Ice Crystal Measurements with the New Particle Spectrometer NIXE-CAPSForschungszentrum Jülich, 2013 - 132 Seiten |
Introduction | 1 |
4 | 4 |
Cloud life cycle | 13 |
The new cloud spectrometer NIXECAPS | 22 |
4 | 39 |
NIXECAPS at the AIDA chamber and on board of the BAE146 | 55 |
5 | 70 |
6 | 86 |
1 CAS AD count conversion | 92 |
NIXECIP | 100 |
NIXE analysis setup | 111 |
Bibliography | 117 |
47 | 119 |
53 | 125 |
Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
aerosol particles AIDA chamber AIDA clouds aircraft airspeed Aspherical Fraction aspherical particles Atmospheric and Oceanic backscattered backscattered light Baumgardner calibration Cloud Condensation Nuclei cm³ COALESC natural clouds coexistence regime correction scheme decreasing dependence depolarization depth of field detected detector diameter distribution droplet concentration droplets and ice evaluation evaporation Figure fraction of frozen freezing frequency histogram frozen cloud particles glaciation humidity regimes ice cloud ice crystal concentration ice crystals ice fraction ice nuclei ice particles Journal of Atmospheric Jülich Korolev laser beam LIDAR liquid and ice liquid droplets measurement period microphysical properties Mie theory mixed-phase clouds mixed-phase clouds observed NIXE-CAPS instrument NIXE-CAS NIXE-CIP number of particles Oceanic Technology particle shape particle sizes Pruppacher and Klett range refractive index relative humidity sample volume scattering cross section Spectrometer spherical coordinate system spherical particles supersaturated temperature interval thesis total number concentration uncertainty water droplets WBF regime WELAS2 Wliq