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At Bucharest the committee shall be composed of the members of the municipal council and the members of the first section of the civil tribunal and shall be presided over, when considering all protests concerning the landed proprietors, by the prefect of the district and, in all concerning the lists of the cities, by the mayor of the city.

Article III. The decisions of the committee shall be taken by majority vote, the number of members voting being five at least.

Article IV. The persons who, not having been inscribed on the electoral lists, for whatever reason, shall claim the right to be so inscribed, shall make a concise statement of the rights on which they base their claims. Moreover, each claim shall bear the formal declaration of the claimant to the effect that he is not listed in any other district.

As for those persons who, according to the report of the Department of the Interior, have not satisfied the obligation imposed on them of choosing a domicile, although they have by so doing delayed the preparations of the lists, they shall nevertheless be accorded a period of ten days, dating from July 22, in which to comply with this formality. On the expiration of this period they shall be considered to have elected their domicile in the district where they are actually listed.

Article V. The president of the committee shall indicate on each claim, on its presentation, the day on which the claimant shall present himself be

clamantul va iscăli că i-s'a arătat diua fore the committee in order to prove hotărâtă spre înfățișare.

Art. VI. După espirarea termenului de 30 de dile, nu se va mai putea primi nici o reclamație.

Departamentul din lăuntru este însărcinat a aduce la îndeplinire cuprinderea acestui al nostru ofis, dându-i şi cuviincoasa publicitate. Se va înțelege și cu acela al dreptății pentru membrii tribunalelor de județe, spre a lua parte la lucrările la care se chem. (Urmează semnătura Măriei Sale) Secretarul Statului Al. Dimitrescu.

his right; the claimant shall, for his part declare over his own signature that he has been notified of the day of appearance.

Article VI. On the expiration of the period of thirty days no more claims shall be accepted.

The Department of the Interior is charged with the execution and publication of the present decree. It shall act jointly with the Department of Justice in all that concerns the members of the tribunals called to take part in the work of the committees. (Signed) Mariei Sale. Secretary of State, Al. Dimitrescu.

Identic Note of Aali Pacha to the Representatives of France, Prussia, Russia and Sardinia 1

Constantinople, 4 août 1857.

Les graves communications que vous, M... . ..., ainsi que trois autres chefs de mission, nous avez faites en dernier lieu, relativement aux élections de Moldavie, ont été prises en trèssérieuse considération par les ministres de la Sublime-Porte, et portées à la connaissance de Sa Majesté le Sul


Le gouvernement impérial se croit justifié en ne modifiant pas un principe fixé en commun, aussi longtemps qu'une entente entre tous ne sera pas

Constantinople, August 4, 1857.

The grave communications which you, M. ... ., as well as the three other heads of missions have made to us on the last occasion, regarding the elections in Moldavia, have been taken under very serious consideration by the ministers of the Sublime Porte and brought to the knowledge of His Majesty the Sultan.

The Imperial Government believes itself to be justified in not modifying a principle which has been fixed in common, so long as an agreement be1 Arch. dip., 1866, pt. 2, p. 70. This reply of the Porte being unsatisfactory, diplomatic relations between Turkey and France, Prussia, Russia and Sardinia were broken on August 5 and 6.

établie; mais il déclare sincèrement, dès à présent, que, s'il est constaté d'une manière officielle et légale que les illégalités dont on se plaint, dans l'exécution des ordres de Sa Majesté le Sultan, ont été réellement commises par les agents de la Sublime-Porte qui étaient chargés de cette exécution, il n'hésitera pas à remplir, en pareil cas, les devoirs de justice qui lui incombent.

Néanmoins, la Sublime-Porte espère fermement que Vous reconnaîtrez aussi de votre côté, M. . . . ., qu'avant de prendre une mesure d'une aussi évidente gravité, elle est dans l'obligation de vérifier et constater de quelle façon il a été procédé à l'exécution de ses propres ordres; et, comme le moyen le plus facile de pratiquer cette enquête lui semble être d'appeler ici les caïmacans, en leur qualité de chefs des administrations provisoires chargés de l'exécution des ordres dont il s'agit on leur écrirait de se rendre aussitôt à Constantinople, en confiant a un vékil (substitut) l'administration temporaire du pays.

A leur arrivée ici, les caïmacams seraient interrogés sur leur conduite, en ce qui touche la manière dont ils ont rempli les ordres qu'ils étaient chargés d'exécuter, et, après les investigations les plus minutieuses, un examen sérieux et approfondi, le résultat de l'enquête serait soumis au jugement équitable des légations des hautes puissances contractantes.

tween all shall not have been established; but he declares sincerely that from the present, if it is proved in an official legal manner that the illegalities complained of in the execution of the orders of His Majesty the Sultan have been really committed by the agents of the Sublime Porte, who were entrusted with the execution, it will not hesitate to carry out, in such a juncture, the measures of justice which are necessitated by it.

Nevertheless the Sublime Porte firmly hopes that you will recognize on your side, M. . . . that before taking a measure of such obvious gravity, it is under the obligation to verify and establish the question of how the execution of its order has been proceeded with; and, as the easiest means of proceeding with this inquiry seems to it to be to summon the Caïmacams here, in their quality of heads of the provisional administration charged with the execution of the orders which are in question, they shall be instructed to repair at once to Constantinople, leaving to a vékil (substitute) the temporary administration of the country.

