Abbildungen der Seite

ASTARITA, ANTONIO C.-Lawyer, 320 Broadway, New York City; residence 225 West 55th street. Born in Vico Equense, Italy, Dec. 28, 1864. Educated at college in Italy and Columbia College, New York City. (Married.) Trustee Italian Savings Bank of New York. Member Republican Club, and Society of Medical Jurisprudence.

ASTOR, JOHN JACOB-Capitalist, 23 West 26th street, New York City; residence 840 Fifth avenue, and "Ferncliff," Rhinebeck-on-Hudson. Born in Rhine

beck, July 13, 1864. (Son of William and grandson of John Jacob Astor.) Educated at Harvard. (Married Alva Willing, of Philadelphia.) Traveled abroad, 1888-91. Since then manager of family estates. In 1897 built the Astoria Hotel, adjoining the Waldorf Hotel erected by William Waldorf-Astor, his cousin, the two buildings now forming the Waldorf-Astoria. Was colonel on staff of Governor Levi P. Morton, and May, 1898, commissioned lieutenant-colonel United States Volunteers. Presented to the Government a mountain battery in use in war against Spain. After assisting Major-General Breckinridge, Inspector-General United States Army, in inspection of camp and troops at Chickamauga Park, was assigned to duty on staff of Major-General Shafter, and served in Cuba in operations ending in surrender of Santiago. Director in numerous railroads, banks and insurance companies, among the most prominent being the Astor National Bank, Findlay, Fort Wayne, and Western Ry. Co., Illinois Central R. R. Co., National Park Bank, New York Life Insurance and Trust Co., Title Guarantee and Trust Co., and Western Union Telegraph Co. Author of "A Journey to Other Worlds," and other works. Member Metropolitan, City, Knickerbocker, Union, Press, New York Yacht, Racquet and Tennis, Delta Phi, Transportation, Manuscript. Turf and Field, and Riding Clubs, Country Club of Westchester, Down Town Association, and Colonial Wars, American Geographical and Musical Art Societies.

ATHERTON, FISHER C. Manufacturer, 376 Massachusetts avenue, Buffalo; residence 14 Chapin place. Born in Flint, Mich., June 6, 1843. Educated at Oberlin, Ohio. (Married.) Manager American Bicycle Co., at Buffalo, and president Portland Stone Co. Member Buffalo and Independent Clubs, Sons of the Colonial Wars, and Merchants' Exchange.

ATKINS, THOMAS J.-Hardware, 151 Leonard street, New York City; residence 631 Willoughby avenue, Brooklyn. Born in New York, 1838. (Married.) Connected with the firm of Sargent & Co. Vice-president and trustee East Brooklyn Savings Bank, and director Farragut Fire Insurance Co. Member Hardware Club.

ATKINSON, GEORGE FRANCIS-Professor of Botany, Cornell University, Ithaca. Born in Monroe County, Mich., Jan. 26, 1854. Educated at Olivet College in Michigan, and at Cornell University ('85). (Married.) Was assistant professor of entomology and general zoology in the University of North Carolina, 1885-6: associate professor of same, 1886-8; professor of botany and zoology in University of South Carolina, and botanist of experiment station, South Carolina Agricultural Department, 1888-9; professor of biology in Alabama Polytechnic Institute and Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical College, and biologist of the Alabama Experiment Station, 1889-92; assistant professor, cryptogamic botany in Cornell University, 1892-3; associate professor of same, 1893-6; professor of botany and botanist of the Agricultural Experiment Station in Cornell University, 1896 to the present time. Author of "Biology of Ferns," "Elementary Botany," "Lessons in Botany," and of many articles on botany in American and foreign magazines. Is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (secretary, 1896-7, and vicepresident, 1897-8); secretary Botanical Society of America; honorary member American Carnation Society, and Detroit Mycological Club; corresponding member Torrey Botanical Club, and member Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi Societies of Cornell University, Business Men's Association, and Town and Gown Club of Ithaca, and Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society.

[blocks in formation]

Homeopathic Hospital. Was first president Genesee Valley Club; was also first president Rochester Clearing House, and president Commercial Bank, Rochester. Member Genesee Valley and Country Clubs, and Transportation Club of New York City.

