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he stopped repeatedly to look at the arms and appointments of the cavaliers on guard, asked them several questions in an authoritative tone, and took upon him to censure some of them for what he termed irregularities of discipline, in language to which these experienced soldiers dared no reply, although it was plain they listened to it with impatience and with contempt.

"Is the King aware,' said Dunois to the Cardinal, that the Burgundian Envoy is peremptory in demanding an audience ?' "He is,' answered the Cardinal; and here, as I think, comes the all-sufficient Oliver Dain, to let us know his royal pleasure.'

"As he spoke, a remarkable person, who then divided the favour of Louis with the proud Cardinál himself, entered from the inner apartment, but without any of that important and consequential demeanour which marked the full-blown dignity of the churchman. On the contrary, this was a little, pale, meagre man, whose black silk jerkin and hose, without either coat, cloak, or cassock, were ill qualified to set off to advantage a very ordinary person. He carried a silver basin in his hand, and a napkin flung over his arm indicated his menial capacity. His visage was penetrating and quick, although he endeavoured to banish such expression from his features, by keeping his eyes fixed on the ground, as, with the stealthy and quiet peace of a cat, he seemed modestly rather to glide than to walk through the apartment. But though modesty may easily disguise worth, it cannot hide court favour; and all attempts to steal unperceived through the presence-chamber were vain, on the part of one known to have such possession of the King's ear, as had been attained by his celebrated barber and groom of the chamber, Oliver le Dain, called sometimes Oliver le Mauvais, and sometimes Oliver le Diable, epithets derived from the 'unscrupulous cunning with which he assisted the execution of the schemes of his master's tortuous policy. At present he spoke earnestly for a few moments with the Count de Dunois, who instantly left the chamber, while the tonsor glided quietly back towards the royal apartment whence he had issued, every one giving place to him; which civility he only acknowledged by the most humble inclination of the body, excepting in a very few instances, where he made one or two persons the subject of envy to all the other courtiers, by whispering a single word in their ear; and at the same time muttering something of the duties of his place, he escaped from their replies, as well as from the eager solicitations of those who wished to attract his notice. Ludovic Lesly who had the good fortune to be one of the individuals who, on the present occasion, was favoured by Oliver with a single word, to assure him that his matter was fortunately terminated.

"Presently afterwards, he had another proof of the same agreeable tidings, for Tristan l'Hermite, the Provost-Marshal of the Royal Household, entered the apartment, and came straight to the place where Le Balafré was posted. This formidable officer's

dress, which was very rich, had only the effect of making his sinister countenance and bad mien more strikingly remarkable, and the tone which he meant for conciliatory, was like nothing so much as the growling of a bear. The import of his words, however, was more amicable than the voice in which they were pronounced. He regretted the mistake which had fallen between them on the preceding day, and observed it was owing to the Sieur Le Balafré's nephew not wearing the uniform of his corps, or announcing himself as belonging to it, which had led him into the error for which he now asked forgiveness.

"Ludovic Lesly made the necessary reply, and as soon as Tristan had turned away, observed to his nephew, that they had now the distinction of having a mortal enemy from henceforward in the

person of this dreaded officer. 'But a soldier,' said he, • who does his duty, may laugh at the Provost-Marshal.'" Vol. I. p. 186.

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"And now to horse, gentlemen and ladies-We will ourselves lead forth our daughter of Beaujeu,' said the King; and God's blessing and St. Hubert's be on our morning sport."

"I am, I fear, doomed to interrupt it, sire,' said the Compte de Dunois The Burgundian Envoy is before the gates of the Castle, and demands an audience.'

"Demands an audience, Dunois?' replied the King- Did you not answer him, as we sent you word by Oliver, that we were not at leisure to see him to-day,-and that to-morrow was the festival of Saint Martin, which, please Heaven, we would disturb by no earthly thoughts,-and that on the succeeding day we were designed for Amboise-but that we would not fail to appoint him as early an audience, when we returned, as our pressing affairs would permit?'


