Bertolt Brecht: Journals 1934 - 1955

Routledge, 25.11.2020 - 574 Seiten
This book contains selected poems, plays, and prose by Bertolt Brecht taken from various points throughout his career. It includes translations of two prose works and provides some background information on Brecht's life and career.

Im Buch

Ausgewählte Seiten


Brecht Between Two World Systems
April 1939 to 19 March 1940
April 1940 to 13 July 1941
July 1941 to 5 November 1947
December 1947 to 20 October 1948
October 1948 to 18 July 1955
Editorial Notes
Select Bibliography

Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen

Autoren-Profil (2020)

Bertolt Brecht

Bibliografische Informationen