Abbildungen der Seite

The Life and Death of Mr. THOMAS WALSH, Minister of the Gospel; composed in great Part from his own Accounts. By JAMES MORGAN, 12mo. London, 1811.

The Life and Writings of the late Rev. WILLIAM GrimSHAW, A.B. Minister of Haworth, in the West Riding of the County of York. By WILLIAM MYLES. 12mo. 1813.

The Life of the Rev. THOMAS COKE, LL.D.: including in detail, his various Travels and extraordinary Missionary Exertions in England, Ireland, America, and the West Indies; with an Account of his Death, on the 3d of May, 1814, while on a Missionary Voyage to the Island of Ceylon, in the East Indies. Interspersed with numerous Reflections, and concluding with an Abstract of his Writings and Character. By SAMUEL DREw, of St. Austell, Cornwall. 8vo. London, 1817.

Extracts of the Journals of the Rev. Dr. COKE's Five Visits to America. 12mo. 1793.

A History of the West Indies; containing the Natural, Civil, and Ecclesiastical History of each Island: with an Account of the Missions instituted in those Islands, from the Commencement of their Civilisation; but more especially of the Missions which have been established in that Archipelago, by the Society late in Connection with the Rev. John Wesley. By THOMAS COKE, LL.D. of the University of Oxford. 8vo. 3 vols. Vol. 1. Liverpool, 1808; Vol. 2. London, 1810; Vol. 3. London,


The Experience and Gospel Labours of the Rev. BENJAMIN ABBOTT; to which is annexed, a Narrative of his Life and Death; also, Extracts from the Journal of the Rev. John Wesley. By JOHN FFIRTH. 12mo. Philadelphia. Liverpool (reprinted), 1809.

The Life of the Rev. JOHN WILLIAM DE LA FLECHERE, compiled from the Narrative of the Rev. Mr. Wesley; the Biographical Notes of the Rev. Mr. GILPIN; from his own Letters; and other authentic Documents. By JOSEPH BENSON. 8vo. London, 1817.

The Works of the Rev. JOHN FLETCHER. In 10 vols. 8vo. London, 1815.

The Works of AUGUSTUS TOPLADY, A. B. late Vicar of Broad Hembury, Devon. In Six Volumes, 8vo. London, 1794.

The Enthusiasm of Methodists and Papists compared. In Three Parts. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1754.

The Doctrine of Grace; or, the Office and Operations of the Holy Spirit vindicated from the Insults of Infidelity and the Abuses of Fanaticism: with some Thoughts (humbly offered to the Consideration of the Established Clergy) regarding the Right Method of defending Religion against the attacks of either Party. In Three Books. In the Fourth Volume of Bishop Warburton's Works. Various Volumes of the Gospel Magazine.

I am not conscious of having left any thing undone for rendering the present work as little incomplete as it was in my power to make it; and I have represented facts as I found them, with scrupulous fidelity, neither extenuating nor exaggerating any thing. Of the opinions of the writer, the reader will judge according to his own; but whatever his judgement may be upon that point, he will acknowledge that, in a book of this kind, the opinions of an author are of less consequence than his industry, his accuracy, and his sense of duty.

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BARTHOLOMEW WESLEY, great grandfather of John,
an ejected minister

John, son of Bartholomew, ejected and imprisoned. He

dies early

Samuel, son of John, leaves the Dissenters, and enters at
Exeter College, Oxford

John Wesley born at Epworth

Providentially preserved from fire

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Mrs. Wesley holds religious meetings on Sunday even-
ings, during her husband's absence

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His annual visit to the Charter-house


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Morgan, one of these first Methodists

Officiates at Wroote as his father's curate

Charles Wesley refuses to go to Ireland with one who

would have adopted him for his name's sake

Charles takes a religious turn at Oxford

He and his associates are called Methodists

Birth and boyhood of Whitefield

Officiates as drawer at his mother's inn

Goes as a Servitor to Pembroke College, Oxford
Becomes one of the Methodists

Their mode of life and self-examination
Wesley the father encourages them

John becomes acquainted with William Law

The two brothers travel on foot, and converse in Latin
Wesley doubts the lawfulness of worldly studies

Defends himself against the charge of singularity
Wears his hair loose and unpowdered

Reduces himself to a dangerous state of weakness

Samuel accepts the mastership of Tiverton school

John is urged to apply for the succession to his father's


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His reasons for choosing to continue at Oxford


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