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A Good Player will venture to play upon a weaker Game when he is to lead, or play laft, than when he is fecond, as I obferved before of Difcarding.

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Now I have laid down every Rule of Ombre; but notwithstanding all my Directions, let a Perfon play with ever fo much Judg ment and Caution, he will often find him. felf disappointed in his Game; for Fortune will have a Hand in fmall Things, as well as Great, fo that it is not to be expected that the best Gamefters fhall always win you may lose upon a very good Game, when all the Trumps that are against you fall into one Hand; on the contrary, when they happen to be divided, you may win a very fmall Game. I once faw a very good Player lofe a Game with four Matadores and three Kings: You will imagine the Cards must be very strangely difpofed; for it happened that the Eight Trumps which were againft

against him (I fay Eight, for he played in Red) were all in one Hand; fo that his Kings being all trumped, he won but four Tricks.

As frequent Difputes are like to arife at Ombre, and People are feldom fatisfied with the Judgment of the Standers-by; I have fubjoined a Table of all the Rules and Articles of the Game; which will decide Difputes very impartially.

I fhall now speak of the different Sorts of Ombre.

Of La Efpadilla por Fuerca, that is, Force Spadille, or Efpadille Forcé.


HIS Manner of playing at Ombre may be diverting enough where People do not play for any thing, because Beaftes happen almost continually, and the Codille is often won when it is leaft expected; but where People play for Money, it is quite different: For Ombre, which is a Game of Art and Judgment, when it is thus played, degenerates into a Game of Chance; and Conduct can be of no Ufe to a good Player, who finds Spadille in his Hand very ill attended.

It is played like the Game at Ombre we have defcribed; every one fpeaks in his Turn, and if all pass, then he who has Spadille in his Hand is obliged to play, let his


Game be ever fo bad; therefore when the others have paffed, he has nothing to do but to name his Trump, and to discard.

But he who has Spadille may pafs, to fee if either of the other Two will put him out of his Pain, and Play; if they do not, he must Play, as is faid before.

When all pass, and no-body owns Spadille, the Cards that are left must be examined ; and if it be not in the Stock, it must be in fome Hand: In this Cafe, he who has it, and did not own it, incurs a Beafte, and the Deal is not to be played, because the Cards were feen.

This is all that can be faid of this Sort of Ombre, which is feldom played for Money, because indeed it fpoils the Game.



HIS is a new Way of playing at Ombré and is feldom practifed but where People play for Trifles. The Method of it is thus When all have paffed, one Perfon declares to play Gafcarille; then that Perfon lays out eight Cards, and after having taken in, and examined his Game, he names the Trump of that Suit in which he is the strongest.


Sometimes he who plays Gafcarille lays out all nine; and obferve, that he is obliged to lay out at least eight.

If he wins his Game he is to receive three a-piece for Gafcarille; if he lofes it, he pays them three a-piece.

He pays, or receives, for Matadores, as at the other Games of Ombre.


Of the W HIM.

HIS is another odd Way of playing at Ombre, and feems to be invented for Variety fake; it is thus:

When all have paffed, one declares to play the Whim that Perfon is to turn up the Top-Card of the Stock, and whatever Suit that happens to be of, is his Trump, and he is obliged to abide by it.

Then he discards, and takes in what Number he pleases, and the Card turned up muft be one of them.

The Person who plays thus, if he wins his Game, receives nothing for playing the Whim, nor pays any thing if he lofes it.

He pays, or receives for Matadores, as at the other Games of Ombre.




HE French, ever fond of Novelty, and equally fickle in their Drefs and Diverfions, have inoculated feveral Cyons upon the Spanish Root of this Game of OMBRE.

QUADRILLE, or Ombre by FoUR, varies from Ombre, by THREE, in having all the 40 Cards dealt out; to each Perfon ten a piece, thus: Twice Three, and once Four; or once Four, and twice Three, as the Dealer pleases; but the Cards must not be dealt out One and One, or Two and Two, as fome raw Players irregularly practise.

If any Card whatever be turned, the Deal is loft, because no Difcarding is allowed in this Game.

There is no Forfeit upon lofing the Deal, the Dealer being only obliged to deal the Cards over again. Quadrille, in most Refpects, follows the Laws and Rules of the other Kinds of Ombre, excepting one Variation, called, Au Roy rendu, (the King given up,) which is, that the Perfon who has the King that was called, is at Liberty to furrender his Majesty to the Ombre, who in return muft given him another Card out of his Game.


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