Abbildungen der Seite
[blocks in formation]

Dutch fleet, i. 451-456; on the | Navy of Great Britain at the close of

Halifax station, ii. 96

Mitchell, capt. C., i. 219, 593
Mittau, taken by the English, ii. 433
Moira, Earl of, defeats the French in
Flanders, i. 89

Molloy, capt., his trial, i. 153, 227.
Montagu, rear-adm., detached by Lord
Howe against a great French convoy,
i. 145; he retakes our Newfoundland
convoy, 146, 148; pursues the French
fleet to Brest, and is himself chased
by Villaret, 147; the French convoy
escapes into port, 148; the rear-
admiral's character, 151
Monte Video, storming of, ii. 214, 217
Moore, Sir John, his disastrous retreat
to Corunna, ii. 250, 308-310
Moore, capt. Graham (adm. Sir), takes
Le Belliqueux, La Volage, and La
Résolue, i. 387, 434; action with
Spanish frigates conveying treasure,

Mosse, capt., killed at Copenhagen, 532
Moubray, capt., attacks the post of
Morgion, ii. 478, 483

Mounsey, capt. W., splendid action
fought by, ii. 257, 477

Mudge, capt. Z., commands the Blanche

frigate, i. 43; captured by a French
squadron, 100

Mulgrave, Earl of, first Lord of the
Admiralty, ii, 283, 309

Murat, king of Naples, dethroned, ii.
554; his death, 555
Muros, town and fort, taken by capt.
Maitland, ii. 32

Murray, capt. (rear adm. George) ii.
218, 220; sails with Nelson as capt.
of the fleet, ii. 33
Murviedro, fortress near Valencia, de-
fended by gen. Blake, ii. 406
Mutiny of the British fleet, i. 275; at
Spithead, 277; at St. Helen's, 279;
in Yarmouth Roads, 281; at the
Nore, 284; its suppression, 281, 289;
renewal of the mutiny, 280, 297;
mutiny at the Cape of Good Hope,

Nagle, Sir Edmund, captures La Ré-
volutionnaire, i. 224
Napier, colonel, ii. 499

Napier, capt., gallant actions of, i.
466; ii. 404, 407, 476, 522
Naples, wars and revolutions of, i. 477
478, 489; ii. 347

Napoleon, emperor-See Bonaparte
Nassau, prince of, adm. of Catharine

II. empress of Russia, i. 55; his
defeat by the king of Sweden, 64
Naval stores, whence supplied to us,
i. 275

the war with our American colonies,
i. 32; how improved, 33, 34; indul-
gences granted, 198; debates in
Parliament on the state of, 234;
question of discipline betwixt the
two services, 237; the British naval
force in 1803, table, 592

Neale, Sir Harry Burrard, captures
two French frigates, i. 327; his ac-
tion with the Marengo, ii. 124;
blockades the French ports, 342,511
Nelson, Viscount, his services, passım :
-in the West Indies, i. 159; suc-
cesses near Genoa, 329; action in
Larma bay, 337; encounter with
frigates at Carthagena, 338; brave
conduct in action off Cape St. Vin-
cent, 339; loss of an arm in the
daring attack of Santa Cruz, Tene-
riffe, 373; victory of the Nile, 394,
402, 413; supports Ferdinand of
Naples, 477; his violence in this
service, 477-481; trial of Carraccioli,
483; restores the king of Naples,
489; he hoists his flag in the St.
George, in the Baltic,526; he sounds
the approaches to Copenhagen, 527 ;
sends a letter with a flag of truce to
the crown prince, 529; he goes on
shore and concludes a truce, in tri-
umph, 530; joins the St. George in
an open boat, 534; assumes the chief
command, 536; his letter to the
Swedish admiral, ib; he sails with
a squadron against Boulogne, 538;
desperate attack on the gun-boat
flotilla, 539; he supersedes Sir R.
Bickerton in the Mediterranean com-
mand, 595, ii. 33; is in want of sup-
plies, 36; affair with Monsieur La
Touche Treville, 37; daring passage
through Agincourt Sound, 38; he
sails to Egypt in pursuit of Ville-
neuve, ib.; he demands satisfaction
of the Dey of Algiers, 41; sails
again in pursuit of the French adm.,
52; visits Barbadoes and the Wind-
ward islands, ib.; follows Villeneuve
to Europe, length of the chase, ib.;
joins Cornwallis, 54; sails for Eng-
land, and once more assumes the
chief command, 56; his letters to
Collingwood, ib.; he detaches rear-
adm. Louis, 58; his general order,
ib.; his appearance on deck, 62; his
prayer before the battle of Trafalgar,
ib.; he leads his line into action, 64;
receives a mortal wound, 66; his
last orders, 67; his death, 68; cha-
racter of the great adm., 69, 70;
buried in St. Paul's cathedral, 90, 91

