 346; Mennonites de-
scended from Continental, 347; old
practices of, pursued today, 347;
(and see) Baptists and Mennonites
Anabaptists, Moravian, demonstrated
the practicability of communism,
346; rules of industry of, 346
Andreae, John Valentine, his Christian.
activities, 178

Andrew, Bishop James O., letter on
slave holding, 328

Andrews, Lancelot, assisted in prep-
aration of Authorized Version of
English Bible, 102

Andrews, St., Knox joins English party
in, 66

[blocks in formation]

Anne, Queen of England, religion and
politics under, 105, 106
Anskar, made first attempt to introduce
Christianity into Denmark, 443
Antioch, a patriarchate, 125; center of
Hellenic Orthodoxy, 125
Appeals, Act of, passed, 90

Arawaks, missionary work among, 445
Architeles, Zwingli publishes his, 52
Arcot, mission in India, 246
Argentina, part of Spanish Vice-
royalty of Persia, 455

Arianism, in reference to Presbyterian-

ism in England, 78; Calvinism at-
tacked by-and Unitarianism, 295
Arminianism, Adopting Act passed as
protection against, 235; breach be-
tween Calvinistic and Arminian
Methodists, 319

Armstrong, James F., moderator of
General Assembly of Presbyterian
Church, 238

Arndt, John, his "True Christianity",


Arnold, Dr. Thomas, attitude toward
Church and State, 114; his contribu-
tion to Broad churchmanship, 270
Arnold, Matthew, 116
Art, material development of Europe.
results in expansion of, 3, 4; Catho-
licity motive force in, 148, 149
Asbury, Francis, outstanding figure in
American Methodism, 325, 326; or-
dained as superintendent, 326
Asia, Coke started missionary work in,

Assembly, Cromwell suspended-of the
Scottish Kirk, 179

Augsburg, Luther had hearing before
papal legate at, 21; Confession by
Melanchthon, 26; Diet of-delivered
ultimatum on subject of religion, 26,
27; consolidation of the Lutheran
party around-Confession, 34;
Confession adopted as creed of Swed-
ish Church, 36; Danish State Church
accepts, 37; another civil war in Ger-
many results in victory for Protes-
tants and later in Religious Peace of
-, 39; Peace of-not recognized by
the Pope, 39;-Confession in refer-
ence to Lutheran separation from
Roman Catholic Church, 46; Reli-
gious Peace of—, 27, 172; ambiguities
of Peace of, 177; effect of-Con-

fession on conservatism of Lutheran-
ism, 231

Augustine, St. of Hippo, Luther studies
Occam,—and German mystics, 17;
Augustine, St. of Canterbury, his lack
of courage, 439

Augustinian Order, Luther a member.
of, 13; Luther abandons legal career
and joins-at Erfurt, 14; Luther's
life as a member of, 16; John von
Staupitz, vicar of Augustinians, 17;
Luther made district vicar of order,
17; Augustinians, 148

Australia, colonization of, and religious
expansion, 207

Avvakum, protests against Nikon's re-
forms, 130; dies a martyr, 130
Baianism, 148

Baillie, Robert, member of Westminster
Assembly, 73

Ballou, Hosea, one of leaders of Uni-
versalists, 388; his special belief, 388
Baptism, controversy over affusion and
immersion, 349; Thomas Campbell
baptized by immersion, 360; Alex-
ander Campbell on-, 361

Baptist Church, schism in, 349; throve
during English civil war, 350; sepa-
ration of State and Church, 350;
Milton's sympathy with, 351; lack
of laws of procedure of, 373
Baptist, Northern Convention, begin-
ning and activities of, 357, 358
Baptists, (and see) Anabaptists, par-
allelism between Methodists and-,
341; some-established themselves at
Spitalfields, 349; during restoration
of Stuarts-paid heavy toll, 352;
Bunyan immersed in the Ouse, 352;
the effect of the Act of Toleration on,
352; Taylor's part in movement
among-, 353; Fuller's and Hall's
parts among, 353; Carey inaugurated
missionary work among, 353; English
Baptist bodies begin to cohere, 354;
Williams first Baptist to implant
Baptist views in America, 354; Wil-
liams withdrew from the Baptist
company, 355; immersions introduced
in America, 355; Baptist principles
in Nova Scotia, 355; the White-
field revival, 355; struggled for
the separation of Church and State
in America, 356; controversies and
separation of, 362; Scotch and other
-interested in Plymouth Brethren-

