A Voyage to Cochinchina, in the Years 1792 and 1793: Containing a General View of the Valuable Productions and the Political Importance of this Flourishing Kingdom, and Also of Such European Settlements as Were Visited on the Voyage: with Sketches of the Manners, Character, and Condition of Their Several Inhabitants : To which is Annexed an Account of a Journey, Made in the Years 1801 and 1802, to the Residence of the Chief of the Booshuana Nationa, Being the Remotest Point in the Interior of Southern Africa to which Europeans Have Hitherto Penetrated ...T. CadelL and W. Davies in the Strand, 1806 - 447 Seiten |
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A Voyage to Cochinchina, in the Years 1792 and 1793: To Which Is Annexed an ... Sir John Barrow Keine Leseprobe verfügbar - 2018 |
Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
abundance animal appearance Batavia beautiful boors Booshuanas Brazils called Cape cattle Caung-shung character China Chinese climate coast colonies colour considerable considered covered cultivated degree distance dress Dutch Emperor of China English European favour feet fish French fruit Funchal ground harbour Hottentots India inhabitants island Java Javanese journey kind King of Cochinchina Koras labour land latter least less Louis XVI Madeira Malays manner means miles missionaries mountains nation natives nature night object observed occasion officers Orange river party perhaps plain plants port Portugal Portugueze possession present produce quacha quantity Rio de Janeiro river rocks scarcely seems ships shore side situated slaves South America Southern Africa species strait of Sunda strangers sufficient supply supposed surface Teneriffe thousand tion town trade trees Tristan da Cunha Tung-quin Turon bay usually vegetables vessel voyage waggons whole wine women wood