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and lay at Leghorn with a squadron of men-of-war, inasmuch as the English Council of State had cautioned him to observe strictly the neutrality of the Grand Duke of Tuscany's waters. Captain Cox, of the Bonaventura, however, had been lieutenant of the Phoenix, and his irritable blood so kindled and boiled that at last he determined to retake her or burn her. At this time (November 25) Captain Bodley arrived from Elba with a commission from the Secretary of State to supersede Appleton as commander-in-chief, and Cox felt that the opportunity was too good to be lost. He revealed his project to Bodley, who readily gave it his approval. Then, with about thirty men in the Elizabeth's shallop, thirty men, under Lieutenant Tonge, in the Samson's pinnace, and thirty men, under Lieutenant Symmes, in the Bonaventura's pinnace, Cox started soon after midnight on his daring enterprise.

As no lights could be hoisted, the three boats were separated several times; but when morning first streaked the eastern sky, they drew together, and the men plied their oars with lusty goodwill. They were equipped with pistols and axes, and carried bags of flour to throw into the faces of their adversaries. On reaching the ship, Captain Cox pulled to her bows and cut the cable, while Tonge and Symmes, heaving alongside, swiftly climbed upon deck, and after a short but severe contest, overpowered the Dutch crew. Tromp was asleep in his cabin, but, wakened by the noise, he sprang out of bed, rushed upon deck in his night-gown, armed with a couple of pistols, fired and wounded two of the assailants; then, perceiving the uselessness of resistance, rushed below, aroused his officers, jumped out of his cabin window into the sea, and swam to and fro until picked up by one of the Dutch boats; while the Phoenix, gathering way, sailed out of port with the English colours flying from her masts.

That this daring enterprise was an audacious violation of the security of a neutral port could not be denied; and the Grand Duke of Tuscany hastened to claim redress from the English Parliament. The wrong done was admitted; a severe reprimand was sent out to Commodore Appleton, who was ordered to return home, overland, at once, and an inquiry into the whole transaction was promised, with a view to determining the legality of the capture.

The intentions of the Government could hardly have been in harmony with its public professions, since Appleton retained his command and the Phenix was not restored. At length the complaints of the Dutch, and the angry feeling existing between them and the English, moved the Grand Duke to decisive action, and early in 1653 he ordered both parties to quit the port. A conference was then held between the Duke's secretary and the two admirals, resulting in an agreement that the Dutch should sail first and the English afterwards, and that the two might fight or escape, according to circumstances.

Aware of his great inferiority of force, Appleton endeavoured to compensate for it by strategem. He and Bodley arranged to complete their preparations as rapidly as possible; Bodley, when ready, was to send a messenger to Appleton, the latter was then to sail out of the bay, and Bodley coming up at the same moment, the Dutch would be suddenly attacked

on both sides and overwhelmed. So it came to pass that, during the night of the 12th of January, one of Bodley's lieutenants brought the expected message and at early dawn Appleton prepared to turn out. Van Galen's fleet, which blocked the mouth of the harbour, consisted of sixteen men-of-war, a fire-ship, and several stout-armed merchantmen. True to his word, Bodley appeared in the offing with his smail squadron.

Van Galen, however, guessed at once the plan of the English commanders, and, immediately weighing anchor, stood towards Bodley as if to attack him with his whole force, though holding Tromp with one division ready to be let loose against Appleton, should the latter attempt to quit the harbour. Accordingly, no sooner did the English commodore glide into the bay than Tromp tacked and fell upon him. The battle that ensued was desperate, but was too unequal to be of long duration. A 44-gun ship, the Bonaventura, which led the English van, gallantly engaged the Dutch admiral, but before she had fired twenty guns, one of the enemy's shots plunged into her magazines, and with a terrible crash she blew up, everybody on board perishing. Appleton, in the Leopard, fifty-two guns, was beset by two large vessels, the Sun and the Julius Cæsar, which forced into him a heavy fire. He signalled the Sampson to his assistance, but Tromp in the Moon intercepted her, and a desperate contest ensued, while, owing to the slackness of the wind, Bodley's squadron could render no help.