ATTERBURY, ALBERT H.-Lawyer, 111 Broadway, New York City; residence Plainfield, N. J. Member University Club, Yale Alumni, and Association of the Bar of the City of New York.

ATTERBURY, ANSON PHELPS-Clergyman, 145 West 86th street. New York City. Born in New York City, June 18, 1854. Educated at Phillips Andover Academy, Yale and Union Theological Seminary ('79). Degrees of Ph.D. from New York University, and D.D. from Hamilton College. (Married Catherine G. Van Rensselaer.) Pastor Park Presbyterian Church. Author of "Islam in Africa," and translator of Sombart's "Socialism." Member Quill Club, Yale Alumni and Century Associations, and Ardsley Casino of Ardsleyon-Hudson.

ATTERBURY, CHARLES L.-Lawyer, 30 Broad street, New York City; residence 690 Madison avenue. Born in Detroit, Mich., Dec. 3, 1842. Educated at Yale ('64). (Married.) Attorney for a number of railroads and other corporations. Member City, Grolier and University Clubs, Century, Down Town and Yale Alumni Associations, and the Association of the Bar of the City of New York.

ATTERBURY, JOHN T.-Stock Broker, 1 Nassau street, New York City; residence 13 West 49th street. Partner in the firm of Van Emburgh & Atterbury, members New York Stock Exchange. Member Metropolitan, Grolier, New York Athletic, Church, Players', Riding, and Racquet and Tennis Clubs, American Geographical Society, and Sons of the Revolution.

ATTERBURY, W. WALLACE - Clergyman, 31 Bible House, New York City; residence 27 West 38th street. Born in Newark, N. J. Educated at Yale College, Law School and Theological Seminary; received degree of D.D. from New York University. Secretary New York Sabbath Committee. Member University Club, American Geographical Society, Yale Alumni and Century Associations, and Sons of the Revolution.

ATWATER, HENRY D.- Banker, 160 Atlantic avenue, Brooklyn; residence 184 Joralemon street. Born in Brooklyn. (Married.) Director South Brooklyn Savings Institution and Brooklyn Eye and Ear Hospital: treasurer and director Brooklyn Homeopathic Hospital: chairman executive committee Brooklyn Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor. Member Hamilton Club,

ATWOOD, CHARLES EDWIN-Physician, Bloomingdale, White Plains. Born in Shoreham, Vt., July 21, 1861. Educated at Cornell ('80) and Bellevue Hospital Medical College ('83). (Married Helen Pearce Jarvis, 1896.) Since 1892 on medical staff New York Hospital, Bloomingdale, and clinical assistant in nervous diseases Medical Department, Columbia University. Member Cornell Club, American Social Science Association, and New York County Medical Society.

ATWOOD, ISAAC MORGAN-President, Canton. Born in Pembroke, Genesee Co., N. Y., March 24, 1838. Educated at Royalton Academy and Lockport High School; studied for the ministry and was ordained. (Married Elmira Church, 1861.) Served in various Universalist pastorates; edited "Christian Leader," 1867-72. President of Canton Theological Seminary since 1879; associate editor "Universalist Leader" of Boston, Mass. Author of "Walks about Zion." "Episcopacy," "A System of Christian Doctrines," and other religious works.

AUCHINCLOSS. HUGH D.-Merchant, 22 William street, New York City; residence 17 West 49th street. (Married.) Trustee Bowery Savings Bank and Consolidated Gas Co.; director Farmers' Loan and Trust Co., Bank of the Manhattan Co., and Syracuse, Binghamton and New York R. R. Co. Member Metropolitan and University Clubs, Century and Down Town Associations, and the New England and St. Andrew's Societies.

AUCHINCLOSS, JOHN W.-Merchant, 22 William street, New York City: residence 26 East 48th street. (Married.) Director Belleville and Southern Illinois

R. R. Co., Illinois Central R. R. Co., Mutual Life Insurance Co., National Safe Deposit Co., and Yazoo and Mississippi Valley R. R. Co. Member Metropolitan, Mendelssohn Glee and New York Yacht Clubs, and Yale Alunni and Century Associations.

