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a-bun'dance (å-băn'dăns), plenty a-bun'dant (a-bun'dănt), plentiful ac'ci-den'tal-ly (ǎk'si-děn'tǎl-1), by chance

ac-com'pa-ny (ǎ-kŭm'på-nf), go with ac-cord' (å-kôrd'), wish ac-cord'ing-ly (å-kôrd'ing-II), thereupon

ac-cuse' (ǎ-kūz'), to blame a-chieve'ments (a-chev'měnts), the great things you have done ac-quaint'ed (ǎ-kwānt'ěd), on friendly terms

ac-quired' (ă-quird'), obtained; got Ad-ji-dau'mo (äd-ji-dô'mo) ad-mit'tance (ad-mit'ăns), permission to pay a visit to

a-dopt'ed (a-dopt'ěd), taken as a son a-dorn' (å-dôrn'), to make beautiful ad-vance' (ăd-våns'), march forward ad-van’tag-es (ăd-văntāj-ěz), benefits; opportunities

ad-ven'ture (ăd-věn′tûr), an interesting experience, or happening adz (ǎdz), a cutting tool used to trim off the surface of wood af-ford'ed (ă-fōrd'ěd), gave a-glow' (å-glō'), rosy with happiness a'gue (a'gu), fever and chills a-lert' (å-lûrt'), ready; listening a-main' (å-man'), with full force a-maz'ing (å-maz'Ing), surprising am'ber (ǎm'ber), yellow

am-mu-ni'tion (ăm-u-nish'un), powder and balls am'ple (ǎm'p'l), large

an'cient (an'shĕnt), olden a-nem'o-ne (ȧ-něm'o-nê), an early spring flower

a-non' (å-non'), and then at another time

anʼtics (ǎn'tiks), tricks

Ant'werp (ǎnt'werp), a city in northern Belgium

an'vil (ǎn'vil), a block of iron on which metal is hammered into different shapes

anx'ious (ǎnk'shus), worried ap-peal'ing-ly (ǎ-pēl'ing-li), with a look that seemed to beg for aid ap-pren'ticed (ǎ-pren'tist), agreed to give his services for a definite time in order to learn the trade ap-proach' (ǎ-prōch'), draw near ap-prov ́al (ă-proov′ăl), agreement ar'bor (är'ber), a shelter of vines woven together

Ar'gonne' (är'gon'), a district in the northeast of France where the American soldiers did much hard fighting during the World War arʼgu-ment (är'gü-měnt), dispute a-rouse' (a-rouz'), alarm; frighten ar'tic-les (är'ti-k'lz), various things ar-til'ler-y (är-tfl'er-1), a part of the army that fights with cannon as-cend'ed (ă-send'ěd), went up as'pect (ǎs'pěkt), appearance as-sem'bled (ă-sem'b'ld), collected as-sem'bling (ă-sem'bling), coming together

as-sur'ance (ǎ-shōōr'ăns), statement

a-stir' (ȧ-stûr'), in motion as-ton'ish-ment

(ǎs-ton Ish-ment),

wonder; surprise a-stride' (å-strid'), astraddle a-thirst' (a-thûrst'), thirsty ath-let'ic (ǎth-lět'ík), active; well built

at-tached' (ă-tǎcht'), very fond of at-tend'ed (ǎ-těn'děd), went to at-trac'tion (a-trăk'shun), charm Au-gus'tin (ô-gŭs'tin)

au'to-bi-og'ra-phy (o'to-bi-og'ra-ff), story of one's life written by oneself

av'er-age (ǎv'er-aj), ordinary a-ware' of (å-wâr'), led to understand az'ure (ǎzh'ar), sky-blue

back'ground (băk'ground), back out of sight

bade (băd), commanded baf'fled tru'ants ral'ly (băf'ld troo'ǎnts rǎl'I), ones that ran away are collected and brought back bail (bal), dip; scoop out bait'ed (bat'ed), attracted balm (bäm), a sweet-smelling plant or tree

bark (bärk), a small sailing-vessel bat-tal'ion (bă-tăl'yun), a body of foot-soldiers Bau'cis (bô'kis)

