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little, and yet keep their families better than they do now. If a married man saved only a shilling a week, and began when he was twenty-five years old, he'd have almost Eighty Pounds in his pocket by the time he was forty-five. If he put in Two Shillings a week he'd have almost a Hundred and Sixty Pounds. And this 1 call a very handy thing for a man to go to.


Ralph. Say no more Will, I see you're the best friend I ever had in the world. If I had minded you seven years ago, I should have been worth more than Eighty Pounds now; and, in the room o' that, I'm not worth a penny. However it's better. late than never, and so I'll e'en begin this week, and so good night William; your Saving Bank, I see, will be the saving o' me.



THERE is a custom, among some very silly journeymen mechanics and manufacturers, to keep what they call Saint Monday; that is, to refuse to work every Monday. Thus they indulge habits of idleness, and are so very foolish as to cut off from themselves the profits of this day, which often, more, over, leads to the loss of other days in the week; and thus they are so much their own enemies, as to throw away the opportunities which are in their power of adding to their comforts and independence, besides corrupting their minds by the company of a set of idle people, who take a pleasure in making others as bad as themselves; and, because they have no pleasure in what is good and profitable, have a great dislike to see others advancing in credit, or living in comfort, or pursuing any thing that is right. A Correspondent sends us the following rhymes.


There's a Saint too well known, but whose pestilent name
E'en the Catholic Calendar does not proclaim;
Nor does any good Papist or Protestant dare
Any part in the service he covets to bear;

Now to find out this Saint you'll be puzzled, I ween,
I will tell you at once then-Saint Monday I mean.


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Romish Saints but a partial idolatry share,
And claim for observance one day in the year;
But Saint Monday has got far more service to do,
His followers allow him at least fifty-two:
One day out of seven is claim'd by the Lord,
And one day in seven Saint Monday's ador'd.


To honour Saint Monday 'tis idleness all;
If that sin be allow'd, into others you fall;
Then drunkenness comes, as a matter of course;
And then you are tempted to worse and to worse:
And now, let me hope, to abhorrence you're mov'd;
Saint Monday, you see, a sad Sinner is prov'd.



SOME persons are, for a time, very active and earnest in their exertions, in educating the young, visiting the sick, giving advice and comfort to the afflicted, and relieving the wants of the poor; and these useful employments afford great satisfaction to their minds, and they find a real pleasure in this right exertion of their faculties. They look forward, with great delight, to see the fruit of their labonrs, and they expect that they shall reap an abundant harvest wherever they have sowed the good seed. Feeling that they have bestowed much time and labour, and expence, upon the object of their exertions, they expect that they shall receive a rich return in the benefit produced. But their spirits are often grievously cast down, by seeing how little their pains have been recompensed, and that those


who might have profited by their labours have thrown away all their opportunities of good, and have shewn themselves wholly ungrateful for the favours bestowed. Now this ingratitude has often put a complete check to the energies of those who were before active in their endeavours to do good. But this is wrong; we should not exert ourselves for the sake of being thanked, but for the sake of being useful; and we must therefore continue our exertions, whether they are well received or not. We do not mean to excuse the ingratitude of those who thus scorn the attempts of those who are seeking to do them good; for their ingratitude is a very great crime, and a proof that all is wrong within; but those who would really be doing good; must de it, Mike Christians, through evil report, and good report." Much ingratitude will be met with, and must be expected. There will, however, at the same time, be much encouragement to cheer the exertions of the benevolent.

There was a boy at the Central National School in Baldwin's Gardens, whose home was at a distance of between two and three miles from the school; and yet he never missed once: neither did he miss Church once. On some few particular occasions, when the Sunday morning's service is so much lengthened, that it seems impossible that the boys from a distance can go home and return in time, these boys are not expected to come to the Chapel in the afternoon; yet still, even on these occasions, this boy was never absent. His general good conduct, and attention, were equally satisfactory. There are many other encouraging instances, and a few such are a return for many disappointments. The poor boy is taken into the service of a benevolent gentleman, who had long observed his good conduct, and encouraged his diligence, and remarked his gratitude for the opportunities of instruction which were afforded him..


Some persons think that "visiting prisons,"

is a most hopeless task. It is, however, a truly Christian one; and we trust that it is not labour lost. A lady of our acquaintance was much interested in the welfare of a female convict, and had taken much pains to lead this poor creature, whilst she was in prison, to the knowledge of what was good. The poor woman was afterwards transported; and her gratitude has appeared by her sending to her benefactress, from her distant abode, a present of furs, feathers, and such other articles as that country afforded. The altered character of the poor woman, in consequence of the instruction which she received in prison, is indeed the true reward and encouragement of such exertions; but such instances of grateful feeling are generally proofs that the benefits are not forgotten, and that they are probably producing their right effect.



WHAT wretched folly it must be for any one to indulge a revengeful spirit! It robs him of inward peace. It embitters all the enjoyments of life. It causes him to be dreaded and deserted by men; and it excludes him from pardon at the hand of God. "If ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."-Knowles.

Anger is evil and dangerous, in so many ways, and upon so many accounts, that, if we reflect at all, we must feel the force of the reprehension against it in Holy Scripture. We are told that, while on the one hand, "he that is slow to wrath is of great understanding;" so, on the other," he that is soon angry dealeth foolishly, and he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly."-Berens.

The habit of profane swearing is not only a great

sin in itself, but it is a sign of a state of mind wholly different from the spirit of a Christian.—Anon,

A curse is like a stone thrown up towards heaven, and most likely to return on the head of him that sent it.-Sir Walter Scott.

Never swear; for swearing is the fuel of anger and contention, and leadeth to great evils.-Friendly Advice to Servants, &c.

Be careful to avoid drunkenness; for it is a great crime in itself, and is also an inlet to every other vice, the ruin of character, and the destruction of your constitution. Solomon says, "The drunkard shall come to poverty, and shall not inherit the kingdom of God."-The same.



John Wells, one of the carters of Mr. Ward, coal-merchant, met with a most serious accident by that imprudence, which are' sorry to see neither the terrific warning of past vic tims nor the punishment of the law seem efficient to prevent. He was driving a cart, laden with salt, through Broad-street, and at the same time riding on the shaft horse, which becom. ing suddenly rather restive, threw the unfortunate individual: the wheel passed over his head, tearing off, in its passage, the greater part of his ear, and crushing the skull. He was immediately taken up and conveyed to the Radcliffe Infirmary, where the surgeon on duty, Mr. Cleobury, tied up the temporal artery, whence the blood was gushing forth most profusely. Surprising to relate, the patient is still alive, and some hopes are entertained of his recovery.

The above surgical case is, we understand, one of very rare occurrence, from the protracted existence of the suf.. ferer, under such violent injury done to the most vital parts. We have been favoured with the following professional account by a medical friend. The scalp on the right side was turned down and the temporal artery divided. On the left side, the scalp, with the whole of the integument covering that side of the jaw, was turned down also, and the ear nearly torn off, so as to discover the skull and jaw.bone. The scalp on the back part of the head was also torn away,

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