| Syracuse University - 1917 - 888 Seiten
...surgery, obstetrics, gynecology, pathology, including bacteriology, and diagnosis. Second Exemption: "Applicants examined and licensed by other state examining boards registered by the regents as maintaining standRequirements for License 179 ards not lower than those provided by this article, and applicants... | |
| 1894 - 580 Seiten
...ihe tenets of that school as determined by its State Buard of Medical Examiners." Third exemption: "Applicants examined and licensed by other state examining boards registered by the i egeuts us maintaining s'andards not lower than those provided by this article, nnd applicants who... | |
| George Frederick Shrady, Thomas Lathrop Stedman - 1895 - 1070 Seiten
...which admitted the candidate to examination, and shall state that the licensee has given satisfactory evidence of fitness as to age, character, preliminary...examination he has been found properly qualified to practise. Applicants examined and licensed by other State examining boards registered by the regents... | |
| New York (State) - 1896 - 992 Seiten
...licensee has given satisfactory evidence of fitness as to age, character, preliminary and veterinary medical education and all other matters required by...qualified to practice. Applicants examined and licensed before July first, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, by other State examining boards registered by... | |
| New-Hampshire Medical Society - 1897 - 334 Seiten
...of the board selected, and by the regent, and shall state that the licensee has given satisfactory evidence of fitness as to age, character, preliminary...qualified to practice. Applicants examined and licensed byother state examining boards registered by the regent as maintaining standards not lower than those... | |
| 1897 - 608 Seiten
...examiner of the board selected and by the regent, and shall state that the licensee has given satisfactory evidence of fitness as to age, character, preliminary...examination he has been found properly qualified to practise. Applicants examined and licensed by other State examining boards registered by the regent... | |
| New York (State). Legislature. Senate - 1897 - 1272 Seiten
...admitted the candidate to Uce'nsíe examination, and shall state that the licensee has given satisfactory evidence of fitness as to age, character, preliminary...required by law and that after full examination he Resents ' / "uTvaÎMiÇ' nas .^een f°un(i properly qualified to practise. Applicants examined and... | |
| New York Medical College - 1898 - 52 Seiten
...which admitted the candidate to examination, and shall state that the licensee has given satisfactory evidence of fitness as to age, character, preliminary...matters required by law, and that after full examination lie has been found properly qualified to practice. Applicants examined and licensed by other State... | |
| Illinois State Board of Health - 1898 - 532 Seiten
...examinations should be completed and in the hands of the regent at least one week before examinations. Applicants examined and licensed by other state examining boards, registered by the regent as maintaining standards not lower than those provided above, and applicants who matriculate... | |
| Sidney Sherwood - 1900 - 664 Seiten
...which admitted the candidate to examination, and shall state that the licensee has given satisfactory evidence of fitness as to age, character, preliminary...examination he has been found properly qualified to practise. Applicants examined and licensed by other State examining boards registered by the regents... | |
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