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scendent excellency of Elijah remains to be adduced. When our blessed Saviour was transfigured on mount Tabor, he condescended to indulge three of his disciples with a foresight of his subsequent advancement to glory. On this solemn occasion, he might have commanded the holy angels to attend upon him. But in their stead he placed two of the ancient Prophets, whom the Jews always held in the highest veneration; the one the giver, and the other the restorer, of that Law which to be completely fulfilled in himself, Moses and Elijah. These personages conversed with him, who from the beginning was God, on a topic the most important and interesting-the sufferings, which he was to undergo at Jerusalem. His disciples were struck with the utmost awe at the disclosure. Peter, ever impetuous in his temper, when he beheld them ready to depart, expressed his desire that the delightful intercourse might not be interrupted. Lord, if thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles; one for thee, one for Moses, and one for Elias. Whilst he was uttering these words of zeal without knowledge, behold a bright cloud overshadowed them. Jesus Christ received from God the Father honour and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory: "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." And when the disciples heard it, they fell on their faces, and were sore afraid; and



Jesus came, and touched them, and said; "Arise, and be not afraid." And, when they lifted up their eyes, they saw no man save Jesus only.

Of the blessedness of Elijah in heaven no doubt can be admitted. How consoling is the reflexion to the good Christian, that when he has finished his earthly course, he likewise shall be received into the general Assembly and Church of the firstborn, with Moses, with Elijah, and with all the Prophets !




• Our County, as the curious observe, is the Epitome of England, whatsoever is excellent in the whole Land being to be found in proportion there. Beside this, God hath been pleased to make it the Birth-place and Nursery of many great Men.'

(Dr. George Hickes' Sermon, preached at the Yorkshire Feast in Bow Church, London, June 11, 1682.)

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One may call and justify this to be the best Shire of England, and that not by the help of the general Katachresis of Good for Great (a good blow,' 'a good piece,' &c.) but in the proper acceptation thereof.

(Fuller's Worthies, II. 489.)

Non adeo obtusi gestamus pectora

Nec tam aversus equos nostrâ Sol jungit ab urbe.

(Virg. Æn. I. 571.)



Was born at Beverley. His parents lie buried at Kingston-upon-Hull, where he built a Charity, and where he also established a free-school for the benefit of the inhabitants. Fuller observes that Bale, who is not very liberal of his praises, has characterised Alcock as "given to learning and piety from his childhood, growing from grace to grace, so that in his age none in England was higher in holiness." A religious house founded at Cambridge by Malcolm (of the Scots royal race) in 1133, and dedicated to St. Radegund, being with all it's lands conferred by Henry VIII. and Pope Julius II. upon Alcock, he converted it into a College dedicated to Jesus, to the Virgin Mary, and to St. Radegund. The original establishment consisted of one master, six fellows, and six scholars. In 1472, being Dean of St. Stephen's, Westminster, and Master of the Rolls, he became Bishop of Rochester. In 1476, he was translated to the See of Worcester; and, in 1486, to that of Ely. He died October 1, 1500, and was buried in his chapel at Hull.

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