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is of such importance to our happiness to come to this conclusion, let us see upon what grounds we are so certain of the benefit of all God's dispensations. One consideration is alone sufficient for our purpose; and, if this one consideration possessed us as fully as it ought to do, we should see the wisdom and mercy of every event which happened to us. Let us seriously consider the immense disproportion between the longest life of earthly pleasures, and the immeasurable joys of heavenly happiness! Let us pause awhile and reflect upon countless ages spent in never-fading glory, and in bliss eternal, in the knowledge and enjoyment of God's happiness, and of His love. Let us pause awhile upon these glorious, these heart-inspiring reflections; and then, descend to earthly contemplations,-to earthly gratifications, -so mixed up, even in their purest state, with disappointment, vexation, and imperfection, that we always find something wanting. Let us do this, and we shall then begin to comprehend the comparative littleness of all mere human enjoyments; we shall learn to esteem them less, and consequently we shall learn to be less afflicted at their loss.

We will now consider how it can belong to the mercy, and wisdom, and goodness of God, so frequently to withdraw earthly blessings from His most faithful servants. The reason is plain. When those blessings are so dear that they withdraw the heart of man from his Maker; when they rival God in our thoughts; or when they seduce us to place too much of our affection upon things below; then, if they are withheld, can any one deny that this is an act of real mercy, by which God, draws us to himself with cords of love? These reflections should make us very diligent and watchful over our own ways, lest, by ingratitude and neglect of God's kindness, we tempt Him to withdraw from us the light of His countenance, and take away those comforts in which

we place so much delight. It is in the power of God to raise desires, or to destroy them: and he may, if He sees fit, cause us to despise the very blessing we have impatiently sought; and shew us the folly of setting our heart upon human felicity; he may cast so many impediments in our way, or throw such disrelish into our cup of earthly joy, that it may at length grow insipid to our taste. Indeed, so jealous is God of our loving this world too well, that He allows perfection to nothing in it; and none can say that they enjoy any earthly good, however excellent in itself, which has not, in some shape or other, caused them anxiety, disappointment, or grief. Under these circumstances, what does wisdom direct us to do? Not certainly to chuse for ourselves, but to leave to God the choice; always being prepared for the loss of that which we have, and beseeching God that we may have the wisdom to desire those things which he shall see fit to bestow, and be contented without those things which He shall withhold.

Whether our earthly wishes be granted or denied, abundant cause of gratitude must still remain; and, if every other cause should fail, the inestimable gift of eternal life through Christ, and the abundant pardon purchased by His death, for fallen creatures, is sufficient cause to fill the whole earth with songs of rejoicing and praise. But, if health and peace surround our dwelling, we ought to see the hand of God in our protection, and gratefully acknowledge his goodness. When we have just escaped from the effects of immediate danger, when Providence has interfered in some signal manner for our protection, and has preserved us in the midst of great and sudden alarm, we are perhaps then ready to acknow ledge the hand of Heaven, and to give God the praise: but, whilst we are permitted to escape even the alarm of danger, whilst our days run on in unin

terrupted security, should we not feel that still more thankfulness is due? For are we not conscious that it is the care of Heaven alone which keeps alarm and danger from us, and which perpetually surrounds us on every side?



RABBITS are really profitable. Three does and a buck will give you a rabbit to eat for every three days in the year, which is a much larger quantity of food than any man will get by spending half his time in the pursuit of wild animals (poaching,) to say nothing of the toil, the tearing of clothes, and the danger of pursuing the latter.

Every body knows how to knock up a rabbit hutch. The does should not be allowed to have

more than seven litters in the year. Six young ones to a doe is all that ought to be kept, and then they will be fine. Abundant food is the main thing; and what is there that a rabbit will not eat? I know of nothing green that they will not eat; and if hard pushed, they will eat bark, and even wood. The best thing to feed the young ones on, when taken from the mother, is the carrot, wild or garden. Parsnips, Swedish turnips, roots of dandelion ; for too much green, or watery stuff, is not good for weaning rabbits. They should remain as long as possible with the mother. They should have oats once a day; and after a time they may eat any thing with safety. But, if you give them too much green at first when they are weaned, they rot as sheep do. A variety of food is a great thing; and surely the fields, and gardens, and hedges furnish this va

riety. All sorts of grasses, strawberry leaves, ivy, dandelion, the hog-weed, or wild parsnip, in root stem and leaves. When the doe has young ones, feed her most abundantly with all sorts of greens, and herbage, and with carrots and the other things mentioned before, besides giving her a few oats once a day. That is the way to have fine healthy young ones, which, if they come from the mother in good case, will very seldom die. But do not think, that, because she is a little animal, a little food is sufficient! Rabbits eat a great deal more than cows or sheep, in proportion to their bulk.

Of all animals, rabbits are those that boys are most fond of. They are extremely pretty, nimble in their movements, engaging in their attitudes, and always completely under immediate controul. The produce has not long to be waited for. In short, they keep up an interest constantly alive in a little chap's mind; they really cost nothing: for, as to the oats, where is the boy that cannot, in harvest time, pick up enough along the lanes to serve his rabbits for a year? The care is all; and the habit of taking care of things is, of itself, a most valuable possession.

To those gentlemen who keep rabbits for the use of their family (and a very useful and convenient article they are) I would observe that, when they find their rabbits die, they may depend on it, that ninety nine times out of a hundred, starvation is the malady. And particularly, short feeding of the doe, while, and before she has the young ones; that is to say, short feeding of her at all times; for if she be poor, the young ones will be good for nothing. She will live, being poor, but she will not, and cannot breed-up fine young ones.-Cottage Economy,

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WE have, in different parts of our Book, given directions for fire-making, and receipts for cheap fuel-and we have received several letters at different times, assuring us that our rules have been attended to, and that they have been found to answer, and that great benefit has been derived from them. Now, at this season of the year, something more may be expected on this subject;-but we would rather not attempt any thing new, because we think that those who have tried the former directions, and found them to answer, will not wish for any thing more; and those who have not tried them, would not be likely to try any thing else that we might have to offer. We will suppose a person then to go on with a common coal fire, in a common grate ;-yet, even in this way, some hints may be necessary towards making the fuel go the farthest, and at the same time, keeping a good fire. In some houses, you will always find a warm cheerful fire, and a clean hearth; and, in others, you will find a poor starving sort of fire, and the hearth will be all filled with cinders, and every thing will look cold, and dirty, and uncomfortable; and yet, these last people shall burn just as many coals as the first. Now, this is all for want of proper care and good management. What is to be done then? Why the first thing is to take care to light the fire properly. As we have before observed, on this subject, the great secret is to allow a free circulation of air through the coals: then you soon get a brisk fire, and the room becomes warm, and there is no need of perpetual poking, and stirring, and tumbling out half the coal, and perhaps putting out the fire at last. When the fire is once well lighted, a few more coals may be added, if necessary; and, when a good warm fire is once esta

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