Abbildungen der Seite

For themselves the Editors have no favours to implore, nor the displeasure of any to deprecate; and had it not been from regard to the respectability of the denomination, and the interests of the Widows, they would not have noticed the puerile attempts of those who have sought, though in vain, to injure the Magazine, and who have employed their influence to support other periodical works, from which the denomination has derived neither credit nor assistance.

The Editors are apprehensive that some of our ministers, who consider themselves exclusively Calvinists, neglect to recommend the Magazine to their congregations. To such they have only to say, that if an inflexible adherence to the principles of the confession of faith adopted by the whole body of the Particular Baptist Churches in 1689 will not approve itself to their judgment, it is no wonder they have been displeased with the work them. selves, and have spoken unfavourably of it to others.

As the future usefulness of the publication will greatly depend upon the assistance of the leading persons among our churches, the Editors will be obliged if they will transmit articles suitable for the Magazine, properly attested to the Publisher, as they cannot attend to anonymous statements, either of Intelligence, Obituaries, or Reviews. They pledge themselves that the most prompt and friendly attentions shall be paid to such communi


The Editors again most cordially invite the co-operation of those literary persons who have not yet assisted them, by contributing to supply matter for the Magazine. They see no reason why this work, according to the number of its pages and its price, should not class in the estimation of unprejudiced and competent judges among the most respectable of the religious periodical publications.

To those kind correspondents whose friendship has been constant and unvarying, the Editors, in the name of the Proprietors, and on behalf of the grateful and worthy females who share the profits of the work, present their most affectionate thanks, whilst they ardently entreat the continuance of their help. And looking forward to future years, they cannot but indulge the pleasing anticipation, that the Magazine will continue to be not only a source of instruction and pleasure to the churches of the deno. mination, and the chronicle of its historical facts, but a means also of promoting the increase and prosperity of the cause of Christ throughout the world.

The Editors conclude by earnestly saying to all the Readers of the Magazine, "We beseech you, therefore, brethren, for the Lord Jesus Christ's sake, and for the love of the Spirit, that you strive together with us in your prayers to God for us."

Baptist Magazine.

JANUARY, 1823. .



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THE spirit which has been manifested for extending the knowledge of the gospel of Christ to heathen lands during the last thirty years, has called forth a new class of men into the service of the church; or if not altogether of another description from ordinary ministers, yet, certainly of a higher order in many respects; because Missionaries to the heathen, have been called to exemplify in a more conspicuous manner, the qualities of the first heralds of the gospel to the Gentiles, who were distinguished as men that hazarded their lives for the sake of the Lord Jesus."

The subject of this Memoir possessed in no small degree that evangelical zeal, ardour, and intrepidity, and those abilities for preaching, and acquiring languages, which fitted him for a station of labour and toil in the missionary field. But the Lord of the harvest, who we doubt not had counted him faithful, and put him into the ministry, after having permitted him to enter into the field, was pleased very suddenly to call him from bis work, he having finished, as a hireling, his day. Whilst, however, we mark his sovereignty, we bow submissively to his mysterious will, knowing


that HE who calls his labourers to their various employments, or away from them, whether at the third, or sixth, or even the eleventh hour, will give to every one his reward, and has a right to do what he will with his own. This was the case respecting Mr. Joseph Phillips, who was sent to Java in August 1816, by the Baptist Missionary Society, and returning on account of ill health in the autumn of 1819, died at Reading, in June 1820.

The few particulars we are about to give respecting this pious and excellent missionary, are compiled chiefly from a manuscript of his own, written sometime after he had been called to the ministry by the church in Eagle-street in January 1815.

Mr. Joseph Phillips was born in London, November 10, 1793. His mother was a pious woman, a member of the church in Grafton-street under the care of the late Rev. John Martin. Dying when her son was but fourteen months old, he was deprived of the advantages he might have received from her counsels and example, though he doubtless derived benefits from her prayers and supplications.

