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be admitted on the evidence which he (Mr. Foster) had given; and this because it was against the laws of the United States to admit English seamen on board of an American ship; that these seamen might probably have become American citizens, in which case no difference was admitted between citizens by birth and citizens by naturalization. This was a case of such enormity, and the nature of the American doctrines were so fully shewn, that it was needless for him to offer any comments upon it. He had risen to say, that there had been no order from the British government to confine the operations of their fleets. Thank God! that House was about to join unanimously on that night in a measure which would do much to teach the Americans a lesson which would probably induce them to bring the war to a speedy termination. Their una nimity on that occasion, would show to France and to America, that they had nothing to hope from divisions in the British councils. It was far from his desire to intrude on the time of the House, or to say any thing that could prevent the question being carried unanimously, for it would do more than any thing that had occurred, to shew the Americans, that when our vital interests were threatened, they would go hand in hand to defend them, however they might differ in their political opinions.

After a few words from Mr. Rose junior and Mr. W. Smith,

Lord Castlereagh briefly replied, and stated, that letters of marque had been issued in consequence of the failure of the attempt to conclude an armistice by admiral Sawyer and sir G. Prevost.

The question was then put and carried

nem. con.


Friday, February 19. ROMAN CATHOLICS.] Lord Kenyon moved for a Return of those Roman Catholics who, during the last ten years, had taken the Oaths, and subscribed the Declaration prescribed by the 31st Geo. 3. His lordship observed, that the Catholics having stated as a reason why further indulgences should be granted to them, their having numerously taken the Oaths and subscribed the Declaration, he wished to ascertain the number who had so done, not with any disposition to question their loyalty, believing that his Majesty had not


a more loyal class of subjects, but for the purpose of information.

Lord Holland suggested the propriety of extending the motion to Ireland, with respect to the oaths taken under the 33d Geo. 3. He wished to know also whether the object of the noble lord's motion was a return of those who had taken the oaths with a view to a qualification, or those who had voluntarily taken them?

Lord Kenyon had no objection to the motion suggested respecting Ireland. His present object was a return of those who had spontaneously taken the oaths.

The Earl of Radnor observed, that the returns were made to the privy council, and suggested therefore an alteration in the motion.

Lord Redesdale read the clause in the Act by which the returns were to be made to the privy council previous to the 25th of December in each year, and observed that chiefly those Catholics took the oaths who possessed property, or who, for other purposes, sought the quali fication which the taking the oaths conferred.

The motion was then agreed to.

Friday, February 19.

PETITION OF WINE MERCHANTS, CORRESPONDENTS OF THE ROYAL WINE COMPANY OF OPORTO.] A Petition of several wine merchants in Great Britain, correspondents of the Royal Wine Company of Oporto, was presented and read; setting forth,

"That a Petition was presented at the close of the last session of parliament to the House, by certain persons calling themselves "late members of the factory at Oporto," the intent of which Petition was to obtain the abolition of the Royal Wine Company's charter, through the interference of the House, under the pretence that the said Company was an establishment whose tendency and intention was, "the exclusion of his Majesty's subjects from the traffic in the wines of Portugal," and that in consequence of this Petition an application has been sent out from the British government to the Portuguese government at Rio Janeiro and Lisbon, for the relieving the British traders in Portugal from the operation of all the privileges of the Royal Wine Company, that are incompatible with the free and unrestricted trade and commerce carried on by British

