Language, Band 60,Ausgaben 3-4George Melville Bolling, Bernard Bloch Linguistic Society of America, 1984 |
Im Buch
Ergebnisse 1-3 von 76
Seite 619
... German historical phonology : the phonetic description of the two sibilants written ( s z ) in OHG and MHG . They merged in ENHG under the influence of pattern pressure through the new shibilant ( sch ) which developed from OHG sk ...
... German historical phonology : the phonetic description of the two sibilants written ( s z ) in OHG and MHG . They merged in ENHG under the influence of pattern pressure through the new shibilant ( sch ) which developed from OHG sk ...
Seite 773
... German as the first member of a nominal compound : ( 31 ) Red wine the Jewish question infrared lamp Oriental rug Wagnerian soprano nuclear physicist Rotwein ( marginally : roter Wein ) die Judenfrage ( ?? die jüdische Frage ) ...
... German as the first member of a nominal compound : ( 31 ) Red wine the Jewish question infrared lamp Oriental rug Wagnerian soprano nuclear physicist Rotwein ( marginally : roter Wein ) die Judenfrage ( ?? die jüdische Frage ) ...
Seite 911
... German and Swedish , long vowels and diph- thongs are apparently less cohesive than in English . As noted above , there is a tendency in German for diphthongs to act as units , though the data do not permit us to determine how strong a ...
... German and Swedish , long vowels and diph- thongs are apparently less cohesive than in English . As noted above , there is a tendency in German for diphthongs to act as units , though the data do not permit us to determine how strong a ...
The English auxiliary system Yehuda N Falk | 483 |
Obligatory too in English Jeff Kaplan | 510 |
The repeated morph constraint L Menn and B MacWhinney | 519 |
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acquisition adjectives adults adverbs affix affix-checking agent and instrument agent nouns allomorphs analysis anaphoric appear argument auxiliary BB's benoni bilingualism binomial CaCaC CaCCan Chap child clause clitic cognitive compounds consonants constituents constraints constructions context contrast Creole derived dialects diphthongs discourse discussion distinction English errors evidence example fact feature function German grammar guage haplology Hausa Hebrew historical linguistics incorporated infixal inflectional instrument nouns interpretation language language acquisition lexical entries lexicon linguistic maCCeC marked markedness marker Mayan languages meaning Modals morphemes morphological nominal NP's object obligatory options paper pattern phonetic phonological phrase structure rules phrases position pragmatic predicate prefix present problem production properties proposed reference responses role root rules segment semantic sentence speakers speech stem structure SUBJ suffix suppletive suprasegmental syllable syntactic syntax tense theory tion topic types VCOMP verb vowel word formation devices word forms