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grievously after his model, Simkin, the Welch bard, (who himself is apt to faulter, now and then, in his paces;) and his rhimes are fometimes intolerable: for example,

I fay,'' Dominica.'

'Drawn,'-' Warn.'
'Draw,'--' War.'

He does not, however, often offend fo grofsly in this refpect. In politics, this writer is anti-minifterial. On that account, he may reft affured, we do not quarrel with him.

Art. 46. A Poem on a Voyage of Discovery, undertaken by a Brother of the Author's, with Sonnets, &c. 4to. PP. 59. 35. Kearsley. 1792.

A voyage of difcovery affords an ample field for poetical imagery and fentiment. The diverfified fcenes of nature; the variety of human characters in the different stages of civilization; the fatal effects of political ambition and commercial avarice; the advantages which may be expected from opening new communications with parts of the world hitherto little frequented, or from exploring regions still unknown; are fruitful fubjects of defcription;-and the author of this poem has, in no inconfiderable degree, done juftice to his copious theme. The ideas, which a liberal philofophy would fuggeft on the furvey of the world that fuch a voyage affords, he has expreffed in eafy and, for the most part, elegant verfe.

The following lines, in honour of the generous but unfortunate Cook, will afford the reader a pleafing idea of this writer's talents: • Where endless fnows on cloud-capt mountains lie, Rife white in air, and mark a colder sky,

Bold from the waves the Sandwich Islands stand

In clusters circling that difaftrous land,

Where ne'er will Europe's generous fons forget
To fhed the tears of vain, tho' jult, regret,
While virtuous efforts claim the world's applaufe,
Or merit fuffering in the public caufe:

Here fell th' ill-fated chief, who ftrove to fave
The favage race that funk him to the grave.
Was it for this he fcorn'd a life of eafe,
Twice brav'd the horrors of Antarctic feas;
Heard the dire crafh of ice by tempests toft,
And waves impatient of th' incumbent froft;
Where fhiv'ring famine holds her joyless reign,
And the dull blood fcarce warms the frozen vein
Was it for this applauding Europe view'd
His daring courfe, thro' feas unknown, purfu'd;
And fondly hop'd, that when complete his toil,
With eager gaze he ey'd his native foil?
That his great mind the paffage had reveal'd,
As yet by Nature's bounds from man conceal'd;
That wand'ring tribes, by his persuasion mov'd,
A milder line of focial life had prov'd;

Had dropt th' enfanguin'd arms which late they wore,
Nor ftain'd th' envenom'd lance with captives' gore.

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All these fond hopes were vain! no friendly tear
Of forrowing mourners grac'd his honor'd bier;
By favage hands his corfe was rudely torn,
With favage yells his limbs in triumph borne;
Yet fhall his fame a great example give,
Glow in his deeds, and in remembrance live;
Then, ages hence, when Reason fhall unfold
The fenfe that lurks obfcur'd in favage mold,
Th' enlighten'd offspring of the prefent race,
Sad, and afham'd, fhall hear their fire's disgrace;
Shall fhun the fatal fpot, or weeping tell

Where their great friend and common patron fell.'

The small pieces fubjoined to this poem have confiderable merit. E. Art. 47. Chriftianity, a Poem. 4to. pp. 17. 1s. 6d. Ridgway. 1791.


When all things haften to the final end,
Thus fhall corruption on mankind attend:
RELIGIOUS trammels are no longer borne,
And ev❜n the females all her precepts fcorn.
LUST, RAPINE, MURDER, revel thro' the land,
And brother against brother lifts his hand.
The hoary father muft refign his wealth,
Daggers, or poifon gain his gold by stealth.
The fons of vice their witness's fuborn,
And plan by night the rogu'ry of the morn;
Upon the morrow they'll to court away,
(And have both judge and jury in their pay)
Impatient watching for returning light,
They all exclaim, Sure 'tis the longest night;
The lamp of day fhou'd now begin to burn,
We know our globe has tak'n its ufual turn;
For 'tis by CHANCE that never errs we move,
Tho' priests once taught 'twas by a pow'r above."