AUDSLEY, GEORGE ASHDOWN-Architect and Author, 11 Broadway, New York City; residence Plainfield, N. J. Born in Elgin, Scotland, Sept. 6, 1838. Educated at Elgin Academy. (Married.) Came to the United States, 1892. Has since practiced as architect in New York City. Member of the firm of W. & G. Audsley. With his brother, William James Audsley, built Layton Art Gallery in Milwaukee and Bowling Green Building in New York City. Author (with William J. Audsley) "Illuminated Prisoner of Chillon," "Illuminated Sermon on the Mount," "Hand Book of Christian Symbolism," "Outlines of Ornament in All Styles," "Guide to Illuminating and Missal Painting," "Taste Versus Colors," "Polychromatic Decoration Applied to Buildings in the Gothic Styles," "Cottage, Lodge and Villa Architecture," "Ornamental Arts of Japan," "The Practical Decorator," "The Art of Chromolithography," "Keramic Art of Japan," and other publications. Member Architectural League.

AUERBACH, JOSEPH S.-Lawyer, 32 Nassau street. New York City; residence 7 East Ninth street. Member of the firm of Davies, Stone & Auerbach. Director Audit Co. of New York, City and Suburban Homes Co., Knickerbocker Trust Co., Lawyers' Mortgage Insurance Co., Long Island R. R. Co., Mechanical Rubber Co. and Queens County Bank. Member Association of the Bar of the City of New York, Lawyers', Delta Phi, University, Racquet and Tennis, Riding, Democratic, Fencers', Union, Manhattan, Turf and Field, South Side Sportsmen's and Richmond Hunt Clubs University of New York Alumni Association, and Metropolitan Museum of Art.

AUERBACH, LOUIS-Manufacturer of Neckwear, $36 Broadway, New York City: residence 75 East 80th street. Born in Germany, March 1, 1854. Educated in Germany. (Married.) Member Freundschaft Club and Aldine Association.

AUFHAUSER, SAMUEL Jeweler, 30 Maiden lane, New York City; residence 112 East 62d street. Born in Germany, March 23, 1843. (Widower.) President and director Peckham Seamless Ring Mfg Co. Formerly of the firm of Keller & Untermeyer. Member Freundschaft Verein, American Museum of Natural History, and a number of charitable institutions.

AUSTEN, DAVID-(Colonel.) Receiver of Taxes, 280 Broadway, New York City; residence Southern Boulevard, corner Westchester avenue. Born in New York City, Feb. 6, 1841. Educated at Swinburne Institute, White Plains. (Married.) Member Democratic, Atlantic Yacht, Army and Navy, Knickerbocker Athletic and Union Clubs.

AUSTEN, PETER TOWNSEND-Chemical Expert, 52 Beaver street, New York City; residence 218 St. John's place, Brooklyn. Born in Clifton, S. I., Sept. 10, 1852. Educated at Holden's Private School, Staten Island, Columbia School of Mines (Ph.B) and in Zurich, Switzerland (Ph.D.). (Married Ellen M. Mnuroe, 1878.) Instructor in chemistry, Dartmouth, 1876-7; professor of chemistry, Rutgers, 1877-91; chemical superintendent, W. J. Matheson & Co., 1891-2; professor of chemistry, Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, 1892-6; chief chemist, Pegamoid Co., 1896-8; now president Austen Chemical Research Co. Has been chemist and inspector to Richmond County (N. Y.) Board of Health; chemist to Newark (N. J.) Aqueduct Board, Jersey City (N. J.) Board of Public Works, New Brunswick (N. J.) Board of Health, Newark (N. J.) Board of Health, New Jersey State Board of Agriculture, and Brooklyn Board of Public Works; also New Jersey State Chemist. Was a member German, French and Russian Chemical Societies, New Jersey State Sanitary Association, and English Society of Chemical Industry. Is retained as chemical expert by many large business houses. Member Knickerbocker Athletic Club, American Chemical Society and Association for the Advancement of Science.

AUSTEN, WILLARD-Librarian, Cornell University. Ithaca; residence 5 East avenue. Educated at Cornell ('91). Assistant librarian in charge of Reference Library at Cornell University; also in charge of

the ordering for Southworth Library, Dryden. Member Ithaca Country Club, Beta Theta Pi Society and New York State Library and American Library Associations.

