Abbildungen der Seite

bles of state and the torments of his mind, and to change places with the lowest of his subjects.

"How many thousands of my poorest subjects
Are, at this hour, asleep! Sleep, gentle Sleep,
Nature's soft nurse, how have I frighted thee,
That thou no more wilt weigh my eye-lids down,
And steep my senses in forgetfulness?

Why rather, Sleep, liest thou in smoky cribs,
Upon uneasy pallets stretching thee,

And hush'd with buzzing night-flies to thy slumber;
Than in the perfum'd chambers of the great,
Under the canopies of costly state

And lull'd with sounds of sweetest melody?

Wilt thou, upon the high and giddy mast,
Seal up the ship-boy's eyes, and rock his brains
In cradle of the rude imperious surge?-
Canst thou, O partial Sleep, give thy repose
To the wet sea-boy in an hour so rude;
And, in the calmest and the stillest night,
With all appliances and means to boot,
Deny it to a King? Then, happy low, lie down,
Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown."

You see the king seems to think "low" people the happiest, and considers that they "lie down" in peace, while the great are harassed on all sides with cares and torments.-A man, however, whose conscience torments him, will never sleep sound whether he be high or low.

I am,

Your affectionate Father,

J. S..


Maxims of Prudence, chiefly adapted to Female Servants.

SERVANTS Who often change their situations are always poor.

A good character is a fortune to a servant.

When you are in want of a situation, take care to lodge with respectable people; for there are men and women who will flatter you, only to decoy you into houses where many are put off their guard, and their reputation and their happiness ruined.

If strangers are uncommonly civil, be you uncommonly cautious.

Be as little as possible from home in the evening. -Give no attention to strangers who may accost you in the street. Sauntering is a bad sign.

Keep your temper and tongue under government. Always prefer a situation where you may regularly have an opportunity of attending public worship.

Be sure, if you cannot pray as well as you would, pray as well as you can, morning and evening.

Be very honest in speaking the truth, and in all your dealings.

It is an honour to be thought trust-worthy.

Rise early; and your services will give double satisfaction.

Be modest and quiet, not talkative and presuming, Pert and rude, or hasty language, does equal harm to all parties.

Watch against daintiness and extravagance, and be as careful of your employer's property as your


Wilful waste makes woeful want.

Never give articles secretly away. Be just before you are generous. Breaking and destroying, for want of care, is a species of dishonesty.

Be quick on errands, and whenever you walk alone.

Suffer no men followers; nor women, whose virtue and respectability you have not long known, and who are not approved of by the family.

Suffer no indecent jokes, for these have often in the end brought on ruin. Be very reserved to servants of the other sex. That you may keep your

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reputation and never want friends, trust to no promises of marriage but those which are actually made at Church.

Be always employed:

"For Satan finds some mischief still

For idle hands to do."

In all things do to others as you would be done by. Make friends of your master and mistress, that they may be friends to you.

A mild mistress deserves diligent servants.

Leave every place respectfully: it is your duty; and you know not what friends you may want.

A truly faithful servant will seldom long want a place.


The foregoing Maxims comprize much instruction in a small compass; but we beg to add a word or two to young and inexperienced servants.

Be willing to assist in any thing reasonable, although not actually stipulated for.

Make up your mind to meet with difficulties, disappointments, and things you do not like: from such things no situation in life is free. If your place be not exactly to your mind, bear with it patiently, and strive to bring your mind to your place.

Be frugal in your expences, and be sure not to indulge in extravagance in dress; but let it be neat and plain, according to your station. Thousands of females have come to a bad end by giving way to a fondness of dress; to support which, they have had recourse to means that have terminated in their disgrace or ruin.

Always make it a rule to lay by part of your wages every year, which should be deposited in a Savings Bank. The industrious bee and the provident ant do not neglect to make provision in summer for the wants of winter.

Whatever you save by your own industry is of far greater value than what may be given to you; such

savings will be a comfort to you when out of place, in sickness, against marriage, or in old-age; and prove your friend when other friends fail.

A Correspondent sends us the following HYMN, written by the present Bishop of Calcutta, for the Purpose of being sung in Whittington Church, on Sunday, April 16th, 1820.

FROM Greenland's icy mountains,
From India's coral strand :
Where Afric's sunny fountains

Roll down their golden sand;
From many an ancient river,
From many a palmy plain,

They call us to deliver

Their land from error's chain.

What, though the spicy breezes
Blow soft o'er Ceylon's isle,
Though ev'ry prospect pleases,
And only man is vile:
In vain, with lavish kindness,

The gifts of God are strown;
The Heathen in his blindness

Bows down to wood and stone.

Shall we, whose souls are lighted
With wisdom from on high,

Shall we to men benighted

The lamp of life deny?
Salvation! oh, Salvation!

The joyful sound proclaim,

"Till each remotest nation

Has learnt Messiah's name!

Waft, waft ye winds, his story,
And you, ye waters, roll,
Till, like a sea of glory,

It spreads from pole to pole:
Till o'er our ransom'd' nature

The Lamb for sinners slain,
Redeemer, King, Creator,
In bliss returns to reign!




"Its all over; its all over;" said Mrs. Ford, leaving her ironing board, running into her neighbour's cottage: "the squire and his lady came to the Hall last night; I saw the housskeeper go down the village just now; Hannah will be sure to be turned off; and then there 'll be such doings: bless me, I shall contrive to get there to-night, and then"-Here being interrupted by a faint shriek, she rushed out of the cottage, crying out, "O my Jemmy! my Jemmy!" Mrs Read followed her and found indeed just cause for alarm. The little boy, a child of four years old, was lying on the floor in a state of great suffering; for, during his mother's absence, he had been playing with the fire, and had overturned a small kettle of boiling water, which had sadly scalded his feet. Mrs. Read, seeing that in her hurry and confusion the mother knew not what to do, quietly took the little sufferer in her arms, and was about to lay him on the bed; but finding that it had not been made that morning, and that every thing about the room was in disorder, she prevailed on Mrs. Ford to let her take him to her own cottage, where she nursed him tenderly for a day or two, till he was well enough to be taken home.

This was not the only misfortune which befel Mrs. Ford in consequence of her love of gossiping, and meddling in the affairs of every family in the village. Once, after talking at the door for half an hour with a neighbour, when she returned to her ironing, (for she was a laundress) she found that the kitten had been playing with several yards of beautiful lace, and, in her gambols, had so injured the frail workmanship, that it was impossible for Mrs. Ford to repair the damage, and thus she lost one of her best customers.

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