Abbildungen der Seite
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An act fupplementary to the act, intituled, "An
act concerning the diftrict of Columbia,"
An act to amend the act altering the district of
Bermuda Hundred and City Point,
An act authorising the remiffion of duties on cer-
tain teas destroyed by fire, while under the
care of the officers of the cuftoms, in Provi-
dence, Rhode-Island,
An act making appropriations for the fupport of
government for the year one thousand eight
hundred and one,

An act directing the mode of eftimating certain
foreign coins and currencies, and making out
invoices in certain cafes,

An act to augment the falaries of the district judges in the districts of Maffachusetts, NewYork, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland, respectively,

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An act in addition to an act, intituled, "An act making provifion for the further accommodation of the household of the Prefident of the United States,

An act making appropriations for the navy of the United States for the year one thousand eight - hundred and one,

An act for altering the times and places of hold-
ing certain courts therein mentioned, and for
other purposes,

An act to amend the act, entituled "An act to
provide for the valuation of lands and dwel-
ling houses, and the enumeration of flaves
within the United States," and to repeal the
act, intituled “An act to enlarge the powers
of the furveyors of the Revenue,"
An act for erecting light-houfes on New Point
Comfort, and on Smith's Point, in the ftate
of Virginia, on Faulkner's ifland in Long-












Island Sound, in the ftate of Connecticut, and for placing buoys in Narraganfet Bay, An act further to alter and to establish certain poft roads, Refolution refpecting certain property of the United States in the poffeffion of Thomas Claxton, James Mathers, and Thomas Damn, door keepers to Congrefs, TREATY of Amity and Commerce between his Majefty the King of Pruffia, and the United States of America,







chap. 6. p. 12

ART of the aft for the remiffion of fines, &c. continued and part repealed Affent of Congress given to certain acts of Maryland and Georgia

" A& concerning certain fisheries,"&c. continued Repeal of the 5th Sec. of the " Act to promote the ufeful arts," &c.

chap. 15. p. 41 chap. 21. p. 84 progrefs of the f. 4. P. 90

chap. 27. P. 9!

"Act to authorife the defence of the merchant veffels" &c. coutinued in force "Act to prescribe the mode of taking evidence in cafes of contested elections," &c. continued

chap. 28. p. 92

f. 11. p. 126

"A& for the government of the Navy," paffed 2d March 1799, repealed "Act in addition to the act for the punishment of certain crimes" &c. continued "Act laying duties on mills and implements employed in the manufacture of fnuff," repealed

chap. 35. p. 128

chap, 36. p. 129

"Act laying an additional duty on falt,"&c. continued

chap. 43. P. 144

f. 17. p. 187

"Act providing for the fale of the lands of the United States"&c. partially repealed "Acts laying duties on licenfes for felling wines and foreign dif tilled fpirits by retail; and fo much of the act laying certain duties on fnuff and refined fugar, as refpects a duty on refined fugar, on property fold at auction and on carriages for the conveyance of perfons,- continued in force chap. 82. p. 264

"Act to enlarge the powers of the furveyors of the Revenue," repealed f. 1. 3. P. 311

Letters and packets to and from him freed from poftage.


chap. 80. p. 263 f. 3. p. 316


[blocks in formation]

Goods may be tranfported to and from Philadelphia and Baltimore

by the way of Appoquinimink and Saffafras

chap. 84. p. 266


For the the purchase of copper for the mint

f. 1. p. 127.

furniture for the Prifident's houfe
for the Capitol

1. 2. p. 130

f. 3. p. 130

f. 4. p. 131

For making footways in the city of Washington
For the purchase of books for the use of Congress
For placing buoys at Buzzard's Bay and the erection of
at Wigham Point

For payment of intereft on the new loan of 3,500,000

Of the proceeds of the loan

f. 5. p. 132 a lighthouse f. 6. p. 137 dollars f. 2. p. 142 f. 3. p. 143

chap. 47. p. 148

For the fupport of government for the year 1800

for the year 1801

chap. 98. p. 294

For the military establishment in the year 1800

chap. 48. p. 159.