What this and a great part of the pamphlet has to do with Chriftianity, it will be difficult to difcover: but be this at it may, the ladies on Parnaffus will be more angry with the author for calling his production a poem, fhould they ever hear of it, than our court is for affixing to it the title Chriftianity; yet we wish titles to be in fome measure descriptive of the contents of books; nor do we expect to find, in a work with the above title, defcriptions of a turtle feaft with an hundred covers, nor of poor families living by luft, and rotting on the town. A few lines at the conclufion are all that Leem properly to belong to the fubject; yet even here, when the author means to be fublime, he becomes ludicrous. He reduces a falfe world to nothing, and then burns it to a cinder.

To its primæval nothing it returns

And the falfe world into a cinder burns.'

Let not the author pronounce us fevere: fuch criticisms are a most
painful part of our duty-but

"We can't be filent, and we must not lie."
Ii 2



Art. 48. Zapphira: A Tragedy, in Three Acts. 8vo. pp. 59. 15. 6d. Ridgway. 1792.

This tragedy is founded on the ftory of Rhynfault and Zapphira, related in the Spectator.-We advife the author, whofe firft effay this is, before he again ventures to publifh, to fubmit his performance to the correction of fome judicious friend. 0. Art. 49. A Norfolk Tale; or a Journal from London to Norwich: with a Prologue and Epilogue. 8vo. pp. 67. 2s. 6d. Johnfon. 1792.

As a private epiftle from one friend to another, this journal might be accepted as the fportive effufion of a mind at ease :-but as a common journey in our own country will not be expected to afford any extraordinary objects and adventures, for poetical celebration, fo here is nothing made of it worthy the attention of a ftranger to the author; who, nevertheless, appears to be a man of confiderable abilities; and who, as we collect, has a character to fupport, far more valuable than that of a dangler after any of the coquettish mufes.After all, we can forgive him his trifling for the fake of his humour, which is genuine.


N. Art. 50. Frederica, or the Memoirs of a Young Lady. By a Lady. Dedicated to her Royal Highness the Duchefs of York. 8vo. 3 Vols. 9s. fewed. Ridgway. 1792.

If thefe volumes be taken up with no higher expectation than that of occupying a few tedious hours with light amufement, the reader will not be disappointed; for they contain a fufficient variety of incidents and characters to afford an easy exercise of attention, without burthening the understanding with a fuperfluity of reflection, or overpowering the heart with a deep-wrought tale of diftrefs. More than this we cannot promife. The ftory is neither so artfully conftructed, as to hold the mind of the reader in a state of grateful fufpence; nor is it told with fuch delicacy of language, richness of imagery, and refinement of fentiment, as might be neceffary to gratify a highly-cultivated tafte. In fome parts the narrative is infipid; in others, the incidents are improbable, particularly in the fudden change which takes place in the character of Mr. Westrop, who, from a moft unprincipled and unfeeling libertine, becomes in an instant an affectionate relation, and a generous protector. We mult add, that the language is often incorrect. Such expreffions as the following are not here uncommon: He behaved extraordinary particular to me;'- fhe behaved remarkably attentive;'-'there was an immenfe large affembly;'- fhe had not been infide a church fix months; a perfon who I have fo little reafon to efteem.'-Such inaccuracies are proofs of negligence, or ignorance, of which it is our duty to take notice, even in a novel written by a lady. -E. Art. 51. Memoirs of a Baronefs. By the Author of the Conquefts of the Heart, and the Victim of Fancy. 12mo. 2 Vols. 5s. fewed. Robinsons. 1792.

The scene of this novel is laid in the court of Henry IV. of France; and the principal incident, (that for which, indeed, the whole novel appears to have been written,) is the romantic attempt

made by Mademoisel'e de St. Aubin to obtain a fight of Marshal Biron, whom he had long fecretly loved, and who was now imprifoned for treafon, and condemned to die. Befide this ftory, which is well related, the novel has little to fix the reader's attention. The tale, inftead of becoming more interefting, languishes toward the close, and is lengthened by an epifodical narrative. The writer feems more capable of reprefenting the external expreffions of paffion, than of clothing its fentiments in fuitable language; and when the ought to be unfolding a character, we find her defcribing the perfon, attitude, or drefs;-a failing very common with fome adventurers in novel-writing;-for this obvious reason, that it is easier to obferve the exterior form, than to read the language of the heart. E.