Neptune, the, resists the mutiny at the | Owen, Sir Edward, his attacks on the
Nore, i. 289

Nevis, island of, ii. 49

Neutral ships, right of search of, i.
458; ii. 114

New Orleans, the English defeated at,
ii. 529
Newcome, capt., takes the settlement
of Mahee, and the Duguay Trouin,
i. 210; he reduces Malacca, 360;
the Albanaise taken by his mutinous
crew, 557

Newman, capt., his action with La
Loire, i. 435; he also takes La
Pallas, 442

Nile, battle of the, i. 402, et seq.; its
influence on general affairs, i. 469
Non-importation law, by N. America,
ii. 144

Nore, mutiny at the, i. 285
North-west passage to the Chinese
seas, voyages of discovery, ii. 651—

Northern confederacy, the, i. 273, 519
-525; dissolved, 533

Norway, history of and transfer to
Sweden, ii. 467
Nugent, capt., storms fort Républicain,
i. 189; named adm. of the Heet, 184
Nymph, takes the Cleopatra, i. 120
Nymphe and Pallas frigates wrecked
in the Frith of Forth, ii. 380
O'Brien, capt. James, action in St.
Pierre Roads, Martinique, i. 625
O'Brien, lieut., services of, ii. 447,448,

Ogilvy, capt., covers the retreat of the

royalists at Quiberon-bay, i. 194
O'Hara, gen., governor of Toulon, i.
105; made prisoner, 109; anecdote
of, 487

Oliver, lieut. Robert, ii. 356

Oliver, captain R. D., bombards Havre
de Grace, i. 632; captures Le Rhin
frigate, ii. 128

Onslow, vice-adm., his conduct in the
battle of Camperdown, i. 347, 349,


O'Reilly, capt., enters the river Adour,
ii. 509

Orient, L', blown up in the Nile, i. 474
Osborn, capt. E. O., successes of, ii. 10
Otchakof, taken by the Russians, i.

Otranto, numerous prizes made by
English captains af, ii. 410
Otway, rear-adm. E. A., on the Wal-
cheren expedition, ii. 289
Otway, capt. R. W., captures Le Dro-
madaire, ii. 404; secures the Hol-
stein, seventy-four, in the battle of
Copenhagen, i. 533; at Toulon, ii .359

flotilla and the French ports, i. 632,

Paget, capt. Hon. C., captures by, i.


Pakenham, Sir Edward, ii. 265 ; killed
at New Orleans, 533
Pallas, Dutch frigate, taken, ii. 151
Paoli, gen., assists the English in the
reduction of Corsica, i. 302, 305, 307
Paramaribo, capture of, ii. 46
Parga, surrenders to capt. Hoste, ii. 514
Paris, entered by Wellington and the
Allies, ii. 510

Parker, Sir Hyde, commands in the
Baltie, i. 526; reconnoitres Copen-
hagen, 527; his signal of recal to Nel-
son, 528; resigns his command, 535
Parker, capt. Sir Peter, services of, ii.
87; killed in N. America, 525
Parker, capt. W., seizes upon Ferrol,
ii. 312

Parker, capt. (vice adm. Sir George)
destroys the Christian Frederic,
Danish seventy-four, ii. 230
Parker, capt. Hyde, ii. 525
Parker, capt. F, drowned at Senegal,
ii. 286

Parker, capt. Sir W. (rear-adm.) takes
the Belle Poule frigate, ii. 124
Parker, Richard, commands the mu
tineers at the Nore, i. 285; block-
ades the mouth of the Thames, 288;
his order directed to Lord Northesk,
294; his trial, 295

Parry, Sir Edward, discoveries and ha-
zardous voyages in the Polar regions,
ii. 651, et seq.

