Language, Band 42George Melville Bolling, Bernard Bloch Linguistic Society of America, 1966 Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Society in v. 1-11, 1925-34. After 1934 they appear in Its Bulletin. |
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Ergebnisse 1-3 von 11
Seite 764
... Nez Perce forms would be generated : ( 79 ) -wá'wa ( 80 ) píšwa ( 81 ) meċéyu ( 82 ) pí⚫lepu ( 83 ) tú ta ? ( 84 ) ... Nez Perce forms in the recessive series with final / e / , e.g. ( 80 ) ; ( b ) it fails to generate any Nez Perce ...
... Nez Perce forms would be generated : ( 79 ) -wá'wa ( 80 ) píšwa ( 81 ) meċéyu ( 82 ) pí⚫lepu ( 83 ) tú ta ? ( 84 ) ... Nez Perce forms in the recessive series with final / e / , e.g. ( 80 ) ; ( b ) it fails to generate any Nez Perce ...
Seite 766
... Nez Perce is in the first stage of losing vowel harmony by developing a neutral vowel in the high front area , not unlike the stage of Classical Mongolian , 19 while Sahaptin has gone all the way to loss of vowel harmony.20 REFERENCES ...
... Nez Perce is in the first stage of losing vowel harmony by developing a neutral vowel in the high front area , not unlike the stage of Classical Mongolian , 19 while Sahaptin has gone all the way to loss of vowel harmony.20 REFERENCES ...
Seite 767
... Nez Perce . Desmet , Idaho . 1891. Grammatica linguae Numipu . Desmet , Idaho . PHINNEY , ARCHIE . n.d. Nez Perce notes [ ca. 1930 ] . American Philosophical Society Li- brary , MS no . 497.3 B63s Ps la 4 . 1934. Nez Percé texts ...
... Nez Perce . Desmet , Idaho . 1891. Grammatica linguae Numipu . Desmet , Idaho . PHINNEY , ARCHIE . n.d. Nez Perce notes [ ca. 1930 ] . American Philosophical Society Li- brary , MS no . 497.3 B63s Ps la 4 . 1934. Nez Percé texts ...
Dedication | 105 |
Lexical evidence relating Korean to Japanese | 182 |
Genetic linguistics and the probability model | 518 |
Urheberrecht | |
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Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
ablaut adjectives AE speaker allomorphs allophones alternation analysis appear Bartholomae's Law Chinese Chip cited cluster conjugation consonant contrast corresponding derived diachronic dialects diphthongs discussion distich distinctive English example fact final forms German gerund glide góre grammar Hare Hupa indicative initial Japanese Korean language Latin learning lexical linguistic meaning metaphony monophthongization morpheme morphological morphophonemic nasal nasal vowels Nez Perce noun occur Old High German pair palatal paradigm parallelism passive pattern phonemic phonological pitch plural position possible present problem pronoun pronunciation Proto-Germanic reconstruction result rule Sahaptin schwa semantic sentence sequence singular song sound speech stem stressed vowel structure subjunctive suffix syllable syntactic accent tense theory tion tone umlaut underlying underlying representation unrounded utterance variants velar verb verbal vocalic voiceless vowel harmony words