All this I said,' answered Dunois; but yet, sire” "Pasques-dieu! man, what is it that thus sticks in thy throat?’ said the King. This Burgundian's terms must have been hard of digestion.'


'Had not my duty, your Grace's commands, and his character as an Envoy restrained me,' said Dunois, he should have tried to digest them himself; for, by our Lady of Orleans, I had more mind to have made him eat his own words, than to have brought them to your Majesty.'

"Body of me, Dunois,' said the King, it is strange that thou, one of the most impatient fellows alive, should'st have so little sympathy with the like infirmity in our blunt and fiery cousin, Charles of Burgundy.-Why, man, I mind his blustering messages no more than the towers of this Castle regard the whistling of the north-east wind, which comes from Flanders, as well as this brawling Envoy.'

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Know then, sire,' replied Dunois, that the Count of Cre

vecœur tarries below with his retinue of pursuivants and trumpets, and says, that since your Majesty refuses him the audience which his master has instructed him to demand, upon matters of most pressing concern, he will remain there till midnight, and accost your Majesty at whatever hour you are pleased to issue from your Castle, whether for business, exercise, or devotion; aud that no consideration, except the use of absolute force, shall compel him to desist from this resolution.'

"He is a fool,' said the King, with much composure. Does the hot-headed Hainaulter think it any penance for a man of sense to remain for twenty-four hours quiet within the walls of his Castle, when he hath the affairs of a kingdom to occupy him? These impatient coxcombs think that all men, like themselves, are miserable, save when in saddle and stirrup. Let the dogs be put up, and well looked to, gentle Dunois-We will hold council to-day, instead of hunting.'

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My Liege,' answered Dunois, you will not thus rid yourself of Crevecœur ; for his master's instructions are, that if he hath not this audience which he demands, he shall nail his gauntlet to the palisades before the Castle, in token of mortal defiance on the part of his master, shall renounce the Duke's fealty to France, and declare instant war.'

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"Ay,' said Louis, without any perceptible alteration of voice, but frowning until his piercing dark eyes became almost invisible under his shaggy eye-brows, is it even so?-will our ancient vassal prove so masterful-our dear cousin treat us thus unkindly?— Nay then, Dunois, we must unfold the Oriflamme, and cry Dennis Montjoye!'

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Marry and amen, and in a most happy hour!' said the mar tial Dunois; and the guards in the hall, unable to resist the same impulse, stirred each upon his post, so as to produce a low but distinct sound of clashing ar.ns. The King cast his eye proudly round, and, for a moment, thought and looked like his heroic father.

"But the excitement of the moment presently gave way to the host of political considerations, which, at that conjuncture, rendered an open breach with Burgundy so peculiarly perilous. Edward IV, a brave and victorious King, who had in his own person fought thirty battles, was now established on the throne of England, 'was brother to the Duchess of Burgundy, and, it might well be supposed, waited but a rupture between his near connection and Louis, to carry into France, through the ever-open gate of Calais, those arms which had been triumphant in the civil wars, and to obliterate the recollection of civil dissentions by that most popular of all occupations amongst the English, an invasion of France. To this consideration was added the uncertain faith of the Duke of Bretagne, and other weighty subjects of reflection. So that after a deep pause, when Louis again spoke, although in

the saine tone, it was with an altered spirit. But God forbid,' he said, that aught less than necessity should make us, the Most Christian King, give cause to the effusion of Christian blood, if any thing short of dishonour may avert such a calamity. We tender our subjects' safety dearer than the ruffle which our own dignity may receive from the rude breath of a malapert ambassador, who hath perhaps exceeded the errand with which he was charged. Admit the Envoy of Burgundy to our presence."

""Beati pacifici,' said the Cardinal Balue.

"True; and your eminence knoweth that they who humble themselves shall be exalted,' added the King.