He speaks of this loss as having


been supplied by the solicitude of his mother-in-law, manifested by her advice, and constant prayers for his temporal and eternal interests.

chain of error, and establishing me in the truth that the scriptures were indeed the word of God."

It pleased God to direct him It was not until he had reached soon after to hear the Rev. Mr. his sixteenth year that he was Thorpe of Bristol, who was brought to any abiding concern preaching at the Tabernacle, about his eternal welfare, though Moorfields. "While," says he, the light he had received from the" Mr. Thorpe was engaged in gospel had often caused him prayer, I caught the flame of to feel great uneasiness. "I devotion. He proceeded to adhad made," says he, "repeated resolutions of reformation and amendment, but these were made under the apprehensions of the evil consequences, and not from a consideration of the evil nature of sin."

dress the congregation from Matt.
v. 20, Except your righteousness
&c. While he was describing the
righteousness which Jesus Christ
had wrought out as being the only
justifying righteousness, I felt the
value of the Saviour.
Ob, how
the cross was endeared to me! I
felt, however, that the benefit I
had received was but a faint ray
of light: darkness still surrounded
me: I fancied there was something
for me to do." He relates the

A sermon preached by Mr. Oates at Jewin-street chapel at the close of the year 1809, was the means of rousing him from his stupidity and unconcern. His thoughts were now filled with a dread of eternal wratb.exercises of his mind with great "I well remember," says he, minuteness, till he exclaims, "O "that as I met persons in the how astonishing that love that street, I exclaimed to myself, selected me from among my comHow is it that creatures born panions and associates in sin, to for eternity, whose lives hang on choose me, a rebel against him, so feeble a thread, and who have from before the foundation of the such repeated warnings in the world! what love is due to Jesus daily providences of God, act so for his condescension in becomfoolish, so awful, and so incon- ing surety for me, suffering the sistent a part? These impres- vengeance due to my crimes, and sions remained a long time. I working out a righteousness for continued dissatisfied with my-my justification! And what shall self, and longed for something I render to the good Spirit of my without scarcely knowing what I God, for watching over me and needed. My mind, too, was preserving me amidst imminent harassed with evil suggestions, dangers; for turning my feet into and I was tempted to disbelieve the way of peace; for bringing the divine authenticity of the me to an acquaintance with myscriptures, and even the being of self, and applying to my cona God. But the saying of a friend, science the peace-speaking blood Be assured these thoughts are of Christ? Now I cried earnestly the suggestions of the great enemy to God for the teachings of his of souls, who was a liar from the Spirit, and by a diligent attention beginning,' and my reading some on the means of his appointment verses in the Youth's Magazine, I increased in light, but was still were the means of breaking the the subject of distressing doubts

and fears. If my experience did | not exactly accord with that of Christians of whom I had heard or read, I was ready to despair."

His whole soul was now engaged about his salvation. "At this time," says he, "my mind was so intensely set upon the importance of eternal realities, that it was with the greatest difficulty I could attend to my usual secular employments. An interest in Jesus I esteemed the one thing needful. The honours, profits, or pleasures of this world appeared but as bubbles upon the stream. My affections were set on things above, and all my desire was, that I might be found in Christ, washed in his blood, and clothed in his righteousness. I almost envied those who could rejoice in the light of his countenance, and felt that I could willingly submit to be the poorest and most despised person on earth, if I could but see my interest clear in him. I look back on this season, and am ready to say, O that it were with me as in months that are past, when the candle of the Lord shone round about me!

At the beginning of the year 1811, through his acquaintance with a pious man, a member of the church in Eagle-street, he was brought to the knowledge of Mr. Ivimey, and by him was introduced to the Sunday-school belonging to that congregation. "Thus," says he," I became acquainted with several youths of my own age. Here I found a field for exertion. Many were enquiring the way to Zion, and seeking direction. How did my bosom heave with gratitude on perceiving ten young men intent on the discovering of what they should do to be saved! The

little light I had previously gained I felt anxious to impart to them. And Oh! never can I forget the happy meetings we repeatedly had for prayer and spiritual con, versation; with one voice we exclaimed, Lord, it is good to be here.' In these seasons of retirement from the world, we have found our God with us, and that to bless us."