AUSTIN, EUGENE K.-Banker and Treasurer, 13 William street, New York City; residence Rochelle. Educated at Columbia Grammar School and New Packard's Business College. Director East and West R. R. Co. Formerly cashier Eugene Kelly & Co., and colonel 108th Regiment, N. G. N. Y. Lotos Club and Associated Board of Officers. Member

AUSTIN, GEORGE C.-Lawyer, 30 Broad street, New York City; residence 838 West End avenue. Born in Saluvia, Fulton Co., Pa. Educated at Lafayette College (Ph.B., '84) and Columbia Law School ('87). Was instructor New York Law School. Member of the Legislature, 1895-7. Member Delta Kappa Epsilon, Lawyers' and Republican Clubs and Association of the Bar of the City of New York.

AUSTIN, THOMAS-Insurance Agent, Albany. Born in Albany, Dec. 20, 1848. Educated in Albany. (Married.) Trustee Home Savings Bank. Member Albany Club and Masonic orders.

AVERILL, JAMES K.-Lawyer, 5 Beekman street, New York City; residence Park Avenue Hotel, and Averill Park. Born in Sand Lake, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1846. Educated at Phillips Exeter Academy, Phillips Andover Academy, Yale College and Columbia Law School. President Troy and New England R. R. Co. and Averill Park Land Improvement Co.; treasurer K. I. Medicine Co., of New Haven, Conn. Member Law Institute.

AVERY, FRANK MONTGOMERY-Lawyer, 154 Nassau street, New York City; residence 108 Lincoln place, Brooklyn. Born in Brooklyn, Nov. 22, 1857. Educated at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, and the University of the City of New York. (Married.) Member of the firm of Phillips & Avery. Member Montauk Club of Brooklyn, Sons of the Revolution, Sons of the American Revolution, Society of the War of 1812, Society of Colonial Wars, Military Order of Foreign Wars, and American Geographical Society.

AVERY, ROBERT-President, 30 Broad street, New York City; residence 98 Second place, Brooklyn. Born in Tunkhannock, Pa., Sept. 22, 1839. Educated at Wyoming Seminary, Kingston, Pa. (Married.) Vice-presdent, secretary, treasurer and director Virginia Railway Co.; vice-president and director Burlington and Hinesburg Railroad Co.; vice-president and director M. J. Dady & Co.; president and director United Loan and Investment Co. Brevet major-general United States Army (retired). Member Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, and Grand Army of the Republic.

AVERY, SAMUEL PUTNAM-Retired Engraver, 4 East 38th street, New York City. Born in New York City, March 17, 1822. Columbia College, in 1896, conferred upon him the degree of Master of Arts. (Married Mary A., daughter of Henry Aaron Ogden of New York City.) Appointed commissioner of the American art department at the Universal Exhibition of 1867 in Paris, France. Created and endowed the Avery Architectural Library at Columbia College, 1891. Was one of the founders of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. In May, 1900, presented a very valuable collection of prints and etchings to the New York Public Library, of which he is a trustee. Life member Metropolitan Museum of Art, American Museum of Natural History, American Geographical. Historical and Zoological Societies, National Academy of Design, Chamber of Commerce and other bodies; honorary member Architectural League and Typothetæ Society. Member Grolier (president), Union League, Players', City and Tuxedo Clubs, Civil Service Reform and Century Associations, Sculpture Society (vice-president), Sons of the Revolution, Society of Colonial Wars and several others.

AVERY, SAMUEL P., JR.-Art Galleries, 368 Fifth avenue, New York City; residence 4 East 38th street. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1847. (Son of Samuel

P. and Mary [Ogden] Avery.) Educated in New York. (Single.) Member Grolier, Union League, Salmagundi Sketch. City, New York Athletic, Strollers' and Arts Clubs, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Sons of the

Revolution, National Sculpture Society, Folk Lore Club of Chicago, Municipal Art Society, Society of Colonial Wars, Lake Champlain Yacht Club, Inglewood Club of Canada, and New York Botanical, Numismatic and Zoological Societies.

AYCRIGG, B. ARTHUR-Real Estate, 102 Chambers street, New York City; residence 181 West 75th street. Born in Passaic, N. J., Feb. 20, 1863. Educated at Cheltenham Military Academy and Eastman's Business College. (Single.) Member New York Athletic, American Kennel and Metropolitan Kennel Clubs, American Numismatic, Archaeological and American Geographical Societies, Metropolitan Museum of Art, and American Museum of Natural History.