Meantime, the English fought with heroic determination. The Sampson offered such a resistance to Cornelis Tromp that he summoned his fire-ship, and ordered it to board her on the other side, so as to distract the attention of her crew. The latter, however, still fought on, until at last Tromp drew away, and the Sampson, untaken by her enemy, nobly perished by fire, with her ensign waving through the smoke and flame. Appleton beat off his two opponents, and so riddled them with heavy shot that they lay by his side disabled, and humbly imploring quarter. About midday Bodley brought up his squadron, and sent off a fire-ship to burn Van Galen, which, however, the Dutch admiral contrived to sink.

Shortly afterwards, while standing on his quarterdeck, Van Galen was struck by a ball, which tore away his foot. He refused to go below, and continued to give his orders and encourage his men until he fainted from loss of blood. The leg was then amputated above the knee, but the operation had been delayed too long, and the brave old seaman rapidly sank. He insisted on being carried upon deck in his bed to watch the progress of the fight. Drinking a glass of wine, he shattered the empty glass into fragments, exclaiming, "The English king's murderers will have to pay for it, after all! " and died with great composure.

Perceiving that the battle had gone against the English, five of whose ships had been burned or sunk, Bodley deemed it his duty to withdraw his little squadron, which could avail nothing against the preponderant force of the Dutch. Young Tromp was thus set free to renew the attack upon Appleton, who was soon engaged with four assailants. For two hours he maintained the fight, and then, his

stern being beaten in, his tiller shot to pieces, fourteen of his guns dismounted, and half the crew killed and wounded, the survivors lost their courage, and cried out that he should surrender. Appleton, filled with true dogged resolution, forced them time after time into their quarters, and offered them a hundred crowns for every shot. The gunners were firing away when a cry arose, "The enemy are on the poop!" Appleton called the gunners to him, and ordered them privately to blow up the ship. As they were running to execute this order the crew rushed at them to prevent it. Coming up with a cutlass in his hand, Appleton would have rescued them, had not his own men seized him, and so rudely wrenched his weapon from him that his shoulder was put out of joint. The Dutch having in the meantime poured into the ship, Appleton was seized, but as he refused quarter, he would have been put to death, but for the entreaties of his men.

In this fierce contest the English admiral's ship, the Leopard, of 52 guns and 180 men, was taken; the Sampson, of 32 guns and 90 men,

burned; the Levant Merchant, 28 guns and 60 men, drove a Dutch ship on shore, but was afterwards captured; the Bonaventura, 44 guns and 100 men, was destroyed, as we have seen, by the explosion of her powder magazine; the Pilgrim, 30 guns and 70 men, having lost her masts, was forced to surrender; and of Appleton's little squadron, only the Mary, a ship of the same size as the Pilgrim, contrived to effect her escape and join Captain Bodley. But though defeated the English were not dishonoured. The world wondered at the heroic resistance offered by half a dozen small ships to Van Galen's powerful fleet, and began to recognise in these English seamen the true masters of the sea. Such actions laid the foundation of our naval greatness and maritime supremacy; and who can doubt but that the standard of courage on board our ships was greatly raised by Appleton's noble example? Yet, strange to say, I do not find in any of our naval chronicles further mention of this gallant seaman; nor is it recorded when or where he died. (To be continued.)

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CHAPTER VI.-At the Theatre. ARION so far overcame her cousin's scruples that she said no more about the young men's non-payment, and when William or one of his companions asked for buns and gave her twopence, which was the sum usually paid whatever they might have, she did not hesitate to give them four or five, or even half a dozen if he said, as he sometimes "Make it half a dozen this time, Kate."


But Marion was not quite so pleasant with these friends as time went on, for the promised orders for the theatre did not come, and Marion was disappointed and impatient.