in the year 1801

chap. 89. p. 276

For the navy during the year 1800 during the year 1801

[blocks in formation]

For holding an Indian Treaty
Additional appropriation for the year 1800

chap. 62. p. 196 chap. 65. p. 199 f. 6. p. 223 f. z. p. 229certain of the f. 2. p. 302 Smith's Point

Of the proceeds of certain additional duties on imports
For building a light-house at Cape Poge
For paying the augmentation of falary allowed to
diftrict judges

For building light houfes on New Point Comfort
and Faulkner's Ifland, and for placing buoys in Narraganset Bay


f. 4. p. 312

Rations allowed to the fuperintendants and mafter armourers

f. 1. p. 147

Penalty on enticing away, employing &c. workmen under engagements to the United States f. 2. p. $47.

on workmen being guilty of certain mifconduct f. 3. p. 148 Artificers and workmen exempted from military fervice and fervice as jurors f. 4. p. 148

ARMY. See Indians.

Further enlistments under the "Act to augment the army" &c. fufpeaded chap. 9. p. 14 Rank and pay of the paymafter-general, and allowance to the affiftant of the adjutant general chap. 26. p. go Further appointments, under the "Act to augment the army" &c. and the 9th Sec. of the act for the better organization of the troops of the United States, may be fufpended f. 1. p. 205. Cficers and men appointed or raised under those laws may be dif charged, with certain exceptions

[blocks in formation]

Who may be a bankrupt


£. 1. p. 45 ibid

f. 2. p. 47

f. 3. p. 48 f. 4. F. 49

What thall be an act of bankruptcy

Proceedings to obtain a commiffion of bankruptcy

Commiffioners to take an oath, and mode of declaring a bankrupt

They may caufe the bankrupt to be arrested
They fhall take into their poffeffion the bankrupt's

and papers

property, books f. 5. p. 50

f. 7. P. 52

Notice of the bankruptcy, appointment of affignees, proof of debts, and affignment of the bankrupt's eftate f. 6&7.p. 50—1—2 Creditors may remove the affignees and chufe others Suits not to be abated by the change of affignees General effect of the affignment by the commiffioners It shall bar eftates tail

1. 9. p. 53 f. 10. p. 53 C. 11. p. 54

Commiffioners may tender performance of the conditions on which

the bankrupt's property is pledged

Effect of the affignment of debts and mode of their

Mode difcovering concealed property or debts.
Summoning of witneffes, &c.

Penalty on making a fraudulent claim

[blocks in formation]

f. 13. P. 55 f. 14. p. 56 f. 15. p. 57 f. 16. p. 57

Commiffioners may affign property fraudulently conveyed f. 17. p. 58 Duty of the bankrupt to furrender hinfelf and be examined, &c.

f. 18. p. 58

{. 10. P. 59

f. 19. p. 60

Made of examination when the bankrupt is in prifon
Day's of meeting to be appointed within the term limited for the fur-
render, &c.
Houses, doors, &c. of the bankrupt may be broken open f. 20. p. 61
Bankrupt may be committed for refufal to be examined, &c.

Punishment of his perjury

f. 21. p. 61 Bid

He fhall have accefs to his books and writings, and fhall be free from

arreft in going to surrender, &c.

Penelty on concealing a bankrupt

Bankrupt's wife may be examined

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Commitioners to exprefs the cause of commitment in their warrants

Bounty for difcovering a bankrupt's eftate
Penalty on trustees concealing his property
Goods of which the bankrupt is the reputed owner may be affigned

f. 27. p. 63

Penalty on the perfon fuing out a commiffion receiving an undue fatisfaction from the bankrupt

f. 28. p. Et f. 20 & 30. p. 64-5-6

Making of dividends Bankrupt's eftate to be propertionably divided without regard to the creditor's fecurity

1. 3. p. 67

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