POLITICS and POLICE. Art. 52. Obfervations on the Politics of France, and their Progress fince the laft Summer: made in a Journey from Spa to Paris in 1791. By T. F. Hill. 8vo. pp. 110. In politics, as in other fciences, that reafoning bids fair to be 2s. 6d. Hookham. the best which has fact for its bafis. This is the foundation which Mr. Hill has chofen for his obfervations. action, he had an opportunity of viewing things as they are. By going to the scene of conclufions prove him to be a man of fenfe; and they are deduced His with an impartiality which feems to have nothing but truth for its object.

From what Mr. Hill faw of the emigrants, he judges that their caufe is not likely to be crowned with fuccefs. of France through which he travelled, the condition of the inhabiIn the country parts tants feemed to be much improved by the Revolution. diftreffed by a want of money and commerce, had loft all its gay Paris was vivacity, and was much divided by political factions :-but yer, amid every diverfity of opinion, it was evident that the great body of the people, both in the capital, and in the provinces, was decidedly for fupporting the new conftitution in all its parts, regal, as well as popular. The King, by his prudent conduct, appeared to be rifing, and the Affembly to be rather finking, in the eftimation of the people.

Though thefe remarks were made before the declaration of war against the King of Hungary, lome of them are not inapplicable to the prefent pofture of affairs. In particular, the emigrants feem as likely to be the victims of delay as ever. Auftrians continue to treat them with the fame marked contempt as Whether the they did when Mr. Hill was in the country, it is not eafy to tell at this distance: but there is no evidence of their cordially uniting with them. The King, too, it is poflible, from the late events, and from his judicious behaviour under them, wili derive additional ftrength to himself and his party, will defeat the republicans, and give tability to the conftitution in its prefent form *.

If we differ from Mr. Hill in any thing, it is, when he fuppofes the feveral tumults that have happened, to be the effect of regular Changes, however, feem to be indicated, fince this article was written.



preconcerted plans to bring about the political defigns of the various parties. In the reign of Charles the Second, no event of confequence occurred in this country, without a plot being in it. These are chimerical furmifes. The difturbances, that arife in periods of political fermentation, are moftly the effect of accident. This is confirmed by the obfcurity in which their origin is almost always. involved. Time generally brings fettled fchemes to light but cafualty is loft and fmothered in the confufion that gives it birth.

As no part of the fecret fervice money, iffued either from the public or from the privy purfe, takes its courfe through our hands, we cannot anfwer for the truth of the following circumftance. Should it be a fact, it is not of that nature which is calculated to give any additional relish to the payment of one million per ann. for the civil lift, or of seventeen millions for taxes; nor any additional grace to our complaints of the underhand interference of foreign emiffaries in our domeftic government. A French ambaffador, affured of the fact, would perhaps think himself juftified in remonftrating againft undue interpofition in the concerns of his own country; instead of vindicating his nation from a charge of fuch officious meddling, infinuated in a royal proclamation:

The King of England was reported with more probability, though with more fecrecy, to have replenished the empty treafuries of the emigration; a fact esteemed highly likely, both from his fituation and character: the fame rumour was reported with added ftrength towards the end of laft December; and a fum named to the enormous extent of half a million; it is certain that the course of the exchange was affected about that period, in a manner fufficiently fingular to authorize the fuppofition; fuch strange irregularities had not been experienced in it for the last half century. If the charity of his Majefty has induced him to contribute thus largely to the fupport of the caufe of Kings from his own private fortune; certainly his fubjects have, in the prefent fituation of the political fyftem, no right to object to it: but if fuch fums have really been issued from the public treasury for this purpose, perhaps they may think it paying rather too dear, for the purchase of poffible defolation, even in France; or of the advantages of defpotifm in England. Probably, however, the fums iffued from England, may have in great part come first from France; and been fent this way, to conceal their real fource: but I cannot help fufpecting, that our country, ever renowned for giving pay to other nations, has here followed her ufual cuftom, at least in fome degree.'

Mr. Hill is the editor of fome ancient Erfe poems reviewed in our 73d volume, page 70. Pear.e Art. 53. Two Letters to Lord Onflow, Lord Lieutenant of the County of Surry, and one to Mr. Henry Dundas, Secretary of State, on the Subject of the late excellent Proclamation. By Thomas Paine, Author of Common Senfe, Rights of Man, &c. 8vo. 6d. Ridgway. Another Edition is fold by Parsons. In the letter to Mr. Dundas, which ftands foremost in this collection, Mr. Paine repels fome attacks made on himself and his books in the course of the debate in the Houfe of Commons, on the


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