"The Cardinal spoke an Amen, to which few assented; for even the pale cheek of Orleans kindled with shame, and Balafré suppressed his feelings so little as to let the butt-end of his partizan fall heavily on the floor,-a movement of impatience for which he underwent a bitter reproof from the Cardinal, with a lecture on the mode of handling his arms when in the presence of the Sovereign. The King himself seemed unusually embarrassed at the silence around him. You are pensive, Dunois, he said You disapprove of our giving way to this hot headed Envoy.'

"By no means,' said Dunois; I meddle not with matters beyond my sphere. I was but thinking of asking a boon of your Majesty.'

"A boon, Dunois-what is it? You are an unfrequent suitor, and may count on our favour.'

"I would, then, your Majesty would send me to Evreux, to regulate the clergy,' said Dunois, with military frankness.

"That were indeed beyond thy sphere,' replied the King, smiling.


"I might order priests as well,' replied the Count, as my Lord Bishop of Evreux, or my Lord Cardinal, if he likes the title better, can exercise the soldiers of your Majesty's guard.'

"The King smiled again, and more mysteriously, while he whispered Dunois, The time may come when you and I will regulate the priests together-But this is for the present a good conceited animal of a Bishop. Ah! Dunois-Rome, Rome puts him and other burthens upon us-But patience, cousin, and shuffle the cards, till our hand is a stronger one *." " Vol. I. · p. 198.

"Louis led his young Life-guardsman, for whom he seemed to have taken a special favour, through the side-door by which he had himself entered, saying, as he shewed it him, He who would

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* "Dr. Dryasdust here remarks, that cards, said to have been invented in a preceding reign, for the amusement of Charles V. during the intervals of his mental disorder, seem speedily to have become common among the courtiers, since they already furnished Louis XI. with a metaphor. The same proverb was quoted by Durandarte, in the enchanted cave of Montesinos."

thrive at court must know the private wickets and concealed staircases-ay, and the traps and pitfalls of the palace, as well as the principal entrances, folding-doors, and portals."

"After several turns and passages, the King entered a small vaulted room, where a table was prepared for dinner with three covers. The whole furniture and arrangements of the room were plain almost to meanness. A beauffet, or folding and moveable cupboard, held a few pieces of gold and silver plate, and was the only article in the chamber, which had, in the slightest degree, the appearance of royalty. Behind this cupboard, and completely hidden by it, was the post which Louis assigned to Quentin Durward; and after having ascertained, by going to different parts of the room, that he was invisible on all quarters, he gave him his last charge Remember the word, Ecosse, en avant; and so soon as ever I utter these sounds, throw down the screen-spare not for cup or goblet, and be sure thou take good aim at Crevecœur-If thy piece fail, cling to him, and use thy knife-Oliver and I can deal with the Cardinal.'

"Having thus spoken, he whistled aloud, and summoned into the apartment Oliver, who was premier-valet of the chamber as well as barber, and who, in fact, performed all offices immediately connected with the King's person, and who now appeared, attended by two old men, who were the only assistants or waiters at the royal table. So soon as the King had taken his place, the visitors were admitted; and Quentin, though himself unseen, was so situated as to remark all the particulars of the interview.

"The King welcomed his visitors with a degree of cordiality, which Quentin had the utmost difficulty to reconcile with the directions which he had previously received, and the purpose for which he stood behind the beauffet with his deadly weapon in readiness. Not only did Louis appear totally free from apprehension of any kind, but one would have supposed that those guests whom he had done the high honour to admit to his table, were the very persons in whom he could most unreservedly confide, and whom he was most willing to honour. Nothing could be more dignified, and, at the same time, more courteous, than his demeanour. While all around him, including even his own dress, was far beneath what the petty princes of the kingdom displayed in their festivities, his own language and manners were those of a mighty Sovereign in his most condescending mood. Quentin was tempted to suppose, either that the whole of his previous conversation with Louis had been a dream, or that the dutiful demeanour of the Cardinal, and the frank, open, and gallant bearing of the Burgundian noble, had entirely erased the King's suspicions.

"But whilst the guests, in obedience to the King, were in the act of placing themselves at the table, his Majesty darted one keen glance on them, and then instantly directed his look to Quentin's post. This was done in an instant; but the glance

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