The American Mind: TRANSITION TO THE MACHINE AGE, 1865-1919. From Leaves of grass. One's self I sing. As I ponder'd in silence. To the states. Poets to come. For you O democracy. To a pupil. Song of myself. Out of the cradle endlessly rocking. A noiseless patient spider. Pioneers! O pioneers. Cavalry crossing a ford. Come up from the fields father. As toilsome I wander'd Virginia's woods. O captain! My captain! When lilacs last in the dooryard bloom'd. On the beach at night. Song of the redwood tree. Spirit that form'd this scene. Nationality and literature. American characterHarry Redcay Warfel, Ralph Henry Gabriel, Stanley Thomas Williams American Book Company, 1937 |
Im Buch
Ergebnisse 1-3 von 87
Seite 997
... philosophy was conditioned by the fact that his boyhood had been spent in a mining camp on the western slope of the Sierras , and his youth in the frontier city of San Francisco . From the frontier Royce derived his insistent ...
... philosophy was conditioned by the fact that his boyhood had been spent in a mining camp on the western slope of the Sierras , and his youth in the frontier city of San Francisco . From the frontier Royce derived his insistent ...
Seite 1071
... philosophy . He assailed two adversaries , the positiv- ism of Comte and the evolutionary hypothesis of Darwin and Spencer . He did not attack science as such ; he merely maintained that the field of science is limited , and he added ...
... philosophy . He assailed two adversaries , the positiv- ism of Comte and the evolutionary hypothesis of Darwin and Spencer . He did not attack science as such ; he merely maintained that the field of science is limited , and he added ...
Seite 1492
... Philosophy Adams , G. P. , and Montague , W. P. , eds . , Contemporary American Philosophy , 1930 . Dewey , John , and others , Living Philosophies , 1931 . The Influence of Darwin on Philosophy , 1910 . Fiske , John , Darwinism ...
... Philosophy Adams , G. P. , and Montague , W. P. , eds . , Contemporary American Philosophy , 1930 . Dewey , John , and others , Living Philosophies , 1931 . The Influence of Darwin on Philosophy , 1910 . Fiske , John , Darwinism ...
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ain't American Anarchism asked beautiful believe Brer Brer Fox Brer Rabbit Caddy called Christian Church civilization criticism dark dead death democracy door earth economic eyes face fact faith father feel fire George Santayana girl give hand Hartsell head heard heart Henry Henry James human ideal industrial knew labor land laugh liberty live looked man's means ment mind Miniver Miss Miss Spencer Miss Van moral mother Mother Shipton Nancy nation nature Negro never nigger night nomic Oakhurst Osric Panchevo philosophy poems political race Ragtime religion seemed Sherwood Anderson sleep social society song soul spirit stand stood talk tell things thought tion turned UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA voice walk wife woman words writing Xingu yawl young