beam (bēm), a large plank beech'en (bēch'ĕn), made of beechlogs

be-held' (be-held'), saw

be-hold' (be-hold'), pay attention to Be'o-wulf (bā'o-woolf)

be-wil'dered (be-wil'dĕrd), puzzled be-witched' (be-wicht'), enchanted bil'lows (bil'oz), ocean-like waves Björn'son, Björn'stjerne (byûrn'sun byûrn'stârn) blast (blåst), gust bliss (blis), happiness blithe (blith), joyous bluff (blŭf), rough Boones'bor-ough



settlement founded by Boone bound'ed (bound'ěd), ran rapidly with sudden leaps; bordered bow'er (bou'ĕr), its leafy home

brac'y (bras'), refreshing Brahman (brämăn), a native of Hindustan who belongs to the highest class

brav'ing (brav'Ing), bearing bravely breast'work (brěst'wûrk), a protecting wall hastily put up

breath'less (brěth'lĕs), holding the breath because of eager interest brew (broo), prepare something for drinking

bric'a-brac (brik'å-bråk), odd things used as ornaments

brin'dle (brin'd'l), having dark spots or streaks on yellowish-brown brink (brink), edge; bank

brisk'ly (brisk'), in a lively manner brood (brood), the young of birds hatched at the same time

Bru'in (broo’In), a common name, in stories, for the brown bear Brun'hild (broon 'hild)

brush'wood (brush'wood), branches of trees

buc'ca-neer'ing (bük'ȧ-nērʼing), bing

budg ́es (bůj'ěz), moves



bul'lion (bool'yun), silver that has not been made into coins

ca-na'ry (kȧ-nā'rÏ), a kind of grass fed to birds cane'brake' (kān'brāk'), thick growth of canes, plants with long, stiff, hollow stems, common in the south cap-tiv'i-ty (kǎp-tIvI-tI), imprisonment

cap'tor (kǎp'tor), one who holds another as prisoner

ca-ress' (kȧ-rès'), a gentle touch car'ry-log (kǎr'l-log), a two-wheeled cart used for hauling logs cas-cade' (kǎs-kād'), flow

cat'kin (kǎt'kin), the soft, furry flower of the willow and other trees

cau'tion (kô'shŭn), warning; advice cau'tious-ly (ko'shus-l), carefully, that is, trying hard to give the right answer

cav'ern (kǎv'ern), a large cave cease'less (ses'les), never-ending

cen'tu-ry (sen'tü-rf), one hundred


challenged (chăl'enjd), demanded that he fight

chal'len-ger (chăl'ěnj-er), one who demands of another that he fight chan'nel (chăn'ĕl), the deep part of a river where the main current flows chanti-cleer (chănti-kler), rooster charge of powder (chärj), enough powder to load a rifle Char'le-magne (shär'lé-mān) charm the country side, by your singing delight the people for a long distance cheep (chep), chirp

Cher Am'i' (shar' å'me'), good friend Chil'i-coth'e (chil'I-koth'e)

chis'el (chiz'el), the sharp iron tool used in carving statues and figures cir'cum-stanc-es (sûr'kum-stăns-ěz), conditions; happenings

clad (klad), dressed

clam'or (klam'er), noise; shouting clam'or-ous (klăm'er-us), noisy clar'i-on (klar'I-un), trumpet

cleared (klērd), opened up by re

moving the trees

clear'ing (klēr’Ing), open space where the trees had been cut clev'er (klěv'er), smart

cliffs (klifs), high, steep rocks or banks

clus'ter-ing (klüs'ter-Ing), growing together in bunches, or clusters co', boss, come, bossy (a pet name for a cow)

col ́o-nists (kõl'ô-nists), settlers in a new country

col'o-ny (kŏl'o-nf), a settlement com-bined' (kom-bind'), together com'fort-ed (kům'fert-ěd), cheered com-man'der-in-chief' (ko-măn'derIn-chef'), the officer of highest rank in the army

