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Giving ear to Satan was the pivot on which man turned from God. Disobedience

followed. This was the sin that severed the soul from God and enslaved it to Satan. To deliver man from sin's penalty, divine justice had to be satisfied. For sinful man to do this was impossible. Hence he was forever under the Law. But God's Love provided a way. On Golgotha we see how all demands of the Law were satisfied and how all are included in the atoning grace of the Lamb of God.

Man in Darkness. Through disobedience man sinned and died spiritually. He is without the knowledge and the love of God. The image of God in which man was created was marred and his heart took upon itself the image of his seducer. Thus man's whole nature was polluted. Sin, like poison, entered and diseased every member.

God's Love for Man. God's love went forth for fallen man to deliver him from sin's destroying power. (John 3:16.) The natural man is slow to accept this love. He does not realize his sinful state. He sees

no need of a Saviour. In his vain imagination he can save himself. By good works, or a moral life, or by reasoning power he hopes to win salvation. Satan encourages man in this hope. He inspires the thought in all of his teachings and temptations. Sinful man is quick to accept and believe it. As a sinner, man can never appease divine wrath, or do anything to make amends for his transgression. To reconcile God with man, and man with God again, it dook the divine wisdom of God's love, the gift of His only Son.

Man Needs Enlightenment. This divine love is a mystery to sinful man. To be enlightened in this love Christ must be preached to man. The Word that will make man wise unto his salvation must be preached. It is the gospel of redeeming grace. Therefore Christ said, "Go ye, preach the gospel," the gospel of Love, through which the Holy Spirit works. He quickens, enlightens and draws men to God through the Word. The promise is "he

that believeth and is baptized shall be saved." In bringing the Word to man Luther, in his Catechism, puts the law first. Why? The law killeth! Yes, the pride of man must be destroyed. "For by the Law

no man is justified." Man must learn to know himself a sinner before he feels the need of forgiveness and grace, and before he will repent and turn to Christ Jesus, "who is the end of the Law for righteousness." If man refuses to repent and acknowledge Christ, how can he be saved?

God's Love Includes All Men. Jesus Christ died for the sins of the world. His atoning grace assures man of His forgiveness and with forgiveness there is life. For Jesus' righteousness meets all demands and by the shedding of His blood the Law was satisfied. His invitation is "Whosoever will, let him come." No man is excluded. Be he rich or poor, high or lowly, black or white, Jew or Gentile, all are sinners and need Jesus' love and forgiveness. Divine justice has been satisfied and all demands are met.

Jesus Wants Whole Heart Love. Jesus simply said to sinful man, "Come follow me." As followers of the Saviour, He wants our whole heart's love. His spirit must be our spirit, willing and self-denying in service. Without faith we cannot walk with Jesus or work for Him. Selfish faith, or hope, or vanity never mixes with love. It may follow Jesus like Judas, but not in Jesus' footsteps. Jesus deals faithfully with us in our every trial and temptation. (I Thess. 5:24.) His love did so on the Cross. He will do so as we pass through the valley of the shadow of death; yea, as we stand before the judgment seat of God.

As the heart becomes conscious of this ministry of love it will humble self and rejoice in winning others for Jesus. It will freely confess, without Jesus it cannot live or die. For "in Him we live, move and have our being."

GREETINGS FROM THE OLD GUARD (Continued from page 8.) educated laity, through the conventions Lutherans have learned to know each other better.

Never before did Lutherans work in such a united spirit as they have in the Luther League of America. Today the Lutheran Church is reaping the harvest of the seed sown by the Luther League.

Not only has the League grown in membership in this country, but it has crossed our borders into other lands, today we have the Luther League in Canada, Japan, Porto Rico and India. May God speed the day. when every Lutheran Church in America as well as in all other lands will have a Luther League.

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Published Monthly by LUTHER LEAGUE REVIEW, 318 W. 39th Street, New York City.
Entered as Second-Class Matter Aug. 9, 1900, at Post Office, New York, N. Y., under Act of Mar. 3, 1879.
Subscription price, 60 cents per year.


Pin with Hanger

Stick Pin


Midget Badge

Pin Clasp


Luther League Badge


Official Badge of the Luther League of America

Furnished only through the Luther League Review

"Loyalty" the Watchword

Loyalty, not only to country, but to truth and to principle.

Let the young people of the Lutheran Church be loyal to the truth which Martin Luther rescued from obscurity and chains.

Let us all wear the badge which, designed from Luther's coat of arms, is emblematic of great principles that are vital to Christianity. Read its meaning as Luther explained it. His statements of its meaning accompanies every badge.

This badge is furnished in different styles at the following prices: Button, Stick Pin, or Clasp Pin, Solid Gold, $1.00; Rolled Gold, 50 cents; Gilt, 25 cents. Clasp Pin Hanger, 50

cents extra.

THE MIDGET Badge, of which this is an exact facsimile, can be furnished in all styles. Buttons, Stick Pin, or Clasp Pin, Solid Gold, 75 cents; Rolled Gold, 40 cents; Gilt, 25 cents.

Watch Charm, with Emblem on both sides, Solid Gold, $6.00; Rolled Gold, $3.50.

Discounts on all styles. I dozen lots, 10 per cent. 2 dozen lots, 15 per cent.; 50 or more, 25 per cent.


Due to the new War Tax which became effective October 4, 1917, all invoices of Jewelry will bear the 3 per cent. tax. This tax must be figured before the cash discount is deducted, and is not subject to any discount.

Watch Charm

The above are Exact Sises and Styles of Badges


Luther League Review

318-326 West Thirty-ninth Street, New York City



Lutheran young people's societies should use hymns that express Lutheran ideas of religion. The hymns should be set to good, bright singable tunes-music that breathes the quiet devo tion of Lutheran worship.

The Luther League Hymnal

is a collection of 250 just such hymns and tunes.
Among them are hymns suitable for every
season of the Church year and appropriate for
every kind of religious service.

The Hymnal has been adopted by State and
local Leagues and societies in every part of the

It has the endorsement of leading Lutheran ministers.

Nicely and substantially bound in cloth.

The prices are: words and music, single copy, 60 cents; per dozen, $6; words only, single copy, 30 cents; per dozen, $2. Postage or expressage prepaid.

Special discounts on lots of 50, 100 or more.

Sample copies sent on receipt of price.


318 West 39 Street

New York City

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