Pasley, vice-adm., wounded, i. 155;
attempts to pacify the mutineers in
Yarmouth Roads, 284; presides on
the trial of R. Parker, 295
Patagonia, described, ii. 675, et seq.
Pater, capt., attacks the Danish flotilla,
ii. 383; preserves his crew from ship-
wreck, 391

Paul, emperor of Russia, exercises
cruelty against the English in his
dominions, i. 520; his hostility, 519,
522; his death, 534

Paul Jones, pirate, appointed to a com-
mand in the Russian fleet, i. 58
Peace with France in 1814, articles of
the, ii. 517

Peachy, lieut. (Viscount Selsey) ii. 375,


Peake, capt. W., taken by the Ameri-

can capt. Lawrence, in the Hornet,
ii. 488

Pearson, capt., in the Doris, his cap-
tures, i. 595
Pearson, lieut., ii. 519


Pechell, capt. S. J.. assists in capturing

La Topaze, ii. 266
Pell, capt. W. O., his capture of Le
Neptune lugger, ii. 505
Pellew, Sir Edward.-See Exmouth
Pellew, capt. (Sir Fleetwood) services
of, ii. 213, 214, 423

Pellew, Israel, his singular escape from
the Amphion, i. 323
Pellew, capt. P. B., ii. 213

Penrose, rear-adm., his command at

Gibraltar, ii. 404, 509, 511, 579
Perceval, Mr., ministry of, ii. 333, 382;
death, 449

Pérouse, La, French circumnavigator;
particulars of the wreck of his two
frigates, i. 47

Persian Gulf, naval warfare in the, ii.
325, 326

Pesaro, taken by Sir J. Brenton, ii. 313
Peterson, lieut., death of, i. 480
Phillimore, capt., his action in the
Eurotas with La Clorinde, ii. 507
Philpot, capt., boat action in Aguadilla
bay, Porto Rico, i. 466

Phoebe, captures the Africaine, i. 544
Phoenix, makes prize of the Didon fri-
gate, ii. 32

Pichegru. gen., i. 604, 605

Pigeon Island, Martinique, attacked,
i. 179; ii. 260

Pigot, capt. G., lost in the Java frigate,
ii. 209

Pigot indiaman, gallant action of, i. 218
Pigot, capt. Hugh, services of, ii. 253,
254, 266

Pigot, lieut., good conduct of, ii. 98
Pigott, capt., action in the Tagus. ii. 237
Pigott, capt., and his officers murdered
by mutineers, i. 428

Pilfold, lieut., made post after the vic-
tory of Trafalgar, ii. 84, 89
Pique, gallant action with the Blanche,
i. 247; is wrecked, 389
Plymouth Sound, the breakwater, i. 386
Polar regions, the, ii. 651-674

Pole, vice-adm., commands the Baltic
fleet, 536

Pomona, frigate, taken at the Havan-
nah, ii. 147

Pomone, captures La Chérie, i. 386
Pondicherry, retained by England, i. 594
Popham, Sir Home, conducts the In-
dian army to Suez, i. 573; his suc
cessful expedition against the Cape,
ii. 101; seizes La Volontaire frigate
on her sailing into Table Bay, 150;
his successful expedition against
Buenos Ayres, 152; tried for an
infraction of orders, he is repri-
manded, 155; remarks, 157; service
at Copenhagen, 170; attack upon


Maldonada, 214; serves in the
Scheldt, 297; his attack of Lequito
and Bilboa, 439

Porter, capt. David, taken in the Essex
frigate, ii. 518

Porto Rico, description of the island, i.

Portugal, her defection from the alli-
ance with England, i. 587; joins the
Spanish people against the French,
ii. 242, 246; wavering counsels of
John. Prince Regent, ii. 130; treaty
of Rio Janeiro, 338; separation of
Brazil, 580; Pedro, ex-emperor of
Brazil, gallantly contests the king-
dom in Europe, and secures it for
Donna Maria da Gloria, ii. 646
Potemkin, prince, takes Otchakof, i.

Prescot, capt., promoted for his conduct
in action, ii. 358
Prescott, gen., appointed governor of
Martinique, i. 184; obliged to capi
tulate in Guadaloupe, 189
President frigate, captured, ii. 537
Prevost, Sir George, defends Dominica
against the expeditionary force of
gen. La Grange, ii. 48; victory on
Morne Bruno, Martinique, 261; his
campaign in North America, 499, et
seq., 525

Price, lieut. J., defends the Marcou
islands, i. 388

Pringle, rear-adm., sends an expedition
to Madagascar, 361
Prisoners of war, i. 598, 599
Prize-money, regulations, i. 287; dis-
tribution of, 439

Proby, Lord, put in confinement by his
crew, i. 504

Prouse, capt., engages a small fleet
near the Tiber, ii. 136
Prussia, king Frederic makes alliance
with the emperor Alexander at Pots-
dam, ii. 120; the Berlin decree
against English commerce, 121;
joins the Allies against Napoleon
after the Russian campaign, 468
Puisaye, count de, commands the roy-
alists at Quiberon bay, i. 190
Purvis, rear-adm., ii. 315
Pym, capt. S., ii. 360, 363; he loses

his frigate, with three others, in an
action with Monsieur Du Perrée, 365

Queen, line of battle ship, engagement
narrated, i. 137, 138

Queen Charlotte, extract from her log,
i. 126; attacks the Montague, 130;
visit of Geo. III. on board, 154; the
mutiny at Spithead commenced in,
276, 278; burnt off Leghorn, 509