"It's no good being so cross with a fellow; I tell you I'll get the orders next week, if I possibly can," said William, one afternoon, when Marion was more than usually snappish.

It was drawing near to Christmas now, and the days were short and dark and cold, so that pleasure trips and excursions down the river were out of the question; it was often impossible for them even to go for a walk in the parks on Sunday.

"You've told me the same thing before, and here I have been moped up for a month, waiting for them. I tell you I'll go somewhere by myself; I can't bear this dull life much longer," concluded Marion.

"Well, I'll get the orders to-morrow, if I can," said William, and this time he was as good as his

word. He came in the next afternoon, and with a triumphant flourish handed Marion the coveted orders for herself and Kate.

"Oh, my! they've come at last, and for to-morrow night, too," exclaimed Marion, examining the papers critically.

"But we can't both go," said Kate, peeping over her shoulder at the magic papers that had worked such a wonderful change in her cousin's temper, for Marion had been very cross lately, and scarcely spoken a civil word to Kate.

"Who says we can't both go?" demanded Marion ; "it would serve you right not to let you go-to leave you here in the shop while I am enjoying myself in fairyland."


No, no, that won't be fair," said William. "Kate must go, or the party will be spoiled."

"Who else are going?" asked Marion. "Oh, a lot of young fellows; some you do know and some you don't. We shall be a jolly party, and will take good care of you girls."

"Have they all got orders?" asked Kate.

"No, it isn't likely; most of them will pay for themselves; they can afford to do it better than you or I can, but they will be none the less glad to have our company."

"But I don't see how I am to go," said Kate again. "Oh, leave that to me, I'll manage it," said Marion. "We must both get out somehow, but it won't do to tell Mrs. Maple where we are going."


"The old lady would have a fit, I suppose ?" said William, speaking with his mouth full of cake. Oh, ten fits all at once!" laughed Marion. "We must take care she doesn't find out where we have been."

While William was amusing himself by eating sponge cakes and tarts, Marion sat down at the desk and began writing a letter. "You must wait for this," she said; "I want you to take it to the post-office close to our home, and post it there. You see I am writing it to myself, asking myself and Kate to go home for a few hours to keep father's birthday tomorrow evening. I shall show it to Mrs. Maple, of course, and she'll grumble a bit at first, I daresay, but she'll let us go, I know."

"All right. She isn't half a bad sort, is she?" | said the young man.

"No, that she isn't, and I hate to deceive her," said Kate, warmly.


Well, she'll be none the worse for it, you goose," said Marion, laughing.

"I-I don't think I'll go," said Kate.

"There, take the letter, I'll manage her," said Marion, impatiently, as William was about to expostulate. "She'll come fast enough, I tell you." "All right. I'll come in to-morrow to arrange about meeting, for we must go together. Mind, you must go, Kate," added the young man, as he slipped the letter into his pocket.

"Now, Kate, don't let us have any fuss with you about this," said her cousin, as the shop door closed and they were left to themselves.

"I don't want any fuss, but I don't want to go to the theatre."


'Well, stay at home, then; I'm not going to persuade you," said Marion, crossly, and then some more customers came in, and there was no opportunity of renewing the discussion for some time, and Marion did not refer to the matter again that evening.

The letter Marion had written reached them by the last post that night, and after she had gone through the form of reading it she took it at once to Mrs. Maple. "Will you read this, ma'am? They want us to go home for the evening to-morrow, if you can spare us."

"What, both of you?" said Mrs. Maple, taking the letter and putting on her spectacles as she spoke. "Your sister writes very much like you, Marion," remarked the old lady, as she looked at the envelope again; not that she doubted Marion or suspected she would even attempt to deceive her-it was done almost without a second thought. But Marion had provided against such a scrutiny. The post-marks were quite correct, and Marion answered quickly, Yes, ma'am, our handwriting is very much alike. We went to school together."

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"Well, I don't know what to say to this," said Mrs. Maple, rather crossly, as she handed back the letter. "It is very inconsiderate of your father, I think, wanting you both at once."