subjects in the kingdom of Portugal, in straints enforced, solely for the purpose conformity with the stipulations of the of preventing the ruin of the trade by the 25th article of the said treaty; and that adulteration of the wines; and that the pethe petitioners have every reason to fear, titioners observe, that it is stated that the that if this application is deemed, in the average importation, for a series of former present situation of the two countries, to be years, paying duty, has been 50,000 pipes; equivalent to a demand of the abolition of the petitioners, on the contrary, are satisthe Company's charter,, or of any regula- fied that it will appear that the largest tions which would render it nugatory, and series of importations, and those owing to is acted upon in that view, under an idea peculiar circumstances, was from 1797 to that the subject has been fully investigated 1806, when the annual importation, for in this country, that the immediate conse- ten years, was only 47,152, and even from quence will be, the inundating of Great this should be deducted the average an Britain with artificial compositions under nual exportation of 2,208 pipes, which the denomination of red port, and to ma- leaves but 44,944 for duty on consumption, terially injure the commerce, navigation, and even that this amount is far greater and revenue, of both countries; and that, than has ever been annually consumed in to enforce their request, the said Petition Great Britain; and that the importation appeared to contain an opinion of the lords of 18,378 pipes only, in 1811, was not of the Board of Trade in their favour; but owing to the prices of the wines being in. that, on the petitioners applying to the creased by the monopoly of the Wine said board for the grounds on which such Company, and to the petitioners not being opinion had been given, the petitioners able to prevent it, in consequence of their were informed that the opinion alluded to having been driven from Oporto, but was given about fifty years ago, and that arose from the large demands for wine for there was not any documents to shew the the consumption of the army in Portugal, grounds of it, or upon what investigation and more particularly from the large surit had been founded; from this answer, plus stock of wine in the bonds of Great as also from other documents, the peti- Britain, from the excess of importation tioners have reason to believe that this over consumption in the above ten years, opinion of the lords of trade was the result and that therefore the revenue has not of ex parte statements, given at the first es- been injured by the smallness of this imtablishment of the Company, and before portation, there being at the end of the its beneficial effects could be felt; and year 1812, after a still smaller importathat if this evidence could be produced, it tion, about 50,000 pipes in the bonds ready would be found to be the result of disap- to pay duty, if there was a necessity from pointed interests and unfounded fears, and consumption to take it out; and that the not of an investigation of facts, as the pe- petitioners have reason, from evidence, titioners are unable to ascertain that either to believe, that if the charter of the royal the Company, or any of its correspondents, Wine Company be taken away, the greater were ever called upon to answer any state- part of the wines from Oporto would be ment against them before such answer was mixed with thin acid wines, which would given; and that notwithstanding the heavy afterwards be brought by brandy, eldercomplaints made by those petitioners of berry juice, and other intoxicating ingrethe grievances and annoyances to which dients, to an artificial strength and colour, they are subject, and in language which such having been the practice before the would lead the House to suppose that they establishment of the Company, and such had lately arisen, and had annihilated the practice having, as the petitioners have British wine trade in Portugal, it is a cer- before stated, decreased its sales; and that tain fact, that no new restraints have been the Royal Wine Company was first estaadopted or acted upon, and those which blished in 1756, for twenty years, and has are the subject of complaint were estab- had its charter twice renewed in conse lished to prevent British merchants at quence of the benefits it has produced; Oporto from purchasing such wines as that in 1747, ten years before the estawere, before 1756, used to adulterate port blishment of the Company, 13,420 pipes wine to such a deterioration of its quality, only were exported from Oporto; in 1754 as caused it to be pronounced in England, this quantity decreased to 13,820; in by the physicians, injurious to health; and 1755 it further decreased to 12,869 pipes; the petitioners are able to prove that the and in 1756, the year the Company was Company was established, and the re-first established, it was reduced to 12,111

praying the House to take the premises into their consideration, and to grant such relief to the petitioners as to the House may seem meet; and that the petitioners may, in case the same should become necessary, or be deemed fit by the House, be heard by themselves or their counsel, agents, and witnesses, in proof of the allegations submitted by them to the House."

Ordered to lie upon the table.

PETITION RESPECTING THE EAST INDIA COMPANY, FROM THE SOCIETY IN SCOTLAND FOR PROPAGATING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE.] Mr. Wilberforce presented a Petition from the Society in Scotland for propagating Christian knowledge; setting forth,

