Abbildungen der Seite

remenbrer 249, 2522, to recall. renuncier 934, to report. regnyer 578, to deny. repentant (fem. adj.) 63, repentant; (used as a noun) 1219, penitent.

reprendre, to recover.-Past def. 5 reprenistes 40.

reprouver 1119, to condemn. reprouvé 3011 (as noun), outcast. reputacion 1241, opinion. requerre 179, 831, 1146, 2172, to

seek, to require. rescheoir 2807, to fall. ressongnier 377, to fear. retourner, to return.-Je m'en retourneroy 932.

retournee 1662, return.

retraire 671, to draw back; refl. 2315, 2764, 3128, to contract, to withdraw.

retrais. Tous les nerfs, d'une partie, de retrais pour la douleur 2321, all the nerves, on the one hand, contracted on account of the pain.

revencher, refl. 876, 891, to avenge one's self.

riens 1930, etc., something. (Used with ne) 13, 900, 1169, etc., nothing, not at all.

riote 1820, quarrel.

rompre, to break. Pres. ind. 3 ront 79; impve. 2 rons 2931, 5 rompés 2945.

rosel 1949, reed.


sçavoir 73, 2331, etc., to know. Pres. ind. 1 sçay 362, 2 scez 413, 3 scet 318 etc., sçoit 1472, 5 sçavez 48, 6 sçoivent 337, scevent 1021, etc.; impf. 2 sçavoies 89, 6 sçavoient 783; past. def. 3 sceut 57; fut. 3 sçaura 1390, 5 saurons 2168; impve. 4 saichons 2024; impf. subj. 3 sceust 496, 5 sceussiés 116; past part. sceu 113, etc. -Non sachant 3157, without knowledge.

secret. La visiter en son secret 484, to visit her in her seclusion. seigneurisan. Le seigneur des seigneurisans 2201, the lord of lords.

selon. Selon ce que 134, 485, 741, 1309, 1325, 1331, 1597, etc., in accordance with the fact that, accordingly as.-Selon seigneur .. 739, see duire. semblable (noun) 1522, like. semblance 217, 836, opinion, air. semblant 590, 972, appearance, opinion.

senextre, senestre 2005, 2407, left. sensualité 2480, 2560, physical being, flesh.

sentement 504, 848, consciousness. sentir, to feel. Past part. sentu 628, 1857.

seoir 191, 997, 1766, 2397, etc., to sit.

sep 843, fetter.

sequele 1547, sequel.

serment 2017, oath.

sachier, to draw. Past def. 3 sacha serrement 3070, tightly.

708, saicha 865.

saiette 2266, 2267, arrow. sanglout, senglot 33, 927, sob. sapience 1140, wisdom.

servir.-On sçaura maintenant de quoy vous avez servi jusquez a cy 1390, we will know at present what [resources] you have used

[blocks in formation]

Table ronde 137. (See note on the first page of the glossary).

tailler. Come . . . d'un qui sera blecié et le convendra tailler par les medecins 333, as in the case of one who is wounded and it is necessary for him to be operated upon by the doctors.

sort 2396, 2465, 2470, the casting taire, refl., to abstain.-Justice se of lots.

sortir, to cast lots. Sortissons

d'elle 2394, let us cast lots for it. soubzhaidier 2635, to desire. souloir, to be accustomed. Pres.

ind. 3 seult 742, 1229, 1326; impf. 3 souloit 872, 5 souliez 767, soliés 3071, 6 souloient 2657. souffrir, to suffer. Pres. ind. 3 seuffre 2143, 2180, etc., 6 seuffrent 1844.

soubzmettre 328, to submit. Past
part. soubzmis 551.
soustenir, to endure.-Comme pour-
roy je entre vous demourer, vous
oyr ou soustenir ou regarder?
2605, how can I dwell among
you, hear you or endure you or
look upon you?
subgiet (noun and adjective) 12,

379, 455, 2675, 2687, subject. suffire 1705, 1966, to suffice. Cond. 3 souffiroit 1216.

taira de faire rigueur 2736. Jus-
tice will abstain from acting with

tandiz. Un tandiz 2103, a while.
tant.-Tant seulement 563, merely.
-A tant 191, 801, 1362, 1968,
etc., until, thus.-De tant 221,
846, 1316, etc., so much the more.
-En tant 628, 630, 1140, etc.,
in so much.-Pour tant 2444,
etc., on account of that.
tantost 802, 897, 1101, immedi

tel 219, 2157, so great.-Par tel que
278, so that.

temps.-Pour le temps 3023, at
that time.
temptation 15, 1937, temptacion
203, tentation 1699, temptation.
tenant (adj.), clinging.-Pourpre,
qui... est plus tenant que drap

tenir. Tenir a 208, 258, to depend

suffisant (fem. adj.) 1267, suffi-
cient; (as adv.) 1896, suffi-
suffisaument, souffisaument 261, texir 2393, to weave.

terrien, terrain 1052, 1612, 2006,

tost, toust, tout 72, 143, 557, 586, 3084, soon, quickly.

tout. A tout 513, 1056, with. toutesvoyes 51, touteffois 199, 608, etc., however, each time.

traire 1182, to lead. Impf. ind. 6

traihoient 2785.

traïr 132, 516, 520, 578, 587, etc.,

to betray.

traïteur, traïcteur 74, 82, 562, 703, traitorous.