You see, they are going to have a few friends, and we don't often have company, now," said Marion, twisting the corner of her apron as she spoke.

"Well, well, there's something in that, to be sure, but still it's very inconvenient for me. I must send and see if my niece can come and mind the shop for an hour or two to-morrow night. Will you want to stay cut all night, or can you get home so as to be ready for the morning?"

"Oh, we will come home at night, ma'am; father

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'Well, I wouldn't mind if it wasn't deceiving Mrs. Maple; and then, somehow, I seem to have such a dread of it."

"Fiddlesticks! What next, I wonder ?" said Marion, contemptuously.

They saw Mary go out with the note next morning, and a wild wish seemed to seize Kate to run after her and tell her not to go. "I do hope she can't come," she said, half aloud; but her cousin would not notice the speech.

Mary, who knew the errand she had been sent upon, told them in a whisper as she came through the shop that it was "all right," and very soon Mrs. Maple came out and said they could go home for the evening-could go to tea, if they liked.


'Thank you, ma'am, but after tea will do. From four to six is always a busy time at both counters, and so we will not leave until that is over."

William came in before the busy time, and arranged to meet the girls in time to take them to the theatre. Kate felt it would be useless to resist further, and agreed to go with them without further demur, putting her vague fears out of mind as far as she could, and determined to enjoy herself as much as possible.


Just after William had left the shop, Mrs. Maple came in and filled two bags with pastry and buns. There, you had better take these home with you," she said, when she had filled the last, and speaking to Marion.

"Thank you, ma'am, I am much obliged; father will be pleased," said Marion, but Kate felt thankful she was on the other side of the shop, and could hide her tell-tale face, for she knew she blushed with shame at the way they were deceiving their kind mistress.

When they went up to put their things on after tea, she said, "Oh, Marion, I feel like a thief, taking these things for your father, and we know he will never see them."


There, make haste and pack away one lot in your bag, and hold your tongue," said Marion, impatiently.

"What shall we do with all these?" asked Kate; "Mrs. Maple has given us such a lot.”

"Why, eat them, to be sure; William and the rest will help us. There, you put as many as you can in your bag, and we'll save them to eat when we come out, and they must take the rest between them," said Marion.

Kate filled her leather bag and Marion took those that were soon to be disposed of, and, with a parting word from Mrs. Maple not to be very late, the girls

set off.

Their friends were waiting for them at the corner of the street, and when they reached the doors of the theatre they were joined by several other smartlydressed young men, who paid for their seats, and to whom money seemed of very little account. They condescended to laugh and chat with the two girls and eat some of the pastry, and Marion felt immensely flattered by their attentions.

Kate was in a state of bewilderment the whole evening. She had never seen a theatre before, and the whole scene was so strange and new, and the performances on the stage were so real to her, that she paid little attention to other things, and was scarcely aware that some of the party changed their seats once or twice during the evening. The performance came to an end at last, all too soon for enraptured Kate, who found it hard to reconcile herself to her surroundings all at once.

"Come, Kate, don't go to sleep," said Marion, laughing at her dazed look round at the crowd. All the people were leaving their seats now, and our party got up too.


Open your bag, Kate, I should like a bun now," said Marion, and she took one herself and handed some to the rest of the party, who were pushing and elbowing their way through the crowd.

"What a dreadful crush there is," said Marion. "Kate, you haven't brought another purse to lose, have you?" she whispered.

Kate shook her head, for she was eating now from the bag as she carried it open in her hand. The next minute some one cried out, "I have been robbed-my watch has gone!" and the crowd surged back, and Kate was almost pushed off her feet.

There were cries of "Police! police! stop thief! stop thief!" and during the confusion that ensued, Kate and Marion, who managed to keep together, were pushed into a corner and separated from all their friends.

"Shut up your bag, Kate, or it may be snatched out of your hand, gaping open like that," said Marion.

"Oh! what is it, when shall we get out?" exclaimed Kate, turning very pale.

