Abbildungen der Seite

Suit to you, in which it's probable he was ftrongeft, your Adverfary might have difcovered your Design of establishing a Saw, and by trumping about, have hindered your making your fmall Trumps: Thus will, your Partner readily difcern the Reasons that induced you to change Suits; and direct his Play accordingly.

N. B. See-faw is when each Partner trumps a Suit, and they play thofe Suits into each other's Hands.

XV. Put a Cafe. AB are Partners against CD; Cor D has the only Trump left; A holds 3 or 4 winning Cards of a Suit already played, and an Ace and a fmall Card in another Suit: In this Cafe fhall A throw away one of his winning Cards, or the fmall Card which he holds with his Ace? A. He ought to throw away one of his winning Cards, for this Reafon; that if his Right-hand Adver fary play to his Ace-Suit, he may pafs it, and fo his Partner B has an equal Chance to hold a better Card in that Suit than the third Hand, if he should be fo lucky, and has likewife a forcing Card, or a Card to play to his Partner's Suit, in order to bring out the laft Trump, by his remaining Ace he brings in his winning Cards. But if A had thrown away his fmall Card to his Ace-Suit, and that Suit had been led by his Right-hand Adversary, he must have played his Ace, and fo

have loft fome Tricks by this Way of playing.

XVI. You hold Ace and Deuce of Trumps, and are ftrong in the other three Suits, you muft lead with your Ace, and follow it with your Deuce of Trumps, that fo you may put the Lead into your Partner's Hand, in order to get out 2 Trumps for 1; if the last Player wins that Trick, and leads a Suit in which you have Ace, King, and 2 or 3 more, let it pafs, for it is an equal Bett, that in that Suit your Partner has a better Card than the third Hand; and if he has, it will be in his Power to get out two Trumps to one; when it is your Lead, you must try to force out 1 of the 2 Trumps that are left, if 11 Trumps have been played out, and it's great Odds but your Partner has 1 of the 2 remaining Trumps.


XVII. Ten Cards have been played out, and you have Reafon to believe that three Trumps remain in the Hands of your Lefthand Adverfary, viz. Two fmall Trumps and the beft; you have only two Trumps, and your Partner none; your Right-hand Adverfary plays a thirteenth, or fome other winning Card, your best way will be to pass it, which will gain you a Trick.

XVIII Ten Cards have been played out, and you have a Suit in which are the King, Ten, and a fmall Card, not yet led; you have likewife won fix Tricks; your Partner leads

leads to your Suit, and there is neither Trump nor thirteenth Card in any Hand, you are not in this Cafe obliged to play your King, unless forced to it by your Adversary's putting on a high Card; for upon the Return of that Suit you will make your King, and likewife the odd Trick, which makes a Difference of 2. If there fhould be 9 Cards played out, and under the like Circumftance, the fame Method of Play is to be observed, unless by the gaining of two Tricks, you can either prevent a Lurch, or win or fave a Game.

XIX. You are willing your Partner should know the State of your Game; in order to which, we fhall fuppofe you have a QuartMajor in Trumps (or any other Four of the best Trumps) when you are forced to trump a Card, do it with your Ace, and then throw the Knave; or win it with the highest of any of your other Four beft Trumps, and then throw the loweft, which will fufficiently instruct your Partner in your Game, and be the Means of winning feveral Tricks; this Rule may be practised in other Suits.

XX. AB are Partners against CD; B has the two beft Trumps, and the Queen, Knave, and Nine of another Suit; A has neither Ace, King, nor Ten of that Suit, B is to lead it: What Card muft he play to give him a probable Chance of winning a Trick in that Suit? A. Let him play the Nine; for it is only 5 to 4


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against him, that the Ten is held by his Lefthand Adverfary; who, it is about 3 to 1, holds the Ace or King, and therefore B will lose his Queen or Knave if he plays either of them; and fo reduces the Odds of 3 to 1 against him, to 5 to 4 only.

XXI. When you are at the Point of 8, if your Partner calls before the proper Time, you are to play a Trump to him, tho' you should not be strong in Trumps or Suits, fince as he calls before he is obliged fo to do, it is a Proof that he is ftrong in Trumps.

XXII. You hold the Ace, King, and Three or Four small Cards of a Suit which has not been played, and you have good Reason to believe your Partner holds the last Trump; if it is your Lead, throw a fmall Card in that Suit, it being an equal Bett, that your Partner holds a better Card in it than the laft Player, and if he does, the Chance is in your Favour, that you make 5 or 6 Tricks in that Suit: But fhould you play out your Ace and King of that Suit, it's 2 to 1 that you make but two Tricks in it, because it's 2 to 1 that your Partner has not the Queen; and thus, to gain one Trick only, you run the Hazard of lofing 3 or 4.

XXIII. Your Partner has the Ace, Queen, Knave, and many more in one Suit, from which he leads the Ace, and follows it with his Queen; if the King, and 2 fmall Cards of


that Suit is in your Hands, win his Queen with the King, and if you are strong in Trumps, clear the Board of them, and then playing a fmall Card to his good Suit, you may by this Means gain many Tricks.

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XXIV. AB are Partners against CD; C deals; holds the King, Knave, Nine, and Seven of Clubs, which are Trumps; a QuartMajor in Diamonds, a Terce-Major in Hearts, and the Ace and King of Spades.-B has nine Diamonds, two Spades, and two Hearts, D holds the Ace, Queen, Ten, and Eight of Trumps, with nine Spades. C has five Trumps and eight Hearts.-A leads a Trump, which D wins, D plays a Spade which C his Partner trumps; C leads a Trump, which D wins; D leads a Spade, which C trumps; C plays a Trump, which D wins; and as D has the beft Trump, he plays it; D then plays his feven Spades, and wins them all; and thus AB are flam'd.

DIRECTIONS in particular CASES.

CE is turned up on your Right-hand,

A and you hold the. Ten and Nine of

Trumps only, with Ace, King, and Queen of another Suit, and 8 Cards of no Signifi


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