The ladies' assistant in the formation of their flower gardens |
Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
16 Will require alba alternate colours ALYSSUM saxatile beautiful bedding plants blue boundary belts boundary shrubs cast iron centre bed chain-patterns circular walk coils Colour of Flowers composed crimson Dahlias deciduous design will require edged with wire effect elongated and round elongated beds English garden English style feet six inches flora pleno FLOWER GARDENS flowering plants former plans forty-five yards square fountain four feet six front Fuchsias Geraniums grandiflora grass gravel Heliotropes Hollyhocks house-walk introduced knob-ends Lantanas large beds Leeds 24 look the best opposite beds Parterres particular object patches of various perennial plants placed alternately plants in pots Pulleyn require a space Rhododendron rose round beds round dots SCALE OF YARDS scarlet scroll-beds scroll-pattern shewn shrub-beds six inches wide spar spear-like statuary striking colour style of gardening taste TERRA COTTA terrace thirty yards Tom Thumb variegatum variegated leaves various things vases yards by fifty YARDS J&E yellow