com'mon-ly (kŏm'un-li), usually com-mu'ni-ty (ko-mū'nl-ti), neighborhood

com-pan′ion-ship (kăm-păngănship), comradeship; friendship com'pa-ny (kům’på-ní), number of people

com-pelled' (kom-pěld'), forced com-plain' of (kŏm-plān'), am finding fault with

com-plet'ed (kom-plēt'ěd), finished com-plete'ly (kom-plēt ́li), entirely com'rade (kom'răd), companion con'fi-dence (kon'fi-děns), trust; a feeling of boldness

con'fi-dent (kon'fl-děnt), sure con-fu'sion (kon-fu’zhun), shame con-geal' (kon-jēl'), freezes con'quered (kong'kerd), overcome con'se-quen-ces (kon'sê-kwěn-sěz), results; whatever may happen con-sid'er (kon-sid'er), think over carefully con-sid'er-a-bly

quite a little


con'sul (kon'sŭl), an official appointed by a government to live in some foreign country to care for its citizens in that country con-tempt'i-ble



[blocks in formation]

cord'ed (kôrd'ěd), put into piles of a certain size

Corn-wal'lis (kôrn-wŏl'Is)

cor'po-ral (kôr'po-răl), the first rank in the army above private

corps (kōr), the largest division of the American army

course (kōrs), path

court (kort), a royal palace cow'boy' (kou'boi'), a cattle herder on horseback

crag (krǎg), a rough, steep rock crazed (krāzd), insane

cre-at'ed (kré-at'ĕd), made up

crest (krěst), a tuft of feathers upon the head of a bird

crev'ice (krěv'Is), crack; opening

crit'i-cal (krit’I-kǎl), dangerous; when things were at their very worst crook (krook), bend

crown (kroun), the very top cruised (kroozd), sailed back and forth between various points cun'ning (kun'Ing), clever cu'ri-ous (ku'rl-us), strange cur-mudg'eon (kŭr-můj'un), a badtempered and stingy person current (kür'ent), the swiftest part of a stream

Danes (danz), people who lived in what is now Denmark, Norway, and Sweden dark'some (därk'sŭm), dark; gloomy dazed (dāzd), so surprised and happy he could hardly understand de-cid'ed-ly (de-sīd’ĕd-li), firmly decks (děks), decorates de-clared' against it (de-klārd'), would not give his consent de-fi'ance (de-fi'ăns), daring him del'i-cate (děl-kat), dainty; easily broken

de-li'cious (de-lish'us), very pleasant de-light'ful (de-lit'fool), full of enjoyment

de-liv'er-ing (dê-liv'ĕr-Ing), giving out

dells (dělz), valleys

de-nied' (de-nid'), refused Den'mark (děn'märk), a country in Europe

dense (dens), thick

de-part' (de-pärt'), leave; go away de-ri'sion (de-rizh'un), scorn de-sert'ed (de-zûr'těd), left alone de-serve' (de-zûrv'), have a right to des'per-ate (děs′pēr-ât), in very great danger

de-struc'tion (dé-strůk’shŭn), ruin; downfall

de-ter'mi-na'tion (de-tûr'mi-nā'shun), strong purpose de-ter'mined (de-tûr'mind), decided dif'fi-cult (dif'i-kult), hard; uncom


dif'fi-cul-ty (dif'I-kül-t), trouble dil'i-gent-ly (dil-jent-l), busily; steadily

[blocks in formation]

dis-pute' (dis-put'), quarrel Dis-tin'guished Service Cross (disting-gwisht), small bronze cross on a ribbon given to a soldier for a very brave act

dis-turbed' (dis-tûrbd'), troubled di-vine' (dl-vin'), heavenly; holy Di-vis'ion (dl-vizh'un), one of the large sections of the American army

dol'ing (dōl'Ing), giving out in small portions

dot (dot), tiny thing draught (draft), drink drear (drer), gloomy

drear'y (drer'), cloudy; dark drowse (drouz), light sleep drow'si-ly (drou'zi-II), sleepily drudger-y (drůj'ĕr-1), work that is hard and uninteresting

drums (drumz), squirts the milk into the tin pail and makes a sound like a drumbeat