AYER, FREDERICK F.-Lawyer, 35 Wall street, New York City; residence 5 West 57th street. Educated at St. Paul's School and Harvard. (Single.) Director Tribune Association, Lowell and Andover Railroad Co., Tremont and Suffolk Mills of Jersey City, Ayer Co., and Keweenaw Association. Member Union League, Harvard, Metropolitan and Riding Clubs, Down Town Association, and New England Society.

AYERS, EDWARD A.-Physician, 23 West 53d street, New York City. Born in Jacksonville, Ill.,

1855. Educated at Illinois College and New York University. (Married.) Professor obstetrics New York Polyclinic. Attending physician Mothers' and Babies' Hospital. Editor "Obstetrics." Member Academy of Medicine and Salmagundi and Monmouth Beach Country Clubs.

AYERS, HORACE F.-General Manager, 92 Fifth avenue, New York City; residence 203 West 14th street. Born in Morristown, N. J., Oct. 27, 1862. (Single.) Director Francis & Loutrel Co., and general manager Archibald Medical Institute. Member Republican and Morristown Clubs.

AYRAULT, ERNEST F.-Lawyer, 100 Broadway, New York City; residence 41 East 27th street. Secretary and director Trinidad Asphalt Refining Co. Member St. Nicholas, Sigma Phi, University Athletic, University and University Glee Clubs, Columbia University Alumni Association, and Association of the Bar of the City of New York.

AYRES, PHILIP W.-Assistant Secretary, 105 East 22d street, New York City. Born, 1861. Educated at Cornell University ('84) and Johns Hopkins University (Ph.D., '88). (Married.) Assistant secretary Charity Organization Society. Member Congregational and Social Reform Clubs.


BABBITT, EUGENE HOWARD-Teacher, Columbia University, New York City; residence Tarrytown. Born in Bridgeport, Conn., May 8, 1859. Educated at State Normal School ('80), Phillips' Andover ('83), Harvard (A.B., '86), and the Universities of Berlin, Copenhagen and Paris. Was instructor in Harvard College, and in Massachusetts Institute of Technology; now instructor in Germanic languages and literature in Columbia University. Member Modern Language Association of America, and American Dialect Society (ex-secretary).

BABBOTT, FRANK L.-Manufacturer, 316 Broadway, New York City; residence 149 Lincoln place, Brooklyn. Treasurer and director Chelsea Jute Mills; director Atlantic Avenue Elevated R. R. Co., Long Island Ry. Co. and New York and Rockaway Beach R. R. Co.; trustee Long Island Loan and Trust Co. Member Grolier, Hardware and Alpha Delta Phi Clubs, Montauk Club of Brooklyn, and Amherst Alumni and Century Associations.

BABCOCK, CHARLES-Emeritus Professor, Cornell University, Ithaca; residence Sage avenue. Degrees of A.M. and D.D. Emeritus professor of architecture at Cornell University.

BABCOCK, GEORGE H.-Treasurer, Watertown; residence 21 Mullin street. Born in Watertown, Oct. 25, 1851. Educated in Watertown. (Married.) Treasurer H. H. Babcock Co.; trustee Watertown Savings Bank; president Union Club, and City Hospital of Watertown.

BABCOCK, HENRY DENISON Banker and Broker, 17 Broad street, New York City; residence 21 West 49th street. Educated at Columbia College. Member of the firm of Hollister & Babcock. Member Metropolitan, University, Union League, Riding, Rockaway Hunting and New York Yacht Clubs, Down Town Association, New England Society, Chamber of Commerce, Sons of the Revolution, Military Order of Foreign Wars, and Columbia University Alumni Association.

BABCOCK, ISAAC H.-Banker, Lockport. Born in Albany County, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1830. Educated at Wilson Collegiate Institute. (Married.) Member of Assembly, 1872-3. President Farmers' and Mechanics' Savings Bank, and treasurer American District Steam Co.

BABCOCK, JARED S.-Publisher and Stationer, 56 Pine street, New York City; residence 2083 Fifth avenue. Born in Newark, N. J., May 2, 1838. Educated at College of the City of New York ('57). (Married.) Member Harlem Club, Martha's Vineyard Roque Club, and Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity.

