Abbildungen der Seite

Commemoration of the Sunday: then of SS. Basilides, Cyrinus, Nabor, and Nazarius, Martyrs.

ANT.-Istorum est enim, V. and R. as in the Common, page XXVI, or in Paschal Time, Ant. Lux perpetua, V. and R. page xv.


Sanctorum martyrum tuorum Basilidis, Cyrini, Naboris, atque Nazarii, quæsumus Domine, natalitia nobis votiva resplendeant: et quod illis contulit excellentia sempiterna, fructibus nostræ devotionis accrescat. Per


We beseech thee, O Lord, that the votive festival of thy holy martyrs Basilides, Cyrinus, Nabor, and Nazarius may shine brightly upon us: and may that which everlasting glory has conferred upon them, increase by the fruits of our devotion. Through our Lord, &c.

SECOND VESPERS, as in the Common, page xxxv, as far as the Little Chapter: then of the following; with Commemorations of St. John and of the Sunday.

JUNE 13.

St. Anthony of Padua, Confessor.-Double. FIRST VESPERS, from the Little Chapter, as in the Common, page xxxII.


ECCLESIAM tuam, Deus,

MAY the votive solem

beati Antonii Confessoris nity of blessed Anthony tui solemnitas votiva læ- thy Confessor give joy to tificet: ut spiritualibus thy Church, O God, that semper muniatur auxiliis, it may be ever defended

et gaudiis perfrui merea-
tur æternis. Per Dom.

by spiritual assistance, and deserve to possess eternal joys. Through our Lord, &c.

Commemoration of St. John a Facundo.

ANT.-Hic vir despiciens, V. and R. as in the Common, page xxxv, of the Sunday.

PRAYER.-Deus, auctor pacis, as above, page

Then a Commemoration of the Sunday.


SECOND VESPERS, as in the Common, page xxxv, to the Little Chapter: then of the following; with a Commemoration of St. Anthony and of the Sunday.

JUNE 14.

St. Basil the Great, Bishop, Confessor, Doctor.-Double FIRST VESPERS, from the Little Chapter, as in the Common, page XXVIII.

In the Hymn, meruit supremos.

ANT.-O Doctor optime, in both Vespers, page xxx.
PRAYER.—Exaudi, quæsumus Domine, as in the

Common, page XXXI.

Commemoration of St. Anthony.

ANT.-Hic vir, V. and R. as in the Common,
page XXXV.

PRAYER.-Ecclesiam tuam, as above, page 223.

Then a Commemoration of the Sunday.

SECOND VESPERS, as in the Common, page xxx1. Commemorations of the Sunday, and of the following.

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JUNE 15.

=OfSS. Vitus, Modestus, and Crescentia, MM.-Simple. In the Second Vespers of St. Basil, after the Commemoration of Sunday, a Commemoration.

ANT.-Istorum est enim, V. and R. as in the Common, page XXVI, or in Paschal Time, Ant. Lux perpetua, V. and R. page xv.


DA Ecclesiæ tuæ, quæsumus Domine, sanctis martyribus tuis Vito, Modesto, atque Crescentia intercedentibus, superbe non sapere, sed tibi placita humilitate proficere: ut prava despiciens, quæcumque recta sunt, libera exerceat charitate. Per Dom.

GRANT to thy Church, we beseech thee, O Lord, by the intercession of thy holy martyrs, Vitus, Modestus, and Crescentia, not to be high-minded, but to make progress in thy sight by pleasing humility: that, despising what is evil, it may exercise with free charity the things which are right. Through our Lord, &c.

JUNE 18.

of SS. Marcus and Marcellianus, Martyrs.—Simple. In Vespers of Sunday, a Commemoration. ANT.-Istorum est enim, V. and R. as in the Common, page XXVI, or in Paschal Time, Ant. Lux perpetua, V. and R. page XV.




quæsumus om

GRANT We beseech thee

nipotens Deus: ut qui O Almighty God: that

sanctorum martyrum tuo

we who celebrate the

rum Marci et Marcelliani festival of thy holy mar

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natalitia colimus, a cun-
ctis malis imminentibus,
eorum intercessionibus li-
beremur. Per Dom.

tyrs Marcus and Marcellianus, may be delivered by their intercession from all the evils which threaten us. Through our Lord,


JUNE 19.

St. Juliana Falconieri, Virgin.-Double.

FIRST VESPERS, as in the Common, page xxxv.

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Deus, qui beatam Julianam virginem tuam extremo morbo laborantem, pretioso Filii tui corpore mirabiliter re- ing under her last sickcreare dignatus es: concede quæsumus, ut ejus intercedentibus meritis, nos quoque eodem in mortis agone refecti, ac roborati, ad coelestem strengthened by patriam perducamur. Per eumdem Dominum.

vouchsafe to refresh in a O God, who didst wonderful manner blessed Juliana thy virgin, labour

body of thy Son: grant, ness, with the precious

we beseech thee, that her merits interceding for us, we also refreshed and

the same, in the agony of death may be brought to our heavenly country. Through the same our Lord, &c.

Commemoration of the Sunday, and then of SS. Gervase

and Protase, Martyrs.

ANT.-Istorum est enim, V. and R. as in the Common, page XXVI, or in Paschal Time, Ant. Lux perpetua, V. and R. page xv.

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