Abbildungen der Seite

The Rev. Jacob Brodhead, D. D., preached the annual Missionary Sermon, before Synod, (from Malachi i. 11.) in the Middle Dutch Church, in the evening of the first Sabbath after the meeting of Synod.


Widows' Fund.

The Committee on the Widows' Fund, being called upon, were not ready to report.

Resolved, That the Committee be continued, and that they be directed to report at the next stated meeting of the Synod.



The communication containing the bequest of the Rev. Elias Van Benschoten, was read.

Resolved, That Rev. Messrs. Livingston, Bogardus, Bethune, and Crookshank, be a Committee to prepare a list of the names of all our ministers and candidates, designating those who have no pastoral charges; also, of all our Churches, and that the same be appended to the Minutes of this Session.

The Committee reported, and their Report was adopted. (See Appendix.)

Resolved, That the Rev. T. M. Strong, John Garretson, and the Elder A. G. Van Keuren, be a Committee to ascertain the arrearages due from the several Classes for Minutes of Synod.

The Committee reported, and their Report was adopted, and is as follows:

The Committee, to whom was referred the subject of ascertaining the arrearages of the several Classes, for printed Minutes, respectfully report

That they have examined a statement, drawn up some time since by the late Treasurer and Stated Clerk, relative to arrears from the

year 1820 to 1826, inclusive; and also, the accounts of the present Treasurer, since his appointment, and find the arrearages of the respective Classes, from the year 1820, up to the present date, to be as follows, viz:

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The Committee regret, that they have not been able to ascertain the arrearages of the several Classes previous to the year 1820. They find, that the gross amount, then due, was $185; but they have no data by which to ascertain the apportionment of this sum among the respective Classes.

All which is respectfully submitted.


Resolved, That the Stated Clerk be instructed to take measures for the collection of the above arrearages.

Resolved, That a new Lemma, to be called “Benevolent and Religious Institutions," be introduced into the Minutes, in such place as the Stated Clerk may think proper.

Whereas the acts and proceedings of the General Synod of the Reformed Dutch Church, since its first organization, in the year 1771, until the year 1791, are expressed in the Low Dutch language, and said language is now becoming obsolete in this country, and it being

desirable to have such acts and proceedings in the English language; therefore,

Resolved, That Rev. Messrs. Jacob Schoonmaker, James V. C. Romeyn, Gerardus A. Kuypers, D. D., and Thomas De Witt, D. D., be a Committee to translate the acts and proceedings of the General Synod of the Reformed Dutch Church, which are in the Low Dutch, into the English language.

Resolved, That it be recommended to the different Ministers to read from their pulpits, the Report of the Committee on the State of Religion; and, also, such parts of the Report of the Committee on the Professorate, as they shall consider important to be known by all the Churches, upon the first Sabbath after the printed minutes shall be received, or as soon thereafter as practicable.


Benevolent and Religious Institutions.

An application having been made to Synod, on behalf of the Board of Managers of the American Bible Society, that Synod would hear a statement from a Commission appointed by that body, on the subject of the Resolution recently passed by that National Institution, relative to supplying every family in the United States with a copy of the Scriptures, within the space of two years, it was

Resolved, That Synod will hear the Commission on the subject of their appointment.

The Rev. James Milnor, D. D., and Thomas McAuley, D. D., L. L. D., a Commission from the Board of Managers of the American Bible Society, appeared before Synod, agreeably to the above resolution, on the afternoon of the third day of the Session, and presented statements relative to the supplying every destitute family in the States with a copy of the Holy Scriptures.

Resolved, That the Communications on this subject be referred to a special Committee, consisting of Rev. J. M. Mathews, D. D., E. Slingerland, and the Elder Samuel Phelps. The Committee reported, and their Report was adopted, and is as follows :

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The Committee on the Communication from the American Bible Society, recommend to Synod the adoption of the following resolutions:

1. That this Synod have heard, with much pleasure, of the Resolution recently adopted, by the American Bible Society, for supplying every family in the nation with a Bible within the space of two years; and would contemplate the measure as one of the happy proofs occurring in our day, that the time is drawing near when "the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea."

2. That it be recommended to the Ministers and Churches, under the care of this Synod, to aid in the accomplishment of this great object, as God shall give them opportunity.

And whereas it has been stated to this Synod, that the greatest obstacle to be encountered in this enterprize, arises from the want of suitable men to act as Agents, therefore,

3. Resolved, That it be affectionately recommended to Ministers of the Gospel, seriously to consider how far they might be able to undertake agencies in this great and good work, either in their own immediate vicinities, or in the more distant parts of our land; and, should any of our Ministers feel themselves called to this work,

4. Resolved, That it be recommended to the Classes, to take all convenient measures to aid in supplying the pulpits of such ministers, during their absence.

All which is respectfully submitted.


According to a previous resolution, the Rev. Joshua Leavitt, the Agent of the American Seamen's Friend Society, appeared before Synod, and submitted a statement relative to the objects and design of said Society, and laid on the table a number of copies of the First Annual Report of the Society, for distribution.

Resolved, That the Communications presented to Synod, on the subject of the American Seamen's Friend Society, be referred to a special Committee, consisting of Rev. P. Duryea, S. Kissam, and the Elder Ichabod Prall.

The Committee reported, and their Report was adopted, and is as follows, viz:

The Committee on the Communications, from the Agent of the American Seamen's Friend Society, respectfully report--

That it is now a little more than ten years, since the first systematic efforts were made to advance the best interests of Seamen. Their interests had been so greatly neglected, and so strong were their claims upon the community at large, for the necessaries, comforts, and refinements of life, through them introduced, that something in their behalf seemed to be imperiously demanded. At first, provision was made for the introduction of the Gospel among this useful class of citizens, to the privileges of the Gospel. So peculiar were their temptations, however, that something more was necessary to the attainment of the objects in view. Accordingly, in January, 1826, the American Seamen's Friend Society," was instituted. The object of this Society, as stated in the second article of the Constitution, is "To improve the social and moral condition of Seamen, by uniting the efforts of the wise, and good, in their behalf, by promoting in every port, boarding-houses of good character, savings banks, register's offices, libraries, reading-rooms, and schools, and, also, the ministration of the Gospel, and other religious blessings."

For the better attainment of the object in view, The American Seamen's Friend Society, have resolved to publish, monthly, "The Sailor's Magazine, and Naval Journal;" a specimen of which the Rev. Joshua Leavitt, editor of the same, and general agent of the Society, has been pleased to distribute among the members of this Synod.

The object of the Rev. Mr. Leavitt, in appearing before Synod, having been to awaken the sympathies of the Synod, in behalf of “ The American Seamen's Friend Society," and, also, to extend the circulation of "The Sailor's Magazine, and Naval Journal;" therefore, your Committee would recommend the following resolution :—

Resolved, That this Synod have heard with deep interest, the statement of the Rev. Mr. Leavitt, Agent of the American Seamen's Friend Society, and, while hailing with gratitude the means now employed for the redemption of the present race of sea-faring men, they will bear up this long neglected people on their hearts before the throne of Grace; give them a share in their affections; not forgetting the Magazine which has been recommended to their patronage.

All which is respectfully submitted.

P. DURYEA, Chairman.

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