On their arrival here, the Caïmacams shall be interrogated concerning their conduct, in all that touches the manner in which they have carried out the orders which they were instructed to execute, and after the most minute investigations and a serious and profound examination, the result of the inquiry shall be submitted to the equitable judgment of the legations of the high contracting powers.

S'il est donc officiellement prouvé que des illégalités ont eu lieu, la Sublime-Porte, pas plus que toute autre des puissances contractantes, ne saurait admettre des élections entachées d'illégalité, et elle se fait un devoir de déclarer dès aujourd'hui qu'en pareil cas elle se croit fondée à les annuler.

Signé: AALI.

If it is then officially proved that illegalities have taken place, the Sublime Porte can, no more than any other contracting power, admit elections tainted with illegality, and it makes it its duty to declare from today that in such a case it believes itself justified in annulling them.

Signed: AALI. *

Manifesto of the Central Committee of Bucharest (Wallachia). August 3/15, 1857 1

En vertu des anciens droits de notre pays, droits consacrés par les Capitulations que nos princes moldaves et valaques ont conclues avec la SublimePorte, et en conséquence du Traité de Paris du 18/30 mars 1856, voulant conserver dans toute leur intégrité ces droits de nos ancêtres, qui forment les bases de notre autonomie, et respecter en même temps les droits de suzeraineté de la Sublime-Porte, stipulés par lesdites Capitulations, nous pouvons résumer ainsi nos vœux:

1o Garantie de notre autonomie et de nos droits internationaux, tels qu'ils ressortent des Capitulations des années 1393, 1460 et 1513; conclus entre les pays roumains et la puissance suzeraine; de plus, neutralité du territoire moldo-valaque;

2o Union de Valachie et de la Moldavie en un seul État et sous un seul Gouvernement;

In virtue of the ancient rights of our country, rights consecrated by the Capitulations which our Moldavian and Wallachian princes concluded with the Sublime Porte, and in consequence of the Treaty of Paris of the 18/30 of March, 1856, and wishing to conserve in all their integrity these rights of our ancestors, which form the basis of our autonomy, and at the same time respect the rights of suzerainty of the Sublime Porte, stipulated by the aforesaid Capitulations, we may thus summarize our wishes:

1. A guarantee of our autonomy and of our international rights, as they are set forth in the Capitulations of the years 1393, 1460 and 1513, concluded between the Roumanian countries and the suzerain power; further, neutrality of the MoldoWallachian territory;

2. The Union of Moldavia and Wallachia into a single State and under a single Government;

1 Arch. dip., 1866, pt. 2, p. 73. The date is August 3, O. S.

3o Prince étranger héréditaire, qui serait choisi dans une dynastie régnante de l'Europe, et dont les héritiers, nés dans le pays, seraient élevés dans la religion du pays;

4o Gouvernement représentatif avec une seule assemblée générale, selon les anciens usages. Cette assemblée serait le produit d'un corps électoral, formé d'après un système assez large pour que les intérêts de toutes les classes de la société y fussent représentés.

Telles sont les bases sur lesquelles nous croyons qu'il est possible d'établir l'organisation politique des deux Principautés roumaines.

Les réformes intérieures seraient faites par l'assemblée générale, composée d'après le principe exposé au quatrième point et qui se réunirait après l'établissement de la future constitution des deux pays.

Toutefois, nous déclarons que notre profession de foi peut se résumer dans ces principes:

Respect du droit de propriété, de quelque nature que ce soit;

Égalité de tous les Roumains devant la loi ;

Liberté individuelle et liberté du travail pour le paysan.

Convaincus que, sur les quatre bases ci-dessus spécifiés, repose l'existence politique et nationale de notre patrie, nous, soussignés, investis du droit électoral, devant confier le sort du pays à des députés au Divan ad hoc, nous engageons à ne donner nos suffrages qu'à ceux-là seulement qui, avant le jour du scrutin, auront dé

3. A foreign hereditary Prince, who should be chosen from a reigning European dynasty, and whose heirs, born in the country, should be brought up in the religion of the country.

4. A representative Government with a single general assembly, according to the ancient custom. This assembly should be the result of an electoral body, formed upon a system sufficiently broad so that the interests of all classes of society would be represented therein.

Such are the bases upon which we believe that it is possible to establish the political organization of the two Roumanian Principalities

Internal reforms should be made by the general assembly, constituted upon the principle set forth in the fourth point, and which would meet after the establishment of the future constitution of the two countries.

At the same time, we declare that our profession of faith may be summed up in these principles:


Respect for the rights of property any kind whatsoever; Equality of all Roumanians before the law;

Individual liberty and liberty of the peasant to work.

Convinced that upon the four bases above stated rests the political and national existence of our country, we, the undersigned, invested with the right of suffrage, wishing to confide the destiny of the country to the deputies to the Divan ad hoc, pledge ourselves to give our votes to those only who, before the day of election, shall

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