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Does any body play? and is answered, No, he must name the Trump, after which, he may call to his Affiftance any King, except that of Trumps.

He who has the King which has been called, affifts the Ombre; and if between them they make five Tricks, they have jointly won, and the principal Player, that is, the Ombre, takes up two of the three Counters, and the Friend one. When the Counters happen to be even, they equally divide them.

It is Remife when the Ombre and the auxiliary King make but four Tricks between them: In fuch case the first puts down two Counters, and the other one.

They lofe Codille, if they make but three, and in this Cafe the other three Players have a Bight to take up each of them one Counter.

The Laws of this five-handed Ombre appoint, that the four eldest Hands having paed, the fifth, let him have ever fo bad a Game, is obliged to play, calling however a King to his Affiftance.

If Codille is won, and there are four, or five Counters down, each of the Three who defended the Game are to take up one: By confequence there are either one or two remaining upon the Board. If there is but one, it belongs to him who has the highest Trump; if two, the other is for him, of the two reD maining

maining Defendants, who has the next beft Trump.

If Codille is loft the firft Time, the three Defendants, who win it, take up, each of them, a Counter, and the remaining two are to be played for in the following Deal.

If the Ombre, having called a King, hap pens to win the Vole, he receives two Counters from each of the Defendants; and if the Number chances to be odd, the auxiliary King has one.

It may fometimes happen that there are more to be divided by Reason of the Beaftes that have been made; in fuch Cafe, the Ombre and the auxiliary King equally divide the Spoil; and if the Number is odd, (except in Cafe of the Vole) the odd one belongs to the Ombre.

In this FIVE handed Ombre, he who undertakes to play for the Vole and miscarries in his Enterprize, incurs no Penalty, having nothing to pay to the other Players.

He who is beafted, lays down as many Counters as he should have taken up, had he won the Game.

The Matadores are to be paid for, only when they are found in one Hand, and the Auxiliary-king has no Share in that Payment when they were in the Ombre's Hand; to whom they are to be paid.

If, on the contrary, they are in the Auxi

liary King's Hand, they are to be payed to him; but if the Ombre and the Friend are beafted, he of the two, who had the Matadores in his Hand, is to pay them to the rest, except to his Fellow-Lofer. This Law is to be understood in the fame Sense when they win jointly.

The pleasantest and most diverting Part of this Game, is, concealing the King the Ombre has called; inafmuch as the Ombre is all the while in Pain, and at a Lofs to know what he has to do, and very often gives the Advantage to his Adverfaries, imagining he does it to his Friend.

For lofing Deal there is no Penalty; the Cards must only be fhuffled and dealt over again.

These are the Rules of the OLD Quintille. We next come to the New Quintille, which is now brought as near as poffible to the Laws of Quadrille. The first Thing we are to take Notice of, in laying down the Rules of the New Quintille is, that it follows the Laws of Quadrille in every Point, except where there is a Neceffity of deviating from them. So that it fhall fuffice, with the Laws, which are peculiar to it, to mention fome Rules abstracted from Quadrille, by Reason that they are wholly contrary to the old Manner of playing this Game.

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The Stakes, Marking, and Paying the Game, are the fame as at Quadrille.

When you have agreed upon the Value of each Fish, the Places drawn, and when it is known who must deal, the Dealer is to ftake down one Fish, and each of the others one Counter for the Game, after which the Dealer, having caufed the Cards to be cut by his Left-hand Man, is to give 8 Cards a-piece, 4 at a Time, nor muft he deal any other Way.

The Cards, being dealt, every one is to fpeak in his Turn, beginning at the eldest Hand. If any one has a Hand to be played with the Affiftance of a King, he is to afk the Queftion, faying, Does any Body play? If he is anfwered in the Negative, he is to name the Trump and call a King, who, in Conjunction with him, to win, must make 5 Tricks; and they lofe it by Remifse if they make but Four, and by Codille, if they make lefs.

If they win, they are paid the Rewards, and the Matadores, in cafe they had them; and if they lofe, they equally pay the Rewards, and Matadores, if they had them, whether they are beafted by Codille or Remife.

Obferve, that there is no mention made of paying the Game, as at Quadrille; because we faid at first, that every one must stake down, and by Confequence those who win must draw


the Stakes, whether the Ombre alone, or with the Help of a King; or the Defendants if they won Codille.

The Beaßte, and whatever else is to be paid, is done one half by the Ombre, and the other by the King his Ally; if in the Payment there happens to be an odd Counter, the Ombre is to pay it; as in the Winnings they divide equally, and the odd Counter falls to the Ombre's Share.

This Game is not fo rigorous towards the Ombre as Quadrille, fince he can never be beafted alone when he calls a King, even if he makes but one Trick, but the AuxiliaryKing is always to contribute one half.

If all the five Players have passed, and he who has Spedille, is obliged to play, calling a King, he follows all the Laws of those, who play voluntarily.

In Regard to playing Sans-prendre; the Laws of Quadrille are to be obferved in all Points. the other four Players being united against him who plays Sans-prendre; who, to win, must alone make 5 Tricks; being beafted by Remife, if he makes but 4, and by Codille if lefs than 4.

When he who plays Sans-prendre, or calls a King he has in his own Hand, lofes Codille, the four Players his Adversaries divide amongst them what was played for; and if there are any odd Counters, as it often happens, He of D 3


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