traïtre, traïctre, traïte 228, 440, 1370, 1596, 2158, traitor. transficher 2996, to pierce. travailler, traveiller 1352, 1392, 2069, 2309, etc., to torture, to torment; ref. 3156, to torment one's self, to tax one's energies. traval 335, suffering. trebuchement 788, overthrow. trebucher, trubucher 735, 749, 2312, to throw to the ground. trencher 1295, to tear. tressuer 365, 399, to sweat copiously.

tribun 723, the captain of the watch.

trop 54(2), etc., very.-Trop plus 481, 845, 1697, 2124, much more; trop mielx 1671, much better. trouver, to find. Pres. ind. 1 trouve 1729, treuve 1734, 2488, 3 treuve 1895, 3005.

truage 1560, 1637, 1639, tribute. turbation 477, 805, confusion.


umbrage 23, shadow.

uy, today. A ce jour d'uy 163, etc.; au jour d'uy 729, etc.; en ce jour d'uy 2974.

uys 916, 3059, 3121, etc., door.


vague 1790, (adj.), wandering, vagrant. varlet.-varlès au diable 742, name given to those who exceed orders, busybodies.

vath 2410, exclamation of scorn. (See note on the first page of the glossary). See also Le Mystère de la Passion d'Arnould Greban, par Gaston Paris et G. Raynaud, Paris, 1878, p. 328, 1. 25146: Vaast du mauvais fol perilleux. vecy 436, etc., here is, behold. velvyan 1992, velvet. venir, to come. Past def. 3 veint 186, 388, 1617, vint 133, 513, etc.; pres. subj. 3 viengne 1024; past part. venuz 189.-Vint au soir 133, 3042, it came to the evening, the evening came.-En venir 1389, to come. ventance 963, boasting. veoir 2245, 2580, etc., to see. Pres. ind. 1 veoy 2588, 3 voit 825, 4 veons 559, 815, 6 veoient 1239, 2658; impf. 3 veoit 376, 377, 613, 2641, 2971; past def. 1 veis 48, 6 veirent 2271, virent 2989; impve. 5 veés 2774; pres. part. voyant 2, voiant 61, 1471, 1777, veant 63, 465, 706, 1676; past part. veu 452, 2254, 2669.

vesture 115, 932, 1056, 3074, apparel, garment. veu 1011, vow.

vespree 2858, afternoon. viare 39, face.

vilité 1422, vileness.

virge 65, 2679, vierge 474, 1414, virgin.

voir 2718, truly.

voire 114, 278, 399, indeed. voirre 2788, glass. voluntaire 1373, eager. vorage 1005, voracious.

vouloir, to wish. Pres. ind. 1 vueil 52, 2 veulz 200; past def. 3 voult 560, 581, etc.; impf. subj. 2 voulsisses 102, 3 vousist 2631, 3087, 6

vousissent 1801.

vroy 643, etc., true. voirement 5, etc., truly.

vuit 2006, vuide 1860, empty.


yreulx 1153, wrathful. ysnel 3143, swift.

Abélard, II (note).


Ad Deum vadit (Description of sermon), 9, 13, 14, 15,—influence of literature of
preceding centuries; twelfth century, mysticism 16, 17, allegories and meta-
phors 17, 18, dissection of text for moral teaching 19, cult of Virgin 19;
thirteenth century, scholasticism 19, 20, symmetrical divisions 20, quotations
from Church fathers 20, 21; fourteenth century (popular preaching), compila-
tions of sermons 20, coarseness 21, macaronics 22; classic writers 22;-style
and composition: sincerity, boldness 23, 24; realism 24, 25; dignified tone 25,
26; use of play on words 25, 26; use of apostrophe 26, 27; unevenness of style
27; incoherence 28; best descriptions 28-30;-discussion of mechanical form:
sermo and collatio 30; Latin text 30, 31; quatrain 30, 31; exordium 31;
exposition 32; oroison 32, 33;-divisions of text: Sermo 41-96; Collatio 97-
129;-manuscripts and editions (see Manuscripts, Editions).

Adorabunt eum omnes reges (sermon), selection from 22 (note).

d'Ailly (Pierre), 12, 16.

Albertus Magnus, 20.

Alchedemach, 81.

Angels, 20, 35, 51, 53, 61, 73, 110; comforted Christ in desert 54; humanity sins in
presence of 54; visited Virgin at Annunciation, probably at the time of Christ's
arrest 54, 55; a legion contains 6666 angels 64, 65; restrained from helping
Christ 65; patience of 101.

Annas, 23, 61, 73, 78, 85; with Caiaphas held the position of High Priest by use of
money 71.

Anselm (Saint), 132, 133.

Anthony (Saint), 21, 69; compares devout person to ship in dangerous sea 68.

Apparel (Worldly), 134, 135; only mockery, Twelfth Night or stage kingdom,
crowning of pilloried man 96.

Aquinas (Saint Thomas), 11 (note), 16, 19, 20.

Augustine (Saint), 21, 34; says good thief baptised by water from side of Christ

Barabbas, 89, 90, 94; released to celebrate Jews' escape from bondage of Pharaoh 91.


Bernard (Saint), 11 (note), 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 115, 132, 133.

Blood, 100; sweat of, real b- 52; Pilate killed Galileans who mingled b- in sacri-

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