"There, don't be frightened," said Marion. "The crowd will move on directly, and the others will wait for us outside. It's nothing but a few pickpockets, you need not look so frightened."

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Oh, I wish we hadn't come!" said Kate, fairly trembling with undefined terror. She shut her bag, for neither she nor Marion could eat anything now, and even Marion began to get frightened at last, for only murmured words among the crowd could tell them what was going on, but there was a bustle and expectancy and a swaying to and fro of the multitude that convinced Marion something unusual must be taking place, for they did not move a step forward for all the pushing and squeezing.

"Oh, dear! how late we shall be!" said Kate, after a few minutes' waiting. "Can't we get out, Marion ?" "No, that we can't until the crowd moves. There, don't be frightened; Mrs. Maple won't expect us yet," said Marion.

It was some time before there was any perceptible movement in the crowd, but at last the two girls were released from their corner, and pushed their way on with the rest.

Once outside, they began to look about for their former companions, but could see nothing of them. The crowd had almost dispersed now, for they were nearly the last to leave the theatre, and so there was no difficulty in looking round, but neither William nor his grand friends could be seen.


Well, that is mean of him to walk off and leave us like this!" said Marion, crossly.

"Never mind; let us make haste home by ourselves," said Kate, who was frightened at the lateness of the hour, for they had heard a clock strike eleven several minutes before.

But Marion would stop and look round once more. "I wonder where they have gone ?" she said. "Oh, do come!" said Kate; "perhaps they thought we had gone on, as we were so long getting out."

"Perhaps they are waiting for us at the corner," said Marion, who was unwilling to give up the hope of seeing these grand new-found friends again. She hurried on by Kate's side, and at the corner of the street stopped again and looked all round.


'Oh, don't wait, Marion, they are home by this time," said Kate, hurrying on.

Marion was obliged to hurry after her, but she was cross and out of humour. "I will give it to Mr. William when he comes in to-morrow!" she grumbled; "I never saw such bad behaviour in my life, leaving us to go home by ourselves at this time of night. There, do stop a minute, Kate; how fast you are walking. I thought I saw one of them then," and Marion stopped and looked round.

But no one was to be seen; indeed, the street seemed to be deserted, for no one was about but themselves, and, their footsteps ringing sharp and clear on the hard, frosty ground, seemed to fill Kate with terror again.

"Oh, pray do make haste, Marion," she cried, in a half-suppressed tone, as though she was afraid of the sound of her own voice.

"Oh, all right, you need not be in such a fright. I suppose you were never out late at night before," said Marion.

"Not so late as this, and by myself too," said Kate.

“Oh, well, we shan't be long," and Marion hurried on now, and in a few minutes they had reached the well-remembered street-quiet now, for a wonder, as it seemed to Kate, and she began to breathe more freely.

The shop was shut up, of course, but Mrs. Maple came to let them in almost as soon as they had rung the bell. "Has your father gone?" she said in some surprise, at seeing the girls by themselves.

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Glance, like Acestes' shaft, on winds upborne, Fire-kindling in their flight. So breaks Life's chequered day, And all the view is fair and all is bright,

Not one dark cloud offends the gazer's sight, Wide-reaching far away.

Now burns thine eye, O youth, Bright glows thy visage, and thy spirit longs

To burst away, redressing human

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Gird on the conquering sword!
The fair white banners wave-they wait for you;
Bind on the shield of Faith, and, firm and true,
Follow your Captain-Lord.

Hark! the loud war-cry peals
Full-toned above the battle-field-the foe
Await you, and the death-drum throbbing low
Beats at their chariot-wheels.

Go forth, go forward now!
Fight in the dawning, while thy strength remains;
Youth wears the helmet, Age the crown obtains,
Meet for the Victor's brow.

Youth scorns the couch of rest,

The heel is light and strong the good right arm :
High beats the heart at battle's loud alarm,
And passion swells the breast.

