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This, again, is a literal carrying out of the fine Mosaic precept already referred to, and a practical remembrance of that golden truth—“Man doth not live by bread alone." And admirably does our author understand the appetites of children, observing at the same time, a very proper regard to their health. His dietary is plain, wholesome, and nourishing. There is a simplicity and naturalness about the work that cannot fail to make it deservedly popular, while the moral elicited from each conversation is admirable.

What a truthful touch winds up the lesson on soft-bodied animals. The family group consists in this instance of Mamma, Lucy, Willie, Ion, and Ada.


Tell me another soft-bodied animal.

L. A slug.

W. A periwinkle.

Ion. A mussel.

Ada. A s-e-e-ep.

M. No, Ada. Ask Ion, and he will tell you as you go home, why we do not call the sheep, a soft-bodied animal. See which of you can find out a large number of these animals by next Tuesday.

L. I'll try and find six.

Ion. I'll find out ten.

W. I'll find out a hundred !"

How few writers would have dared to be so natural-and how few could if they wished it, be so telling. Here again is a lovely picture-fresh and warm, and heart-cheering, and finished by a master's hand, though painted avowedly for children.

"I am going to tell you about Mr. Ganeall's house. When your aunt Mary and I were children, your grandfather lived next door to him. His father built that house. There were fourteen windows in front, and a pretty doorway with steps to it. There was a long path leading to the doorway, with a row of trees on each side; and there was a broad green lawn, with a pond and fountain in the middle of it. At the back of the house, there was a fine flower-garden, another green lawn, a shrubbery, an orchard, and a kitchen-garden.

"Oh! it was a beautiful place, and we liked it because it was always so quiet! Mr. Ganeall never asked us to come and

see him, for he did not like children, so we used to sit, on summer afternoons, on half-holidays, and look over the palings.

"We would often sit still and look-for an hour. The yellow light of the sun would steal in quietly amongst the dark leaves of the shrubbery, and slily brighten them up. Then it would come out through the trees, and spread itself over the lawn. Then, lanky shadows of branches, and thick shadows of leaves, would show themselves on the grass, and wave backwards and forwards, as the wind moved the trees. Ah! but the wind only moved them gently! It was afraid to be rude, and make a noise there! so it only made a breezy sound, and rustled the leaves to make them sing 'Hush!" It knew that it had no right to be out on a sunny afternoon, especially in so very quiet a place.



"For there, every one was quiet. The white butterflies flew over the flower-beds quietly. The sparrows just shook themselves in the dust, and hopped about without chirping a sound. All we heard, was the buzz of some sleepy old bee, or some idle grasshopper's crick.' Even the little brown spaniel, who lived in the house, and had to go into the shrubbery and back again for something, left the path, and trod with his soft feet on the velvet grass; and, instead of barking at us and wagging his tail, he looked up, and passed on with his nose to the ground. So everything seemed to be dozing, and sleepy, except when a great saucy crow, who was flying high over our heads, squalled out, and made a loud 'Kar-r-r-r!' as much as to say to us,' How do you like that?'

"And, that was why we liked the place--because it always seemed so still. It seemed as if nobody lived there, for Mr. Ganeall was in the city all day.”

But we are not doing justice to this admirable little work by such brief extracts. In another part of this number, we give one of these conversations entire, the sly but graceful satire of which is not its least recommendation.

In conclusion, we not only recommend all parents and teachers to possess themselves of this cheap and "pleasant" little work, but to make that use of it which the author so heartily desires.


"How vain the Christian name,

If still you live in sin:

A lamp, and wick, and flame,

No drop of oil within."-Mc. Cheyne.

THE sphere of influence around individual believers we know differs according to circumstances, but still there is a circle surrounding each one of them, in which, in obedience to the Saviour's command, they are to let their light shine. It is a command, we fear too often overlooked by Christians, though one of no slight importance: one alike addressed to the young and to the old; to the wealthy and to the indigent; to those in health and to those in sickness.

