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This is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and
this life is in his Son, 1 John v. 11. If the Son shall make you
free, ye shall be free indeed, John viii. 36. Worship the Lord
in the beauty of holiness, Psalm xxix. 2.



Printed and Published by Rose and Chapli
18156, High Street.

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THE following Collection of PSALMS AND HYMNS wasfirst introduced to the Congregation at St. Peter's Church, Colchester, by their late revered Pastor, the Rev. ROBERT STORRY; whose labours for their spiritual benefit during the space of thirty years, will be remembered among them with affectionate regard for years to come. It has long been in constant use in the public worship of the Sanctuary, in the social circle of Christian Friends, and in the more retired devotions of the Family and the Closet.

The distance from the place where it was originally printed frequently rendered it difficult to obtain a supply for the demand, and the last edition being out of print, it became desirable to secure a sufficient supply on the spot where it was immediately wanted. The present edition has therefore been re-printed from the original one, and contains several Hymns which have been omitted in the later copies, as well as a few additional ones. If, by the Divine blessing, it shall be the means of increasing in the Christian the true spirit of DEVOTION, and of leading him to offer to the Father, through the Son, by the Holy Spirit, acceptable PRAISE, the end of its publication will be fully answered.

Augushe 1816.


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