He soon after this, April 26, 1811, was baptized, with fifteen others, at Eagle-street meeting, and the next Lord's-day was admitted to fellowship at the Lord's table. He thus describes his reasons for uniting with the Baptists. "After much deliberation and prayer, and diligent inquiry, into the word of God, I felt convinced that the baptism of professing believers, and that by immersion, was most consistent with those examples which are recorded in the New Testament."

His engagements as a superintendent of the Sunday-school, proved, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, the cause of eliciting his character, and calling forth into exercise his abilities for preaching the gospel of Christ. He says, "My exertions in the Sunday-school were increasingly productive of pleasure, and I trust of profit, not only to my own soul, but to the rising generation among whom I laboured. While instructing the dear children in the principles of the gospel, and endeavouring to turn their attention to those things which make for their everlasting peace, I have felt my own soul refreshed, and by the delight unspeakable which I have sometimes derived from these exercises, I have felt a renewed stimulus, in the midst of difficulties, to persevere, believing that

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the Spirit of God would accom-creation of God yet sitting in pany the means, and that the darkness; and my prayer has seed sown would be produc- been, and shall be, Qualify me tive of fruit. Some instances for this important work, and of the beneficial effects I have make me willing to spend, and been permitted to witness: God be spent, in thy service. If it grant they may be numerous in be thy will, here am I, send me!' his own time. O Father of Spi- A strong and abiding impression rits, grant that these boys may has long been on my mind, that become followers of thee-real I should leave my native land, Christians; labourers in thy vine- and embark for some foreign yard! Instances have been shore, and this impression has known of those who received their led me to regard my future desfirst religious impressions at a tiny as distinct from the secular Sunday-school, having become pursuits in which I am engaged; humble faithful ministers, and so that when any suggestion has also been set apart for the ex- been made as to my future adpress purpose of preaching the vantages from trade, I have turngospel among the heathen: the ed away from it, hoping that hope, therefore, is not too san- God would permit me to labour guine, that some among this for him. With this hope I could little number may be called by hold every thing with a loose grace, and employed in that im- hand; anxious only for the teach'portant work.” › nat ings of God's Spirit to fit me for the important work of preaching Christ to the heathen."

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The ardour of his mind pre

It appears that the mind of our late brother was exercised from the time of his conversion with strong desires to be employ-vented these feelings from being ed in preaching the gospel. About kept secret: they appeared in the five years after he had been impassioned manner in which he led to embrace the Saviour as the spoke on the subject of mission's only atoning saèrifice for sin, and to the heathen. His father checkto regard him as his Advocate ed him, and cautioned him a.with the Father, his Redeemer gainst indulging such an idea; and friend," he thus expresses but he became so wholly absorbed vhimself upon that subject." Du- in the subject, as to be rendered Iring this time my desires have almost incapable of attending to been constant and increasing, worldly business. In October, that my fellow-sinners may be 1812, he freely opened his mind .made acquainted with the gospel to his pastor, who encouraged -of salvation nor can I cease to him to devote himself to the work feel, especially for the heathen of a missionary, provided his faworld. Much have I wished, if ther would give bis consent : it were the will of God concern- this, however, at that time, was ing me, to be permitted to go forth refused, and he was under land spread the knowledge of a age. After, however, two years Saviour's name in some distant had elapsed, he renewed his apland, where the light of the glo- plication; and in January, 1815, -rious gospel has hitherto not shed the church called him to exercise lits benign rays. Often has my his gifts, which were highly apheart glowed with ardour while proved. The Committee of the contemplating those parts of the Baptist Missionary Society agreed

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