3 A

Rainier, adm., commands in the East
Indies, i. 210; takes possession of
Amboyna and Banda, 218; makes
the conquest of Trincomalee, 358;
his conduct on the death of the
Nabob Walizul Omrah, 359; he re-
inforces the Portuguese settlements
in India, ii. 2; successes of his cruis-
ers, 10; he convoys the China fleet
to England, 11; his death, ib.
Rainier, capt. J. S., takes the Maria
frigate at Batavia, ii. 152
Rainier, capt. P., ii. 211; takes La
Cérès, 507

Rainsford, capt., wrecked on the Es-
querques, ii. 140

Rangoon, capture of, ii. 591

Rank in the navy, regulations, i. 198
Rennie, capt, lost in the Invincible off
Cromer, i. 526

Républicaine, La, captured by the
Tamar, i. 467

Repulse, abandons the mutiny at the
Nore, i. 291; wrecked on the Pen-
marks, 504

Résistance, La, capture of, i. 327
Résolue, La, resists the British right of
search, i. 209; captured by Sir Gr.
Moore, 434

Révolutionnaire, La, assailed by the
Audacious, i. 126

Révolutionnaire, La, frigate, taken by

Sir E. Nagle, i. 224; captures
L'Unité, 241

Reynolds, capt., wrecked after a gallant
engagement, i. 323; he takes La
Chérie, 386

Reynolds, rear-adm., wrecked on the
coast of Jutland, ii. 391

Reyntjes, death of the Dutch adm., i.

Rhone, fresh water it pours into the sea

serviceable to ships, ii. 441, 573
Richardson, capt., assists the garrison
of Gaeta, ii. 138; brave attack in the
river Gironde, 388

Richepanse, gen., commands an ex-
pedition to Guadaloupe, i. 617
Richery, French admiral, his conduct
at Newfoundland, i. 211, 268
Ricketts, capt. T. R., ii. 533
Ricketts, capt. W., defends Irois in St.
Domingo, i. 426

Riga, Von Essen assisted by English
captains in the defence of, ii. 430
Right of search for British seamen
deserting. ii. 144; of neutral ships,
i. 273, 459

Rigny, French adm. de, in the battle
of Navarin, ii. 616, et seq.

Rio Janeiro, description of, i. 203

the attack on Copenhagen, i. 527; he
is killed in the action, 531
Ritchie, lieut.-col., his gallantry at the
Vigie, in St. Vincent, i. 254; slain
in action, 255

Rivoli, captured off Venice by capt.
Talbot, ii. 444

Robb, lieut., his firm and gallant be-
haviour in the mutiny at the Nore,
i. 290

Robertson, capt., slain in Guadaloupe,
i. 188

Robespierre, his accusation of the ge-
nerals Stengel and Lanoue, i. 85;
forbids the giving quarter to English
prisoners, 120; appoints Villaret to
the chief command of the Freuch
fleet, 123; his death fortunate for
the French commanders, 128
Robust makes capture of the Hoche,
i. 434

Rochambeau surrenders Martinique,
i. 182; serves in St. Domingo, 614,
618; capitulates, 625, 627
Rogers, capt., i. 557; encounter with
Le Jeune Richard, i. 209; he at-
tacks the town of Palamos, Cata-
lonia, 344

Rogers, American commodore, attacks
capt. Bingham, of the Little Belt, ii.
413, 449; his action with capt.
Byron, 451

Romana, patriotism of the Marquis de
la, ii. 229-231; landed at Corunna,
250; his death, 394

Rome, the French expelled from, i. 486
Rook, heroism of lieut., ii. 424
Rosas, in Catalonia, besieged, ii. 251
Rosetta, failure of gen. Frazer's ex-
pedition to Alexandria, and, ii. 195,

Ross, major-gen., killed in America, ii.


Ross, Sir John, his polar visits, and
happy return to England, ii. 651-


Rousseau, death of the French capt., ii.


Rowley, vice-adm. Bartholomew Sa-
muel, death of, ii. 404

Rowley, capt. (vice-adm. Sir Josias), ii.
271; blockades the Isle of France,
and attacks the island of Bourbon,
326; he makes a conquest of Bour-
bon, 360, 368; arduous situation,
369; he captures La Vénus, 371;
he attacks Via Reggio, 488; he re-
duces Genoa, 513

Rowley, capt. S. C., acquittal for the
shipwreck of the Laurel frigate, ii.

