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house, rolled up in his tapa. With considerable difficulty we compelled him to come out, and engage in hard work. After working an hour or two, he was convinced that he was not sick, and concluded that not only foreigners, but also the men who live with them, are proof against the pule anana."

The power which these people suppose supernatural beings to have over their minds, bodies, and destinies, is worthy of more particular notice, as leading to shocking practices, which remain to be described. A numerous family of these imaginary personages, each bearing a name significant of a peculiar character or office, are believed to have arrived at these islands, from a foreign land, called Tahiti, and to have taken up their residence in the crater of the volcano Kilauea, on the island of Hawaii. A description of this abode you shall have in the words of Mr. Ellis.

"After walking," he says, "some distance over the sunken plain, which, in several places sounded hollow under our feet, we came sudlenly to the edge of the great crater, where a spectacle sublime and appalling presented tself before us. Astonishment and awe for ome moments deprived us of speech, and like tatues, we stood fixed to the spot, with our yes riveted on the abyss below.

"Immediately before us yawned an im


across, and apparently eight or ter feet deep. The bottom was filled and the south-west and northern were one vast flood of liquid fire, in terrific ebullition, rolling to and fro surge,' and flaming billows. Fifty-o of varied form and size, rose like conical islands, from the surface of ing lake. Twenty-two constantly e lumns of gray smoke, or pyramids flame, and many of them, at the s vomited from their ignited mouths florid lava, which rolled in blazin down their black, indented sides boiling mass below.

"The sides of the gulf before us pendicular for about four hundred there was a wide, horizontal ledg black lava, of irregular breadth, but completely round. Beneath this bl the sides sloped towards the cen was, as nearly as we could judge, th hundred feet lower. It was evide crater had been recently filled with up to this black ledge, and had, by terranean canal, emptied itself int or inundated the land on the shore. and in some places, apparently cal of the great crater before us; th which intersected the surface of th which we were standing; the long sulphur, on the opposite side; the


streams of fire, shot up, at frequen with loudest detonations, spherical fusing lava, or bright ignited stone

In this awful gulf lived the gods then. The boiling craters were t ings; the crackling of the flames, a lowing of the furnaces, their musi melted lava, the surf in which th as the natives do in the waves of Of this volcanic family, Pele, sister, and principal goddess, rece the greatest share of reverence. demanded for her use tributes, of of every sort of food, which serve own support. If this tribute wa Pele became incensed, and visited quents with dreadful scourges. T in which these judgments are sa been executed, was truly terrific adapted to enslave the minds of a su people. The crater was filled w lava, which was poured in torrent adjacent country, destroying its and inhabitants.

The eruptions of the volcano ar preceded by hollow, rumbling s trembling of the earth; and at the tion of the dreaded calamity, the offered his sacrifice of fish, and th man presented his gift of fruits an Great numbers of hogs, cooked, alive, were often thrown into the

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