Language, Band 47,Ausgaben 1-2George Melville Bolling, Bernard Bloch Linguistic Society of America, 1971 |
Im Buch
Ergebnisse 1-3 von 9
Seite 278
... phrases : ( 55 ) The trees in Northern California and the trees in Oregon are similar → The trees in Northern ... prepositional phrases . For example , the impossibility of 57a is explained by the ungram- maticality of 57b , its ...
... phrases : ( 55 ) The trees in Northern California and the trees in Oregon are similar → The trees in Northern ... prepositional phrases . For example , the impossibility of 57a is explained by the ungram- maticality of 57b , its ...
Seite 328
... prepositional constructions , as 302-5 show . In the ( a ) sentences , Bill ... phrases with except and including have certain restrictions with respect to ... prepositional phrases by a rule like ( 306 ) NP → ( Q ) NP ( PP ) ...
... prepositional constructions , as 302-5 show . In the ( a ) sentences , Bill ... phrases with except and including have certain restrictions with respect to ... prepositional phrases by a rule like ( 306 ) NP → ( Q ) NP ( PP ) ...
Seite 329
... sentence - adverb position . If it applies , it can optionally derive 311 or 312 from a phrase marker with essentially the order of constituents in 310. If the prepositional phrases are introduced under the ADV node , the ADV Movement ...
... sentence - adverb position . If it applies , it can optionally derive 311 or 312 from a phrase marker with essentially the order of constituents in 310. If the prepositional phrases are introduced under the ADV node , the ADV Movement ...
The IndoIranian construction mana mama kṛtam | 42 |
Native reaction | 77 |
Spanish plural formation apocope or epenthesis? | 87 |
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Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
ablaut alternative ambiguity analysis apply Aramaic argument athematic Chomsky claim clause collide complement conjoined Conjunct Movement Hypothesis Conjunct Movement Transformation Conjunct Reduction consonant coördinate cycle deep deep-structure phrase marker Deletion derived dialect discussion English evidence example explain fact Figure forms Gleitman's Gothic grammar graphemic hušang implicative verbs indicate inflection inserted interpretation intransitive John and Bill killed Lakoff & Peters language lexically marked lexicon linguistic major categories Mandaic Mary meaning metathesis mid vowels monophthongization morphemes morphophonemic negation node Not-Transportation noun phrases object obstruent occur phonetic phonological phrase-structure position predicates prepositional phrases present preterit problem pronoun Proto-Germanic quantifiers question reflexive Rigveda rule seems segments selection restrictions semantic structure semivowel sentence sequence similar speaker stem suffix suggested syllable syntactic syntactic ambiguity syntax tense theory tion tone transformational grammar transformationally underlying University verbs vowel vowel length words xod-e