Rion, capt., commands the frigates in Rowley, capt. (Sir Charles) takes


Capri, ii. 139; makes prize of La
Corcyre frigate, 442, 447, 482
Royal George, log of the, i. 133; cap-
tures Le Tigre, 232, 585
Russia, ambitious projects of Catharine
II., i. 48; umbrage entertained
against England by Paul I., 458;
treaty between England and, 581;
her fleet joins the English, i. 271;
Alexander supports the English
cause with much spirit, ii. 116; the
English and Swedes attack the Rus-
sian fleet, 233; surrender of Sinia-
vin's fleet in the Tagus, 248; peace
renewed with England, and Napoleon
marches to Moscow, 429, 433; the
French retreat, 434; a Russian squa-
dron joins in gaining the victory of
Navarin over the Turkish fleet, 616,
et seq.; the Emperor Nicholas, having
taken Varna, becomes the armed
protector of the Sultan Mahmoud, ii.

Ryves, capt. G. F., his survey of Agin-
court Sound, Straits of Bonifacio, ii.
34, 36; his services in India, 589, |
592, 595, et seq.
Sabrina, island formed by a volcanic
eruption, ii. 438

Saintes, islands of the, ii. 270

Sanders, capt. G., assists in the defence
of Dantzic, ii. 164; prizes, 253
Santa Anna, taken at Trafalgar, ii. 72,


Santissima Trinidad wrecked after cap-
ture, ii.-72, 89

Sartorius, lieut. G. S. (the Portuguese
vice-admiral), ii. 356
Saumarez, lord de, is engaged in the
battle off Cape St. Vincent, i. 341;
in the battle of the Nile, 403; he
attacks the French fleet, 546, and
loses the Hannibal, 547; renews the
attack on the combined squadrons,
French and Spanish, 549; his com-
mand in Guernsey, 595; he bom-
bards Granville, 601; commands in
the Baltic, ii. 229, 427, 428
Sawyer, vice-admiral Herbert, his com-

mand in North America, ii. 415, 452
Sayer, capt. G., makes capture of La
Lynx, ii. 207

Sayer, lieut., gallant behaviour of, ii.


Scheldt, the Dutch and English fleets
in, ii. 289, 291
Schomberg, capt. C. M., severe action
of frigates; he takes La Renommée,
ii. 416; recaptures Tamatave in the
island of Madagascar, 417
Searle, capt., achievement in the har-
bour of Cadiz, ii, 240

[ocr errors]


Sechelle islands, the, i. 211
Seine, La, capture of, i. 389; takes La
Vengeance, 464

Selby, capt., takes the islands of Marie
Galante and Desirade, ii. 253; and
takes the island of Anholt, 287
Senegal attacked by the English, ii.

Senhouse, lieut. W. W., gallant achieve-
ment by, i. 428
Seppings, Sir Robert, his plan for eir-
cular bows and sterns of ships, i


Seymour, capt. Sir Michael, captures
La Sultane, ii. 508
Seymour, vice-adm. lord Hugh, i. 463 ;
takes Surinam, 465; his death,


Seymour, capt., takes La Thétis frigate
after a severe action, ii. 238; takes
the Niemen frigate, 286
Shannon, wreck of the, i. 603
Shannon, capt. Broke, her fight with
the Chesapeake, capt. Lawrence, ii.

Shaw, lieut. J., attacks the batteries of
Morgion, Cape Croisette, ii. 477,

Shea, Patrick, mutineer, executed, i.

Shipley, Sir Charles, military services
of, ii. 260

Shipley, capt. Conway, takes the Egyp-
tienne, ii. 45; killed in the Tagus,

Ships, improvements in ship-building,
i. 33-42; 60-gun ships built, ii.


Shirley, lieut., action with Dutch gun-
boats, i. 639

Shortland, capt. J., killed defending
the Junon against four frigates, ii,


Shot, red hot, by whom employed in
sea fights, i. 622

Sibley, lieut. E. R., his gallant attack
of the Cæsar in the Gironde, ii, 128,

Sicily protected by the British army

against King Murat, ii. 356, 357
Signals at sea, improvements in, i. 42
Siniavin, Russian admiral, ii. 194
Skerrit, lieut -col., his brave conduct at

Tariffa, in Spain, ii. 405, 407
Slaughter, lieut., services of, ii. 358
Slave-trade, i. 167, 424; slavery in
North America, ii. 520; abolition of
Christian slavery by the Barbary
powers, at the instances of Lord
Exmouth, 559, 579; its present
state, ii. 650

Smith, Sir Sydney, engages in the

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