Abbildungen der Seite

The Motives of the Soldier.-This article is an attempt based upon the author's experience in the British army to estimate the part played by each factor in the complex of motives which actuated the soldier. Specifically, the questions are: What made men join up? What sustained them during the long war? What is the effect of the war upon the soldier? The motives for enlisting were (1) submoral impulses -the love of fighting, the element of romance, the hatred of the enemy and mass excitement; (2) moral motives, the cases in which action depended upon some "ought" or other. This class includes both those who believed in the rightness of the war and many who did not; (3) compulsion by some external agency. Social compulsion was just as much a force as was conscription and during the second year of the war reached an extraordinary intensity. At close quarters war imposes such a strain upon human nature that the motives that animate the recruit are not always sufficient to sustain him throughout the course of the war. The army cares very little for the motives which make men join up. It relies upon its power to make men over again by its own process-discipline. The personality of the army soon becomes more real to the soldier than his own soul. The whole army discipline is for the purpose of merging the individual into the mass. Discipline is a very different thing from leadership. Leadership acknowledges the individual's will and seeks to enlist its co-operation. Discipline makes no such acknowledgment. The negative side of discipline is fear. The positive element is esprit de corps. In a long-drawn-out war, belief in the cause will sustain a soldier when other motives fail. The business of war is to kill and for this reason hatred of the enemy is deliberately inculcated. Warfare is brutalizing, it reduces the soldier to the primitive. The benefits of army life, if any, are only incidental.-J. H. Procter, The International Journal of Ethics, October, 1920. O. B. Y.


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