pipes; but that, in the year 1757, imme-, diately after the establishment of the Company, it increased to 12,488 pipes, and has ever since continued gradually to increase; so that, though in the ten years prior to the Company's charter there was exported from Oporto only 166,609 pipes of port, yet, in the first ten years after their charter, there was exported from Oporto 166,130, in the second 214,601, in the third 244,744, in the fourth 432,340, in the fifth 471,500; and that the British merchants and the British shipping receive the benefits of this importation, the Royal Wine Company never having exported to Great Britain more than 5,000 pipes in any one year prior to the invasion of Portugal; and the excess of exportations by the Company, since that period, has been to serve some of those who now pe- "That the society was incorporated in tition for the abolition of the Company, the year 1709, by a charter from her mawithout whose assistance they could not jesty queen Anne, for the farther promohave kept their trade together; and that ting of Christian knowledge and increase the petitioners are satisfied that they are of piety and virtue within Scotland, espeable to prove, upon any candid enquiry cially in the Highlands, Islands, and reinto facts, that the Royal Wine Company's mote corners thereof, and for propagating charter is not productive of any restriction the same in Popish and infidel parts of the or hindrance to the free commerce of Bri- world; and that since that time, in consetish merchants, but that, on the contrary, quence of the donations and bequests of the existence of the Company and its con- pious and benevolent persons, the funds of troul over the making of the wines, and all the society have increased to a consideratheir regulations as heretofore and at pre-ble amount, and have been faithfully apsent enforced, is essential to the protection plied to the purposes of the charter, agreeof the trade itself; and that the peti-ably to the will of the donors; and that tioners have no wish to support any mono- the labours of the society, by means of poly or privileges injurious to the British their teachers, catechists, and missionaries, merchant, and are wholly ignorant that have, it is well known, been attended any such exist; they have in vain endea- with great success in the education of voured to ascertain upon what facts those youth, in furthering the interests of religion who complain, in this country, assert that and virtue, and in diffusing, both in Scotany restrictions which have been establish- land and America, the blessings of civilied by the Company have proved injurious zation and industry, subordination to lawto the merchant or the wine trade in ge- ful authority, and attachment to the conneral, or what particular privileges of the stitution and government of the British Company are objected to, as those who empire; and that it appears to the peticomplain have not stated them here or in tioners, that the exertions of the society Portugal; that no specific charges are can no where be employed more agreeably preferred which can be met either by ar- to the object of the royal charter, or with gument or proof, and merely general as greater prospect of success, than in those sertions of monopoly and restrictions; territories and provinces in India which and that the petitioners are most anxious now form a part of his Majesty's domi for an opportunity of meeting any charges nions; and that, while the natives of those which may be brought forward against countries have long been and still continue the conduct of the Port Wine Company, in a state of deplorable ignorance, and adbeing satisfied that the result of such inves-dicted to various idolatrous and superstitigation will completely prove, that the tious usages of the most degrading and privileges of the Company and their super-horrible description, many of our own intendence has proved most beneficial, countrymen, members of the church of and is essential to the preservation and Scotland, employed in the different civil prosperity of the port wine trade; and and military departments in India, are

precluded from enjoying the ordinances of Christianity agreeably to the forms of the Church to which they are attached; and that, while the situation of India, destitute of the means of religious instruction, has long presented the most urgent claims to the humanity of Britons and of Christians, the restrictions to which the intercourse with those countries has hitherto been subjected, have prevented attempts for affording them the relief which the exigen. cies of their situation so imperiously required; and praying the House to take into consideration the facts which have been stated in this Petition, and to provide, in any Bill that may be passed for renewing the East India Company's charter, that it shall be lawful for the peti tioners to impart the benefits of Christianity to the natives of India, and to afford the advantages of religious worship and instruction to our countryinen mem. bers of the church of Scotland, who may reside in that part of the British empire, subject always to such salutary regulations as parliament in its wisdom shall judge it necessary to establish."

Ordered to lie on the table.

Petitions against the Claims of the Roman Catholics were presented from the inhabitants of the county of Sligo, the archdeacon and clergy of Bedford, and from the bailiffs, burgesses and other inhabitants of Carnarvon. A Petition in favour of the Claims of the Roman Catholics was presented from the mayor, recorder and inhabitants of Wallingford.


ADMIRALTY REGISTRAR'S BILL.] Henry Martin rose, pursuant to notice, to move for leave to bring in à Bill relative to the office of the Registrar of the Admiralty. In the brief observations which he intended to make, it would be sufficient to observe, that a great part of the proceeds arose from the money of suitors in the Admiralty Court. It was not the intention of the Bill to interfere with the legitimate fees of the office. It appeared from documents on their table, that the average annual sum which was solely employed for the benefit of the noble lord (Arden) who now held the situation of Registrar, was 200,000l. and for which no security was taken. It had been conceded last session, by a late right hon. gentleman, who was certainly interested in the profits of the office, for the reversion of it was vested in him, he meant Mr.

Perceval, that the situation required to be regulated, and indeed he proposed to regulate it much more extensively than it was the object of the present Bill to do, which merely went to assimilate the practice of the court of Admiralty in securing suitors' money, to the practice of the high court of Chancery. The hon. and learned member concluded by moving for leave to bring in a Bill to regulate the office of Registrar of the High Court of Admiralty and the Court of Appeals for Prizes.

Lord Castlereagh said, that he certainly should not oppose the Bill in that stage of it, but that if it should prove to be a similar one to that brought in last session, he should feel himself compelled to oppose it in every part of its progress.-Leave was then given to bring in the Bill.


Monday, February 22.