Which of the banners twain
Shall active Youth resolve to serve beneath?
The Red Cross Standard or the flag of death?
Conquest or endless pain?

Nay, shrink not from the fight:
We move and march beneath our Captain's eye:
The sword best wielded shall be hung most high
In the great halls of light.

Shall thy dishonoured blade

Sleep in its scabbard while the Master calls?
Go forth and fight! for happier he who falls,
Than those who shrink, afraid.

Go not with doubting heart,
But humbly trusting in thy Captain's power;
Look to the Cross! its light in danger's hour
New courage shall impart.

Where'er His flag, unfurled,
Waves o'er the conflict, let thy sword be seen,
And thou shalt dare, though Satan stand between,
To face a frowning world.

From dawn till drooping even
Press on, press upward, through the hostile band,
Till o'er grim Death triumphant thou shalt stand,
Crowned at the gates of Heaven.


A SCULPTOR has just finished a large statue representing slumber. It is the first policeman ever done in marble.

A YOUNG man has a curious finger-ring with the Ten Commandments engraved on it in such small characters that they can only be read with the aid of a microscope, and people who know him well are of the opinion that he has lost the microscope.

THE four boxes that govern the world-the cartridge-box, the ballot-box, the jury-box, and the band-box.

ONE of the first requisitions received from a newly. appointed railway station agent was-"Send me a gallon of red oil for the danger lanterns."

"THE absurdities of English pronunciation," says a German critic, "are well exhibited in the case of the word 'Boz,' which is pronounced Dickens."

SEVERAL members of a boat club at Frankfort-on-the-Main recently resolved to row to Mayence by night. It was just twelve o'clock when they seated themselves in their boat, grasped their oars, and bade their friends on shore farewell. They pulled vigorously all night, greatly enjoying the healthful exercise, the gloom and quiet, and the weird beauty of the river. Their own chagrin and the wild delight of their friends may be imagined when they found at sunrise that they had forgotten to weigh anchor, and were still fast to the float from which they embarked. They are now known to all Frankfort as "the explorers."

WHEN the Shah was in England he was taken to a concert. At the conclusion his Highness expressed a desire for the first "beautiful piece to be played" again. The first item in the programme was accordingly reproduced, but he said that was not it, he wanted the one before. It eventually turned out that it was that sublime orchestral effort known as "tuning up" which had so charmed the distinguished visitor.

Two gentlemen paused before an owl set up in a birdstuffer's window, and discussed it for five minutes, deciding that it was the worst case of "botchery" in stuffing they ever saw; and then the bird woke up and moved its head.

RECTOR, recently appointed to new parish (meeting old man): "Well, Thomas, this is a most healthy and beautiful spot, and people seem to live to a great age here. I should think folks hardly ever die here." Thomas: "Well, sir, it's generally the last thing they do, sir, here."

QUALIFICATIONS FOR A WIFE.-Daughter, home from school: "Now, papa, are you satisfied? Just look at my testimonial -Political economy satisfactory; fine arts and music very good; logic excellent' Father: "Very much so, my dear-especially as regards your future. If your husband should understand anything of housekeeping, cooking, mending, and the use of a sewing machine, perhaps your married life will indeed be happy."

THERE is a story that the Duke of Argyll and the Duke of Sutherland were once travelling together by railway when a commercial traveller entered the carriage. The new comer took his share in general conversation, till one of the peers got out at an intermediate station. The commercial traveller then asked his companion if he knew who the "party" was, and, on being enlightened, exclaimed, "Dear me! Was that really the Duke of -? Just think of his talking in that affable manner to a couple of little cads like you and me!"

Two Irishmen on a sultry night, immediately after their arrival in India, took refuge underneath the bedclothes from a skirmishing party of mosquitoes. At last one of them, gasping for breath, ventured to peep beyond the blankets, and by chance espied a fire-fly which had strayed into the room. Arousing his companion with a kick, he said: "Fergus, Fergus, it's no use. Ye might as well come out. Here's one of the crayters looking for us wid a lantern!"

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