Το you, dear young friends, in whose spiritual welfare we are warmly interested, we would say, let your light shine before men. Having made your decision to be on the Lord's sidehaving joined yourself to his people, and taken your stand under his banner-think not that all is done that needs to be done. No, you have as yet but commenced your Christian course; you have but just lighted that lamp on which your constant care is to be bestowed; you have obtained but the first supply of oil, which will want constantly renewing. The flame has but began to burn,-it will require hourly diligence lest it grow dim and obscure, for this is never to be permitted; it is never to be allowed to grow so faint as to be alone discernible by yourself -it is to shine "before men"-to be seen by all around you. Your christian life is to be no secret profession, it is to be "known and read of all men"-to be plainly visible to all that you "have been with Jesus."

Do you ask the way and manner in which this is to be shewn? We would reply, in each, in every point of your life and character, both positively and negatively. Let it be seen that if you once drew happiness and joys from the world, you seek them not there now; that if you once valued its pleasures and honors, you have now found those that you prize far, far more highly, and which are affording you purer and more lasting sources of enjoyment.

Let it be seen by the diligent cultivation of your own heart. If unholy tempers and passions once reigned there, let the all

subduing influences of the Spirit be manifested in their subjugation: let it bear no longer the impress of the earthy, but of the heavenly. Study and dwell upon the life of Christ until you feel the indwelling corruptions giving way, the powers and affections of your soul becoming absorbed in the contemplation, and the energies of your mind bent wholly on the attainment of spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus.

Let it be seen in your love for the word of truth, in your making that blessed volume your chief counsellor and guide: other studies you may pursue and find delight in, but let this be the crowning one of all, let it be joined with serious meditation and humble fervent prayer: let your readings of it ever be prefaced with this petition, "Open thou mine eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law!" "Give me understanding," says the psalmist, "and I shall live:" so when a spiritual understanding and perception of divine truth are given you, you will live the life of faith. There must be close secret communion with God; for as the dew comes down when all nature is at rest-when every leaf is still-so the unseen influences of the Spirit descend in the secrecy and solitude of the closet: it is there that you must spend many a waiting hour-and there that you must spend many a pleading, wrestling hour-there you will find an ever abundant supply of oil for your lamp, readily and freely given to those who come without money and without price.

Let there be, too, on your part, a visible anxiety that others should be made partakers of the same spiritual blessings as yourself; let there be efforts made in your own family, the neighbourhood in which you dwell, and even in the world at large, for the diffusion of the gospel of peace; let your prayers ascend, that the outcasts of Israel, and the heathen among the Gentiles, may speedily be brought into the fold of the Good Shepherd.

Remember that it must be with no flickering flame that the light is to burn, it must be unwavering and steady. The world must `not at one time reign within, and Christ at another. He will have no half-heartedness. No, the whole, the entire heart, must be his, and his claims must ever assert their predominance: bear this ever in mind, and if anything would intervene between

the Saviour and your soul, cast it aside as one of the "weights" the apostle alludes to in his epistle to the Hebrews, and so with greater ease you will find you are able to pursue your course heavenward, keeping your eye ever fixed upon the goal. Think often of the end of your journey, and think, too, often of its commencement; think of the state of sin and misery you once were in, and ask yourself what drew you thence? What was it but love divine-saving love? What of your own had you to recommend you to this love? Nothing, nothing but sin and want. Oh! the depths of the riches of the love of God! Never until we arrive in glory can we fully understand and estimate its fulness.

It was said of Rienzi, the last of the Roman Tribunes, that when surrounded by all the pomp and state to which his office entitled him, he still preserved in his most private apartment, the humble furniture which he had in his room when only the innkeeper's son: he was anxious to remember the state from which he had risen, and in order that he might think of it when shut out from the busy world around, and when a few of his moments were devoted to reflection, these relics were preserved and were placed before him.

And to you, my young friends, I would say, Do you think of the state from which you have arisen, and compare it with that in which you now are? Let your retrospective glances be frequent, and you will find, if they be made in a right spirit, that they will be one means of keeping you humble, stimulating your gratitude, and inflaming your love, and so your light being drawn from on high, it will burn clearly, brightly, and steadily, increasing day by day, until the end of your pilgrimage here below, when the bridegroom shall appear for his waiting ones, when he will go in with them and the door shall be shut.

P. J.


L. Mamma, you said we were to bring for our lesson an animal without any backbone; so Willie has brought a WhiteCabbage Butterfly in his pocket handkerchief.

M. That will do. Put it under a wine-glass, on the table. I think that, to-day, instead of teaching you myself, I will make

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