duc'at (dŭk'ǎt), old coin, worth about $2.28 dun (dun), brown dusk'y (düs'kl), dark

ed'dies (ěd'Iz), small whirlpools el'der-bloom (ĕl'der-bloom),


white or pink flowers of the elder em-bark' (ĕm-bärk′), set sail em'bers (èm'bērz), small pieces of coal burning slowly

em'pha-sis (ĕm'få-sis), force

en-a'ble (ĕn-ā'b'l), make it possible for you

en-am'el (en-ăm'ěl), a smooth, glossy substance placed upon metal, glass, or pottery for ornament or protection en-deav'or-ing (ĕn-děv'ĕr-Ing), trying en-gulf' (en-gülf'), blot out

en'sign (en'sin; pronounced ĕn'sîn în the U. S. navy), here, an officer of low rank

ere (âr), before

e-rect'ed (e-rěkt'ěd), turned up es'ti-mat-ed (ĕs'tl-mat-ěd), valued; judged to be worth ev'er (ěv'er), always

ex-ceed'ing-ly (ěk-sed'Ing-li), very ex'cel-lent (ěk'sěl-ěnt), of good quality

ex-claimed' (ěks-klāmd'), cried out ex'cla-ma'tions (eks'klå-ma'shunz), shouts

ex-haus'tion (ĕg-zôs'chun), weariness ex-pe'ri-ence (ĕks-pē'rl-ĕns), practice ex-plained' (ěks-pland'), said in such a way as to make his act understood


(ěks'plōr-a'shunz), trips made to examine the country ex-plor'ing (ěks-plōr'Ing), examining thoroughly

ex'qui-site (eks'kwi-zit), very pleasing

'ex-ult'ing (ĕg-zul'ting), very happy

fag'ot (fag'ut), stick

fal'low (fǎl'o), plowed land that has not been planted fa-mil'iar (få-mil'yȧr), tame fare (fâr), get along; food fared (fârd), journeyed

fas'ci-nat-ing (fǎs'l-nât-Ing), very interesting; charming

fa'vor-a-ble (fā'vĕr-a-b'l), likely to be successful

feat (fēt), deed; act felled (feld), cut down

fer'tile (fûr'til), having rich soil fi'ber (fi'ber), sinew; muscle film (film), thin skin

Flan'ders (flan'dērz), a district of Belgium

flaw (flô), crack or break fleece (fles), coat of wool

flint'y (flin't!), stony; hard flit'ted (fillt'ed), flew quickly flor'in (flor'In), old coin, worth about forty-eight cents

flushed (flusht), rosy from exercise flut'tered (flut'erd), flapped his wings without flying

foe (fō), enemy

fo'li-age (fō'll-aj), leaves

fore'fa'thers (för fä-thērz), ancestors for'est-er (fôr'es-ter), man who takes care of a forest

fore-told' (fōr-told'), told before it happens

forge (fōrj), place to heat iron so it can be hammered into any shape for'mer (fôr'mēr), earlier

for'ti-fied (fôr-ti-fid), made strong fos'ter-broth'er (fös'ter-bruth'er), one brought up as a brother, though not related

foun'dered (foun'derd), made themselves lame by eating too much frame (frām), build; body

franc (frank), French coin worth about twenty cents in ordinary times

fresh'et (fresh'ět), a flood

fret'work' (fret'wûrk'), open-work front (frunt), the position nearest the enemy

fru'gal (froo'găl), scanty; economical fruit'ful (froot'fool), bearing large harvests

fu'el (fu'ěl), something to burn fu'ry (fu'r), rage; fierce anger

gales (gālz), strong winds; storms gal'lant (gal'ǎnt), very brave gal'le-on (găl'ê-un), large ship, used in the time of Columbus and after game (gām), animals which are hunted, for food or sport Ga'ne-lon' (gå'n'-lôn')

gar'ri-son (găr'I-s'n), soldiers guarding a fort

gasped (gåspt), caught her breath gazed (gazd), looked long

ge-loo'ri (gé-loo'rt), a kind of chipmunk

ges'ture (jes'tür), movement

gills (gilz), breathing-organs of a fish

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