PETITIONS RESPECTING THE CLAIMS Or THE ROMAN CATHOLICS.] The bishop of Chester presented a Petition from the inhabitants of Chester against the Catholic Claims. Lord Kenyon presented a Petition to the same effect from the gentry, clergy, freeholders, and other inhabitants of the county of Denbigh, which his lordship stated was agreed to at a county meeting, with only one dissentient voice, that of a person who read a letter from an hon. baronet, the member for the county, whose opinions were hostile to the object of the Petition. His lordship also presented a similar Petition from the county of Merioneth.-Viscount Bulkeley presented a similar Petition from the county of Carnarvon. Ordered to lie on the table; as were also a Petition from Worcester, presented by the earl of Coventry, and a Petition from the inhabitants of Exeter, also against the Catholic Claims, presented by lord Rolle.-The earl of Radnor presented two Petitions to the same effect, one from the corporation and the other from the inhabitants of Salisbury.-The noble earl then presented another Petition to the same effect, from Wallingford, which his lordship stated to be signed by four out of six aldermen, 13 out of 18 assistants, the clergy of the three parishes, the ministers of three dissenting congregations, all the traders of the town, and a majority of the voters.-Lord Holland presented a Petition from Wallingford in favour of the Catholic Claims, which his lordship stated to be signed by the mayor, the recorder, and several respectable persons.

Lord Sheffield presented a Petition from | no Petition from any part of that body had the inhabitants of Lewes and its neighbour- yet been presented for the purpose of urg hood, which his lordship stated to be sign- ing any claims. ed by upwards of 4,000 persons, including many dissenters.

The Duke of Norfolk wished to know what means had been employed to obtain the signatures, no public meeting having | been held?

Lord Sheffield said, he had the Petition from lord Chichester, who was unable to attend, and who had stated to him, the facts which he had now mentioned.

The Marquis of Headfort presented a Petition from the Protestants of the county of Meath against the Catholic Claims, stat. ing, that he dissented from the prayer of the Petition.

The Marquis of Lansdowne stated, that a Petition would, he understood, shortly arrive, signed by a majority of the property and respectability of the county of Meath, in favour of the Catholic Claims.

The Earl of Kingston presented a Petition from the Protestants of the county of Sligo against the Catholic Claims. His lordship took the opportunity of stating, that he had previously voted for going into a committee on the Catholic Claims, but the recent conduct of the Catholics, in openly avowing that they would consent to no securities, had rendered him hostile to their Claims. His lordship then read part of one of the Resolutions of the Catholic meeting at Kilkenny, in order to prove the determination they had expressed, not to consent to any arrangement for securities to the Protestant establish


The Marquis of Lansdowne deprecated the idea of treating with the Catholics as with an independent power. It was for the legislature to consider their claims, and make such enactments as to its wisdom should seem meet, and it was for the Catholics as subjects to obey. He could not, therefore, see any reason why the noble earl should have altered his opinion on the policy of the measure, merely because certain resolutions had been passed by some Catholics in some part of a county in Ireland.

The Earl of Kingston also presented a Petition to the same effect from the Protestants of the county of Tipperary, which was read.

Lord Holland did not mean to object to its lying on the table; but he thought these Petitions making allegations against the Catholics were scarcely regular, when (VOL. XXIV.)

Lord Redesdale observed, that the proceedings of the Catholics for the purpose of urging their claims were notorious; that they had been published in all the newspapers of Ireland; and productions, avowedly by their authority, had been published, in which their claims had been set forth.

The Duke of Norfolk lamented the tone of these Petitions, which he thought would only lead to corresponding acrimony on the part of the Catholics.

The Earl of Charleville presented a Petition from the gentlemen, clergy, &c. of the county and town of Carlow. His lordship stated, that although the prayer of the Petition was inimical to the unrestricted claims of the Catholics, yet its tenor breathed a spirit of toleration and conciliation suitable to the subject; at the same time submitting to their lordships the necessity of guarding against such concessions as might endanger our Protestant constitution.-Ordered to lie on the table.


Monday, February 22.

PETITIONS Respecting tHE CLAIMS Or THE ROMAN CATHOLICS.] Petitions against the Claims of the Roman Catholics were presented from the archdeacon and clergy of Bucks, the archdeacon of Northampton and clergy of Peterborough, from Mr. Vivian, from the mayor, &c. of Penzance, the inhabitants of Monaghan, the gentlemen, clergy and freeholders of Merioneth, from Mr. Wilson, from the inhabitants and freeholders of Fermanagh, the mayor, &c. of New Sarum, the mayor, &c. of Drogheda, the inhabitants of Exeter, the gentlemen, clergy, &c. of Carnarvon, the Protestants, &c. of Westmeath, and the mayor, &c. of Appleby.Petitions were also presented from Mr. Mac Donnell a Roman Catholic, and from the Roman Catholics of Tyrone.

PETITIONS RESPECTING THE RENEWAL OF THE EAST INDIA COMPANY'S CHARTER.] Petitions respecting the renewal of the East India Company's charter were presented from the borough of Elgin, the merchants of Newcastle upon Tyne, the lord provost, &c. of Perth, the clothiers, &c, of Gloucester, the London rope makers, the inhabitants of South Molton, and the (2 U)

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