BABCOCK, PAUL-President, 26 Broadway, New York City; residence Montclair, N. J. Born in New York, 1841. Educated in New York City. (Married.) President and director Liebig Mf'g Co.; director Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey, and British Columbia Copper Co. Member Atlantic Yacht and Montclair Clubs, and New England Society.

BABCOCK, SAMUEL D.-President, 32 Nassau street, New York City; residence 636 Fifth avenue. President and director New York Real Estate, Central Real Estate, Colonial Real Estate and Manhattan Real Estate Associations, and International Bell Telephone Co.; director American Exchange National Bank, Bank of New Amsterdam, Central Trust Co., City and Suburban Homes Co., Continental Insurance Co., Fifth Avenue Trust Co., Harlem Railroad Co., Guaranty Trust Co., Mf'g Investment Co., Metropolitan Opera and Real Estate Co., National Union Bank, Navesink Park Co., New York Central and Hudson River R. R. Co., Providence and Stonington S. S. Co., Popular Photograph Co., United States Lloyds,

and United States Mortgage and Trust Co.; trustee Mutual Life Insurance Co. President and director Down Town Association. Member Metropolitan, Manhattan, Union, Country, Church, Suburban Riding and Driving, Turf and Field, and New York Yacht Clubs, Century Association, New England, American Fine Arts and American Geographical Societies, National Academy of Design, Metropolitan Museum of Art, and American Museum of Natural History.

BACH, ROBERT B.-Lawyer, 371 Fulton street, Brooklyn; residence Ocean avenue. Born in Brooklyn, July 15, 1851. Educated at College of the City of New York and University Law School. (Married.) Member Marine and Field, Brooklyn, and Crescent Athletic Clubs.

BACHE, ERNEST E.-Lawyer, 156 Broadway, New York City; residence 877 Trinity avenue. Born in New York City, Jan. 11, 1873. Educated in public schools and at University Law School (L.L.B., '93). (Married.)

BACHE, JULES S.-Banker, 66 Exchange place, New York City: residence 8 West 67th street. Born in New York City, Nov. 9, 1861. Educated at Charlier's Institute. (Married.) Senior member of the firm of J. S. Bache & Co., members New York Stock Exchange. President Electric Traction Co. of Chicago; vice-president Central Traction Co. of St. Louis; director New Amsterdam Casualty Co. and American Union Life Insurance Co.; receiver and chairman of the board Detroit and Lima Northern Railway Co. Member New York, Suburban Riding and Driving, Transportation and Lawyers' Clubs, and Liederkranz.

BACHELLER, IRVING-Journalist, 63 Park row, New York City; residence 320 St. Nicholas avenue. Born in Pierrepont, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1859. Was connected with the New York "Press" for several years; now one of the editors of the New York "World." Author of "The Master of Silence," "The Still House of O'Darrow," and numerous other tales and poems.

BACHEM, CONRAD H.-Banker and Broker, 20 Broad street, New York City; residence 180 West 88th street. Educated at Seton Hall College, South Orange, N. J. (Married.) Member of the firm of C. H. Bachem & Co., and of the New York Stock Exchange. Financial agent for several estates. Member Catholic Club.

BACKUS, BRADY ELECTUS-Protestant Episcopalian Clergyman, 360 West 28th street, New York City. Born in Troy, N. Y., March 24, 1839. Educated at Trinity College, Hartford, Conn., and at the (Episcopal) General Theological Seminary, New York City (D.D.). (Married.) Rector Church of the Holy Apostles since 1876. Member New England, New York Bible and Church Prayer Book and Psi Upsilon Societies, Society of Mayflower Descendants, Society of Colonial Wars, Society of the War of 1812, Sons of the Revolution, Washington Guard and Trinity College Alumni and Churchman's Associations.

BACKUS, FOSTER L.-Lawyer, 16 Court street, Brooklyn; residence 13 Lincoln road. Born in Russell, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., Oct. 6. 1849. Educated at St. Lawrence University, Canton. (Married.) Ex-districtattorney of Kings County. Trustee St. Lawrence University. Member Marine and Field, and Parkway Driving Clubs, L. A. W. and Royal Arcanum.

