Transactions of the ... Session of the American Institute of Homoeopathy, Band 47American Institute of Homoeopathy., 1894 |
Im Buch
Ergebnisse 1-5 von 90
Seite viii
... Remedy in Surgical Practice ; " by Howard Crutcher , M.D. , " What the Homeopath Should Know of Drugs ; " by J. P. Dake , M.D. , " An Introduction to the Study of Natrum Muriaticum ; " by Samuel A. Jones , M.D. , 366 369 372 • Report of ...
... Remedy in Surgical Practice ; " by Howard Crutcher , M.D. , " What the Homeopath Should Know of Drugs ; " by J. P. Dake , M.D. , " An Introduction to the Study of Natrum Muriaticum ; " by Samuel A. Jones , M.D. , 366 369 372 • Report of ...
Seite 157
... remedy for existing evils , namely , the number of inefficient practitioners and the fraudulent , mountebank , vagabondizing speculator upon the credulity of the people ; but it has not been shown , and probably never will be , that ...
... remedy for existing evils , namely , the number of inefficient practitioners and the fraudulent , mountebank , vagabondizing speculator upon the credulity of the people ; but it has not been shown , and probably never will be , that ...
Seite 194
... remedy by experimenting upon himself that will produce a face - ache like yours , then we will apply his law of cure and we will cure you . Come to - morrow . " Next day he came . I said I had found a remedy . I took down Hahnemann's ...
... remedy by experimenting upon himself that will produce a face - ache like yours , then we will apply his law of cure and we will cure you . Come to - morrow . " Next day he came . I said I had found a remedy . I took down Hahnemann's ...
Seite 305
... remedy for that if any one ever were silly enough to select a remedy for a single symptom of that sort . The indiscriminate use of Kali bichromicum by Hom- œopathists , and of chloride of potash by people generally , in ulcer- ations of ...
... remedy for that if any one ever were silly enough to select a remedy for a single symptom of that sort . The indiscriminate use of Kali bichromicum by Hom- œopathists , and of chloride of potash by people generally , in ulcer- ations of ...
Seite 313
... remedy as well as I am . T. C. DUNCAN , M.D .: It is thirty years since I began the study of materia medica , and ... remedy will produce as compared with another remedy , we will get confused . It seems to me that the emphasis of ...
... remedy as well as I am . T. C. DUNCAN , M.D .: It is thirty years since I began the study of materia medica , and ... remedy will produce as compared with another remedy , we will get confused . It seems to me that the emphasis of ...
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Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
abdominal acid action Allopathic American Institute application asthenopia atropine attention believe blood body called cause cent cervix Chairman Chicago child cholera chronic clinical Colo committee condition course cure curette Denver diagnosis diet diphtheria disease doctor doses drug effect esophoria examination experience fact forceps frequently give hæmorrhage Hahnemann Medical College heart heterophoria Homœopathic Hospital hysterectomy indicated irritation Kali kidney laceration lectures materia medica Medical Society medicine membrane ment mercury method milk mucous membrane muscles mydriatic nature never obstetrics Old School operation Organon organs ovaries pain paper pathology patient perinæum peritoneum Philadelphia physician pleurisy pneumonia potency practice practitioners prescribe present profession question remedy removed scarlet fever Spigelia Street student surgeon surgery surgical symptoms teaching therapeutics tion tissue to-day treated treatment tubes uterine uterus woman York
Beliebte Passagen
Seite 281 - MAY I join the choir invisible Of those immortal dead who live again In minds made better by their presence : live In pulses stirred to generosity, In deeds of daring rectitude, in scorn For miserable aims that end with self. In thoughts sublime that pierce the night like stars, And with their mild persistence urge man's search To vaster issues.
Seite 281 - This is life to come, Which martyred men have made more glorious For us who strive to follow. May I reach That purest heaven, be to other souls The cup of strength in some great agony, Enkindle generous ardor, feed pure love, Beget the smiles that have no cruelty, Be the sweet presence of a good diffused, And in diffusion ever more intense. So shall I join the choir invisible Whose music is the gladness of the world.
Seite 149 - ... county, shall show, or send by registered mail to the clerk of such other county, his certificate of registration. If such certificate clearly shows that the original registration was of an authority issued under seal by the regents, or if the certificate itself is indorsed by the regents as entitled to registration, the clerk shall thereupon register the applicant in the latter county, on receipt of a fee of twenty-five cents, and shall stamp or indorse on such certificate the date and his name...
Seite 142 - Has studied medicine not less than four full school years of at least nine months each, including four satisfactory courses of at least six months each in four different calendar years in a medical school registered as maintaining at the time a satisfactory standard.
Seite 148 - A practising physician having registered a lawful authority to practice medicine in one county, and removing such practice or part thereof to another county, or regularly engaging in practice or opening an office in another county, shall show or send by registered mail to the clerk of such other county, his certificate of registration. If such certificate clearly shows that the original registration was of an authority issued under seal by the regents, or if the certificate itself is indorsed by...
Seite 332 - ... the more striking, singular, uncommon and peculiar (characteristic) signs and symptoms of the case of disease are chiefly and most solely to be kept in view; for it is more particularly these that very similar ones in the list of symptoms of the selected medicine must correspond to, in order to constitute it the most suitable for effecting the cure.
Seite 147 - University under seal and shall be signed by each acting medical examiner of the board selected and by the officer of the University who approved the credential which admitted the candidate to examination, and shall state that the licensee has given satisfactory evidence of fitness as to age, character, preliminary and...
Seite 227 - It is derogatory to the dignity of the profession to resort to public advertisements, or private cards, or handbills, inviting the attention of individuals affected with particular diseases...
Seite 150 - The degree of bachelor or doctor of medicine shall not be conferred in this State before the candidate has filed with the institution conferring it the certificate of the regents that before beginning the first annual medical course counted toward the degree unless matriculated conditionally as hereinafter specified...
Seite 153 - Applicants examined and licensed by other state examining boards registered by the regents as maintaining standards not lower than those provided by this article and applicants who matriculated in a New York state medical school before June 5, 1890, and...