Abbildungen der Seite

to the Society of those blessed Spirits. It is there- SERM, fore a very probable Argument, that our Concern XII. for a Reputation in this prefent World fhall ceafe with our Being in it, because we shall converse with intellectual Spirits of a more elevated and exalted Nature. It will be natural for us in this change of our Condition, to afpire after their Praife and Approbation; and in the hope of this, how little fhall we be affected with any Glory we shall receive on: Earth! The Reason why we are apt to be unmov'd at these Thoughts in our Life-time, is because they are too refined and abftracted. But the Time will come, when the Partition between the two Worlds will be broken down, the whole Tribe of intellectual Beings be laid open to aur View, and we fhall. know, even as alfo we are known. Then will our Ambition take a nobler turn; we shall aim at the Efteem of celestial Beings; and the frail Monuments we have been erecting upon Earth, shall from thenceforth be for ever buried in Oblivion.

Thus have I laid before you some short Reflections upon the Vanity of human Life. I have taken occafion from what is told us of Methuselah, to obferve, that to do nothing in Life is ridiculous; that to follow nothing but Pleasure is vain; that long Life is not worth enjoying; Titles and Distinctions not worth the feeking; and that a Fame after Death is

upon us. I fhall conclude therefore with these
fhort Directions. If we defire our Lives may not
be useless to the Publick, let us fill them up with
Acts of Charity and Beneficence: If we would
avoid being bewitch'd with Pleasure, let us begin to
defpife it young: If we would provide against the:
Mileries of Age, let us arm ourselves with an early.
Piety: If we are fond of Rank and Precedence, let

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SERM. us confider that Death will level us: And if we are defirous of Fame hereafter, let us reflect that we fhall be incapable of enjoying it. In general let us all remember, that we are intended for another Life, and let us fix all our hopes of Happiness, of Fame, and of Pleasure there. While we look not at the things which are feen; but at the things, which are not feen: For the things which are seen, are temporal; but the things which are nor feen, are eternal. Now to God the Father, &c.

The End of Vol. I: Octavo Edition:

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The Folly of Hypocrify in this World.



On Joв viii. 13.

----The Hypocrite's Hope fhall perish.


INCERITY cannot be more effec-SERM. tually recommended, than by confider- XIII. ing the difficulty of difguifing our Inclinations, and laying a perpetual

constraint upon our Words and Actions. This is an Argument, which will fet the Folly of Hypocrify in the cleareft Light, and cannot fail to give the Preference to Religion, even upon the Principles of worldly Wisdom. Men think themselves obliged in common Prudence, as they would fecure their Intereft in the World, to wear the Garb of Ho linefs at leaft; and if they were further perfuaded, that it is a Work of lefs difficulty to fubdue their corrapt Affections, than to conceal them, this, one would think, muft thoroughly convince them, how fruitless it is to pursue the Shadow of Virtue, when the Subftance may be had at a much cheaper rate.


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