BACKUS, HENRY CLINTON-Lawyer, 71 Broadway, New York City; residence 489 West 22d street. Born in Utica, N. Y., May 31, 1848. (Married.) Member Bar Association of the City of New York, Dwight Alumni and New York State Bar Associations, Republican and Harvard Clubs, American Numismatic and Archaeological Society, American Academy of Political and Social Science, and Biographical Society of America; Fellow American Geographical Society, and honorary member Railway Conductors' Club of North America.

BACKUS, J. BAYARD-Lawyer, 45 Broadway, New York City; residence 107 West 48th street. Born in Schenectady, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1853. Educated at Union College. Member Union College Alumni Association. American Geographical and New England Societies, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Society' of Colonial Wars, and Society of Mayflower Descendants.

BACKUS, TRUMAN JAY-President, Packer Collegiate Institute, Brooklyn; residence 57 Livingston street. Born in Milan, N. Y., Feb. 11, 1842. Educated

at University of Rochester (A.B., '64, A.M., '67, and LL.D., '83.) (Married.) Civil service commissioner of Brooklyn, 1894-7; was also identified with the State civil service system. Is one of the managers of the Long Island State Hospital. Author of "Great English Writers," "Outlines of English Literature" and reviser of Shaw's "History of English Literature." Member Alpha Delta Phi and Hamilton Clubs, Rochester University Alumni and Century Associations, and Phi Beta Kappa Society.

BACON, ALEXANDER S. Lawyer, 34 Wall street, New York City; residence 297 Vanderbilt avenue, Brooklyn. Born in Jackson, Mich., Nov., 20, 1853. Educated at West Point Military Academy. (Married.) Vice-president Webster Piano Co.; director Henning Piano Co.; treasurer Harbor and Suburban Savings and Loan Association and American Sabbath Union. Member of the firm of M. E. Allen & Co. (lumber), and connected with the Magnolia Metal Mf'g Co. Member Union League Club of Brooklyn, and Kismet Shrine.

BACON, DANIEL-Broker, 66 Broadway, New York City; residence 151 West 57th street. Connected with the firm of John Wallace & Co. Member New York Stock Exchange and of the Riding and New York Athletic Clubs, and New England Society.

BACON, DANIEL-Shipping, Produce Exchange, Member New York City; residence 267 Fifth avenue. Union League, Calumet, Country, Larchmont Yacht and Ardsley Clubs.

BACON, EDWARD R.-Lawyer and President, 2 Wall street, New York City; residence 247 Fifth avenue. Born in New York City, Nov. 22, 1846. Educated in Exeter, N. H. (Single.) Director Baltimore and Ohio R. R. Co., Consolidated Coal Co., Farmers' Loan and Trust Co., West Virginia and Pittsburg R. R. Co., and Vicksburg, Shreveport and Pacific R. R. Co. Member Metropolitan, Union. Manhattan, Lawyers', Tuxedo, and Racquet and Tennis Clubs, Association of the Bar of the City of New York, and Down Town Association.

BACON, FRANCIS-Piano Manufacturer, 302 Mott avenue, New York City; residence Bronxville. Born in New York City, Jan. 31, 1831. (Married.) Member Society of Mayflower Descendants, New England Society, and 7th Regiment Veteran Association.

BACON, FRANCIS MCNEIL-Commission Merchant in Woolens, 92 Franklin street, New York City; residence 22 West 10th street. Born in Dorchester, Mass., 1836. Educated in Boston. (Married.) Member of the firm of Bacon & Co. Trustee Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co.; director National City Bank. Member Union League, Union, Players', Merchants' and Church Clubs, Century Association, National Academy of Design, Sons of the American Revolution, and American Geographical and New England Societies.

BACON, FRANCIS MCNEIL, JR. - Commission Merchant in Woolens, 92 Franklin street, New York City; residence 135 East 39th street. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., April 10, 1864. Educated at Harvard. (Married.) Member of the firm of Bacon & Co. Member Knickerbocker and Harvard Clubs.

BACON, GORHAM-Physician and Professor, 47 West 54th street, New York City. Degrees of A.B. and M.D. Professor of otology in Cornell University Medical College; aural surgeon to New York Eye and Ear Infirmary. Member University, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht and Metropolitan Clubs, New England Society, Century Association and Sons of the Revolution.

