The Compleat Gamester: In Three Parts ...J. Hodges, 1754 - 324 Seiten |
Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
a-piece Ace of Clubs Ace of Spades Advantage Adver Adverſary Adverſary's alſo anſwer aſk Baſto Beafte Beasted Beaſtes becauſe beſides beſt Cafe called Caſe cauſe Cock Codille Conſequence Counters Deal Dealer dealt Diamonds diſcard Duce elder Hand eſpecially faid firſt Game fome fure Gameſters Guinea hath hold Honour Horſe Knave lead leſs likewife lofes loſe Manille Matadores moſt muſt name the Trump Nine Number obliged to play obſerve odd Trick Odds Ombre Partner paſs paſſed Pawns Perſon play the Ace play the King plays Sans-prendre pleaſe Points Quadrille Quart Queen Quint Reaſon reckon Renounce reſt ſame ſay ſecond ſeen Sequents ſet ſeveral ſhall ſhew ſhould happen ſingle ſmall Card ſome ſometimes Spadille ſpeak Stake ſtand ſtill strong in Trumps ſuch ſuppoſe Tables theſe thoſe Three ſmall Trumps throw Tierce Trumps in Hand turned unleſs uſed weak in Trumps wins the Vole
Beliebte Passagen
Seite 72 - Lurk'd in her hand, and mourn'd his captive queen. He springs to vengeance with an eager pace, And falls like thunder on the prostrate ace. The nymph exulting fills with shouts the sky, The walls, the woods, and long canals reply.
Seite 71 - Led off two captive trumps, and swept the board. As many more Manillio forc'd to yield, And march'da victor from the verdant field. Him Basto follow'd, but his fate more hard Gain'd but one trump, and one plebeian card.
Seite 71 - Of broken troops an easy conquest find. Clubs, diamonds, hearts, in wild disorder seen, With throngs promiscuous strow the level green.
Seite 71 - What boots the regal circle on his head, His giant limbs, in state unwieldy spread; That long behind he trails his pompous robe, And, of all monarchs...
Seite 70 - Soon as she spreads her hand, th' aerial guard Descend, and sit on each important card : First Ariel perch'd upon a matadore, Then each, according to the rank they bore ; For sylphs, yet mindful of their ancient race, Are, as when women, wondrous fond of place.
Seite 289 - Tho' sober, but might venture sev'n to one; Contracting, like a dying taper, all His strength, intending with the blow to fall, He struggles up, and having taken wind, Ventures a blow, and strikes the other blind. And now poor Norfolk, having lost his eyes, Fights only guided by antipathies: With him (alas !) the proverb holds not true, The blows his eyes ne'er saw, his heart must rue.
Seite 71 - In fhow like leaders of the fwarthy Moors. Spadillio firft, unconquerable Lord! Led off two captive trumps, and fwept the board. As many more Manillio forc'd to yield, Andmarch'da victor from the verdant field.
Seite 71 - His giant limbs, in state unwieldy spread; That long behind he trails his pompous robe, And, of all monarchs, only grasps the globe? The baron now his diamonds pours apace; Th...
Seite 72 - And wins (oh, fhameful chance !) the Queen of Hearts. At this the blood the virgin's cheek forfook, A livid palenefs fpreads o'er all her look ; She fees, and trembles at th' approaching ill, Juft in the jaws of ruin and codille.
Seite 1 - Ombre, or The Man. It was so named as requiring thought and reflection, which are qualities peculiar to man, or rather alluding to him who undertakes to play the game against the rest of the gamesters, and is called the man. To play it well requires a great deal of application, and let a man be ever so expert, he will be apt to fall into mistakes if he think of anything else, or is disturbed by the conversation of them that look on.