Homer and His InfluenceLongmans, Green, 1925 - 169 Seiten |
Im Buch
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Seite 32
... original words of the poet . Many phrases which cannot be brought into English without becoming the flattest prose or டு the worst metrical drivel are expressed in the original [ 32 ] III TRANSLATIONS OF HOMER.
... original words of the poet . Many phrases which cannot be brought into English without becoming the flattest prose or டு the worst metrical drivel are expressed in the original [ 32 ] III TRANSLATIONS OF HOMER.
Seite 33
... original , and I have often been obliged to turn to the Greek in order to find the meaning Chapman intended to convey . A reading of this famous translation gives hardly an inkling of the style or excellencies of Homer . In book VI of ...
... original , and I have often been obliged to turn to the Greek in order to find the meaning Chapman intended to convey . A reading of this famous translation gives hardly an inkling of the style or excellencies of Homer . In book VI of ...
Seite 69
... Original einer sansculottischen Demagogenrede . Helen , Andromache , Hecuba , and Penelope were all wives and mothers , but the poet has so pictured them that each represents something quite apart from the other three . Nausicaa , the ...
... Original einer sansculottischen Demagogenrede . Helen , Andromache , Hecuba , and Penelope were all wives and mothers , but the poet has so pictured them that each represents something quite apart from the other three . Nausicaa , the ...
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Achilles actors Aeneas Aeneid Agamemnon Ajax ancient Andromache anger Aristotle assumed Athena beauty Calypso century Chapman characters CHIGAN Cicero Circe companions Comus contest creation criticism dactyls death divine Dryden early English Ennius epic epic cycle epic poetry fairyland familiar famous father fire genius glory gods Greece Greek Hector Helen Hellas hence Hephaestus hero heroic Hesiod hexameter Homeric poems Homeric poetry Homeric verse honor Horace Iliad influence of Homer Italy JOHN knowledge of Homer language Latin literary literature melody Menelaus meter MICHIGAN Milton native Nestor never Odyssey Olympus original Paradise Lost Paris Patroclus Petrarch Phaeacians poet poetic poetry of Homer Pope Pope's prose Proteus quotations quoted refers Roman Rome scene scholars seems Shakespeare ship Sirens song Sophocles speech story tells Tennyson theme theology Thersites things thou tion told tradition translation Trojans Troy Ulysses UNIV University Virgil Walter Leaf words writers wrote Zeus