BACON, JAMES F.- Commission Merchant in Woolens, 92 Franklin street, New York City; residence 22 West 10th street. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 9, 1867. Educated at Columbia College. (Single.)

Member of the firm of Bacon & Co. Member St. Anthony and Knickerbocker Clubs, and Columbia University Alumni Association.

BACON, JOSEPH M.-Coal Merchant, 1178 Fulton street, Brooklyn; residence 614 St. Marks avenue. Born in New York City, Feb. 11, 1858. Educated at public school and University of the City of New York. (Married.) Member Union League Club of Brooklyn, Acanthus Lodge F. & A. M., and Lefferts Council No. 1452, Royal Arcanum.

BACON, LATHROP R.-Broker, 8 Broad street, New York City; residence Tarrytown. Born in New York State. Vice-president and director Columbus and Northwestern R. R. Co.; vice-president San Juan and Rio Piedras R. R. Co., Puerto Rico; director Mobile, Jackson and Kansas City R. R. Co. Member New York Stock Exchange. Member Union League Club, American Geographical Society, and Ardsley Casino of Ardsley-on-Hudson.

BACON, LELAND CAREY-Treasurer, 28 Union square, New York City; residence Mt. Vernon. Born in Central Moreland, Wyoming Co., Pa., 1862. Educated in New York City, at Cooper Union, and United States Medical College. (Married Carrie Beatrice Camp, 1889.) United States Consul at Samana, San Domingo, 1882-3. Treasurer Pan-American Sewing Machine Co.; director Pelham Park and City Island Street Railways.

BACON, ROBERT-Banker, 23 Wall street, New York City; residence 1 Park avenue. Director National City Bank, New England R. R. Co., and Northern Pacific Ry. Co. Member Racquet, Tuxedo and Riding Clubs, and New England Society.

BACON, SELDEN-Lawyer, 154 Nassau street, New York City; residence 393 West End avenue. Born in New Haven, Conn., Sept. 28, 1861. Educated at Yale, Carleton College and University of Wisconsin Law Department. (Married.) Member of the firm of Sackett, Bacon & McQuaid. Trustee American Archaeological Institute. Member Yale and Hardware Clubs, American Geographical Society, Association of the Bar of the City of New York, and American Bar Association.

BACON, STEPHEN H.-Stock Broker, 66 Broadway, New York City; residence 369 Washington avenue, Brooklyn. Born in Brooklyn, Nov. 30, 1849. Educated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. (Single.) Member Excelsior and Polytechnic Clubs, New England Society and Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sci


BACON, WILLIAM POST HAWES, Piano Manufacturer, 302 Mott avenue, New York City; residence Bronxville. Born in New York City, March 14, 1864. Educated at New York University. (Single.) With the firm of Francis Bacon. Member Psi Upsilon Club, 7th Regiment Veteran Association, Society of Mayflower Descendants, Phi Beta Kappa, and Sons of the Revolution.

BADGER, WILLIAM W.-Lawyer, 176 Broadway, New York City; residence 326 West 85th street. Member Sons of the Revolution, Society of Medical Jurisprudence, and Latayette Post, G. A. R.

BADGLEY, CHARLES-Banker and Broker, 18 Wall street, New York City: residence 303 West 78th street. Born in Albany, N. Y., Feb. 5, 1851. Educated at Bonn, Germany. Member of the firm of FloydJones & Robison, members New York Stock Exchange. Member New York Athletic, Barnard, Coney Island Jockey and Turf and Field Clubs.

BAGBY, ALBERT MORRIS-Author and Musician, 18 West 34th street, New York City; residence 21 West 31st street. Born in Rushville, Ill., April 20, 1850. Educated in Berlin, and in Weimar, Germany, under musical instruction of Franz Liszt. Author of "Miss Traumerei," and magazine articles. Member Calumet and Manuscript Clubs.

BAGG, LYMAN HOTCHKISS-Author and Journalist, 107 Waverley place, New York City. Born in West Springfield, Mass., Dec. 24, 1846. (Son of Richard and Susan [Atwater] Bagg.) Educated at Williston Seminary ('65) and at Yale ('69). (Single.) Has resided on Washington square continuously since 1876. Wrote weekly "College Chronicle" for New York

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