Baptists, Continued

ism, 365; various minor divisions of,
367; some Baptists declarations, con-
fessions and faiths, 367; advocacies
of, 369; variety of denominations of,
370; results of total immersions on
other, 370; Baptist movement insisted
on democracy, 371; what the West-
minster Confession has done for,
373; ordination councils, 373; inter-
ested in education, 374; achievements
of the, 375; Fox's leadership and or-
ganization capacity, 378; Fox's mes-
sage, 379

Baptist, Arminian fought against con-
gregational hymn-singing by Cal-
vinistic Baptists, 351


Baptist Calvinistic Society for Propa-
gating the Gospel among
Heathen, 353

Baptists, English, early days and move-
ments of, 347, 348; Smyth and Robin-
son fled from England to Holland,
348; Smith resorted to se-baptism,

Baptists, English Calvinistic, confession
of faith, 368

Baptists, English Seventh Day, in-
augurated, 350; transmitted from
England to America, 366

Baptists, Southern, Judson's rupture
with the, 357; missionary work of
the, 357

Baptist Union of Great Britain, con-
summated, 354

Baptists World Congress, Stockholm

the convening place of third, nation-
alities represented, 344

Barnett, Samuel, Canon, founder of
Toynbee Hall, 418; his social prob-
lem mainly educational, 419, 420
Baronius, 145

Baxter, Richard, a Puritan saint, 101
Beaton, Cardinal, murdered in St.
Andrews, 66

[blocks in formation]

Zurich, 52; Coverdale's-, 88; Eng-
lish-prepared by Rogers and Cran-
mer, 91; first modern-s appear in
Tudor period, 93; James I Author-
ized Version of the English—, 101;
Polyglot-of Ximinez, 146; Eliot
translates into aboriginal language,
292; Stephen translated part of-and
liturgy into Zirian, 450; Carey's
many translations of the, 464; cir-
culated in six hundred languages of
non-Christian peoples, 471; in Amer-
ica opposition to the higher criticism
of the, 490

"Bible of Pagnini, The", views of
Servetus set forth in, 383

Biddle, John, father of English Unita-
rianism, 385

"Bishop's Book, The," appears, 91
Bishop of South Carolina, denounced
inaction of the Episcopal Church,
Bishopric of Colombo, established, 459
Black, John, Presbyterian missionary to
north-western Canada, 251

Black, William, apostle of Methodism
in the maritime provinces of Canada,
332; ordained by Coke and appointed
to Nova Scotia, 332

Blair, Dr. Hugh, foundation of William
and Mary College by, 261
Blaurock, George, an early leader of
the Anabaptists, 190

Blaxton, driven out of the Massachu-
setts Bay Colony, 261

"Blessed Peter Claver", Pizarro's
brother Gonzalo, characteristics of,
144; regarded as the Apostle of
Carthagena and Colombia, 455
Boehm, John Philip, founder of Re-
formed Church in America, 246
Boehme, Jacob, his "Teutonic Philos-
ophy", 178; on religion, 377, 378
Bohemia, Lutheranism spread into, 35;
reformation in-, 187
Bohler, Wesley meets, 311
Bolivia, conquered by Pizarro and
Christianized, 455
Bollandists, the, 149
Bollandus, 145

Boniface, Saxon, preaches the Gospel
in Germany, 447; encouraged Otto,
Vicelin and Adalbert, 447

Book of Common Order, directory of
worship in Scotland, 67

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